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Chapter 82

Chapter 82


Amanda walked down the stairs with her mother on her left and Angel on her right as the little girl

refused to let go of her hand and go with Elsa/

All eyes were on her and the little girl as people wondered whether she was already married or hada

child out of wedlock.

The Scotts weren’t the only people who were shocked, as Arya was also and started panicking.

She knew that Amanda’s surname was Anderson but she thought it was a coincidence and theywerer

related to the man he knew but it seemed she was wrong.

Damien’s eyes were complicated as he found hard to believe. Although everything had alwayspointed to

the fact that Amanda was the young lady of the Anderson, he never wanted to believe it as it washard

accepting that the woman had left her family, and the riches just to serve them. Now he understood

why Amanda never asked for a penny when they divorced.

Now he knew that Amanda loved him more than Marie does. There was no need to suspect thatAmanda hac

married him for business secrets as their families were far behind Amanda’s.

His mother looked at Amanda and felt as if she had lost a precious item. She hated Amanda causeshe

came from a humble family but who would have thought that she had hidden her background sowell thai

they were successfully fooled? She started being dissatisfied with Marie as although the lady was

from a wealthy family, she couldn’t be on the same level as her ex–daughter–in–law.

Eunice and Marie looked at Amanda with just eyes. They wondered why she came from a richerfamily

than theirs. Eunice felt ashamed that she had always shown off her family’s wealth but now she

guessed that both Amanda and Elsa were laughing at her secretly. This thought made her glare at

Amanda sharply.

Marie started wondering whether Damien would still marry her now he knew that Amanda hadpower backers. This made her panic and release killing intent aura as she stared at Amanda as shefelt more

threatened than before.

Damien looked at the Angel who carried some resemblance to Amanda but he clearly rememberedthi had never touched her as he had always she was disgusting. His eyes darkened when he

wondered whether

she had cheated on him when they were still married and that was the reason she didn’t throw any

Chapter 82:

tantrum when his grandma proposed divorce and as he threw the papers on her face.

But he shook it off when he remembered the little girl calling Amanda Aunty.

Ariana had a smile on her face when she saw how beautiful her sister was.

5 Stare

Looking at how grand the party was and the people everywhere, Amanda was speechless as shewon

whether that was the true meaning of a simple party according to her big brother.

Her mother saw her reaction and started panicking, she averted her gaze and looked at Angel. Themore

she looked at her, the more she found her familiar and saw some resemblance to her son makingher

frown but wiped it off immediately.

“Good evening. Many of you have been asking who our youngest daughter is and why she hasn’tbee brought in public but now you have also seen her. Actually, she still didn’t want this as she hadordered a simple birthday party but we thought it was the high time she was introduced to you all.

She has entered the business industry and has her own fashion brand. You should all support her.

Also, if she has offended someone out there, I know my daughter and I believe that it wasn’t herfaul Anyways, if she offends someone out there, we are sorry on her behalf but if you try oppressingor punishing her, don’t blame us for being ruthless,” Mr. Anderson, Amanda’s dad said the lastwords


Adrian who had been happy some moments ago was still in shock as his eyes were still on Angelreminded him of a person. But he didn’t do anything foolish as he knew that he would be able to

confirm whether she was the one or not.

Amanda who had just stepped on the last stairs, saw her father extending her hand for her to takebut as she tried to free herself from Angerl’s grip, Angel started crying loudly taking everyone’s

attention and making her mother’s face turn pale.

“Aunty doesn’t love Angel anymore,” she said.

Ariana, Ace, Marco, and Luke who Angel knew stepped forward as they loved the little girl so muchand

couldn’t bear seeing her crying.

“Baby, don’t cry.” Amanda said as she bent.

“Angel, come let’s go eat some ice cream and chicken nuggets,” Marco said as he extended hishands to carry her but the little girl hid behind Amanda.


16:50 Thu, 2 May

Chapter 82

5 Glare

“No! Uncle Marco, you won’t bribe me with food today!” she said loudly and firmly making everyonelaugh as Marco’s face turned red out of embarrassment but didn’t say or do anything to her.

“You bastard, Look even a small kid like her notices you love eating,” Mrs Anderson, Amanda’saunt

said as she beat her son.

“But, Mom, you are the best chef in the world, how can I not become a foodie?” Marco asked as hefel

wronged but he earned more beatings.

“Princess, come let’s go,” Ace said without saying anything about food after seeing what happenedto


“No! Every time I am with you, you are always surrounded by all types of women. Some of themsmell

like they are fish others use some weird sprays,” Angel said as she shook her head.

The elders in the room were amused while the ladies who had previously been surrounding Aceglared a

Angel with hatred.

“Angel, come let me show you where your aunt Amanda hid the teddy bears she bought last time,”Lu


“Uncle, you just know how to spend your money. I am afraid that you might be already poor by thetime

you find someone to marry, An


“Can’t you find other things to bribe me with instead of using Aunty’s stuff? Or you are already

poor?” she asked innocently making Amanda and Ariana laugh loudly at Luke.

“You! The next time we go shopping I won’t buy you anything! Also, I am the one who paid for the

teddy bears, not your aunty!” Luke said.

“So what if you paid for them? Weren’t you buying them for Aunty? Uncle, I thought you knew the

meaning of being generous! When you pay something for someone it isn’t yours and you shouldn’tg

around talking about it!” Angel said stubbornly making Luke run his hands on his head beforewalking


The two Andersons were amused as they had never seen anyone other than Amanda getting ontheir sons‘ nerves and getting away scott–free.

“Angel. can you stop being stubborn? It is your aunty’s birthday and erandoa wants her to deliver a


16:50 Thu, 2 May

Chapter 82

5 Stars

“You! The next time we go shopping I won’t buy you anything! Also, I am the one who paid for theteddy bears, not your aunty!” Luke said.

“So what if you paid for them? Weren’t you buying them for Aunty? Uncle, I thought you knew themeaning of being

Benerous! When you pay something for someone it isn’t yours and you shouldn’t go around talkingabout it!” Angel said stubbornly making Luke run his hands on his head before walking


The two Andersons were amused as they had never seen anyone other than Amanda getting ontheir sons‘ nerves and getting away scott–free. novelbin

“Angel, can you stop being stubborn? It is your aunty’s birthday and grandpa wants her to deliver aspeech before she goes to cut the cake,” Ariana said in a serious tone as although she spoiled thelittle girl, she was also a spoiled kid.

At that moment, Arya ran forward.

“Angel, stop being stubborn. If you continue you will never see them again,” she said sternly makingAngel lower her head.

She had been spoiled so much by the Andersons siblings and stayed with Amanda that she learnedto also tease them and be stubborn.

“She isn’t going anywhere! And she will see them anytime she wants,” a cold voice sounded from a


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