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Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Her laughter echoed around the room, shocking everyone.

Everyone knew Ariana Anderson as a cold, heartless person now seeing her laughing, theycouldn’t

believe it. Some even started to wonder whether the Andersons and the Flores were relatedbecause the

girls were so close to each other.

Damien’s attention was also attracted by the laugh. He looked at the four women seated together

talking and laughing with a frown on his face.

‘Ariana Anderson, Amanda Anderson. Is Amanda really from the Andersons? No, it can’t be! Whydid she become his wife and suffer for many years when she had such a prestigious background?No. She


Damien’s mind was a mess as he tried to figure out the relationship between Amanda and theAndersons Although he still didn’t want to accept that Amanda wasn’t from that family. He knew thatshe was the only person his family had wronged thus she had to be the sister both Luke and Arianatalked about.

“No, she isn’t from the Andersons!” he shouted in his mind

“Pay up then,” Ariana said after laughing as she looked at the three each at different times.

“Poor me, can you guys lend me cash I will pay after we triple the cash or when I turn twenty?”Rose asked Elsa and Amanda as she pouted but they ignored her.

“Ariana. Please, please can I pay you on my twentieth birthday?” Rose asked Ariana after seeingshe

was being ignored. novelbin

“Sister, we bought a two hundred kg moonstone jewel at a billion,” Amanda said, making Ariana roll

her eyes.

The people seated around and behind them could clearly hear their conversation. They looked atAriana

and then at Amanda and saw the similarities between them.

“No way! Don’t think I will forget you guys are supposed to pay me back!” Ariana said as she shook

her head.

14:27 Wed, 1 May

Chapter 57

Up to 30% off

Although they had doubted Amanda’s identity, hearing her calling Ariana sister freely without Arianagetting angry, they knew that she was really the youngest child of the Andersons.

“Then go tell Dad to give you! Or Adrian. This project will surely be under the Anderson and Flores

Corps,” Amanda said angrily as she threw her hands up.

“You girl you take as if you don’t have fifty billion in your pocket! You are becoming stingy,”

Ariana said.

“Also, where should it be under the companies? We all want to grow and become famous in theindustry

Why don’t you try dealing with it under your own companies?” Ariana said, making them look ather.

“On one side, you can build estates on the south. Make them luxurious so that it would even attract

the rich. On the other hand, you can build other houses for the average person. In between the two

estates, you can build a shopping mall, school, an amusement park, and restaurants. In this way,people living there will be shopping at that mall. The kids will be going to the schools,” Ariana addedwhen she saw their gazes.

“Of course it will take years but you can make sure that in those years, your companies, designingclothes, jewels, and hotels will be famous. In this way, people will find buying houses there worth

it,” she continued.

“Well, maybe you can join us so that you can help. After all, you have been in the industry more thaus,” Amanda said, making both Elsa and Rose nod their heads.

“Come on, the auction has ended, let’s go and pay so that we can leave this place as soon aspossible,” Ariana told them, making them look at her as if she were an alien.

Since they had been talking, they didn’t pay attention to anything else that was happening aroundthem thus they were quite surprised when they found Ariana was still paying attention to what was


She stood up leaving them there staring at each other.

“There is no way I am letting you pay! I hate being in debt,” Amanda shouted as she stood up

hurriedly before running backstage.

Ariana chuckled while all who heard her and didn’t know their relationships wondered whereAmanda had gotten the guts to speak to the almighty female CEO in that tone.

Wed, 1 May

Chapter 57

Up to 3% oft

“Ariana, do you think that the moonstone can produce a lot of jewels?” Elsa asked in a low tone as itwould be her first time designing something that would undergo production and be worn bysomeone

Ariana glanced at her briefly but she was able to detect fear in her eyes.

“Whether it can produce a lot of jewels is still unknown as it will depend on the designs. So first

draw sketches then we will figure it out,” Ariana said, making Elsa nod her head.

“I know what you are afraid of but it also makes me wonder something. Didn’t you ever go for an

internship because if you did, you wouldn’t be panicking like this.” Ariana said as she glanced at

her to see her expression.

“When I was supposed to, the company started to have a financial crisis. Also, our family businessdoes not include clothing and jewel industries thus I was supposed to go to the Scotts Corp forintern but I was dismissed and no other company could take me.” Elsa explained as she felt pain in

her heart when she remembered those dark days.

“Oh, sorry. You and your family have suffered a lot cause of Amanda. We will repay you for alwaysstanding with her.” Ariana said softly, making Elsa glance at her cause Ariana had never spoken to

her in that tone.

“No, it’s okay. She is my best friend and best friends should always have each other’s back.” Ekasaid hurriedly because she didn’t want Amanda’s family to think that they stood against the Scottsdespite being attacked because of their money and wanted them to owe them a favor.

Ariana nodded her head.

“I have already spoken to Amanda, you will go to AA Fashion International Company for fourmonths sc that you can learn from them before opening your own company. I don’t want to losemoney ‘cause I will be investing in your company,” Ariana said, making Elsa halt.

“Elsa, why have you stopped walking?” Rose, who was behind them, asked

“Ariana, is it true?” Elsa asked, making Ariana raise her eyebrows at her.

Elsa suddenly screamed, making people in front and behind her close their ears.

“Ariana, what have you been eating lately?” she asked after apologizing to them.

-Chapter 57

Ariana nodded her head.

Up to 30% off.

“I have already spoken to Amanda, you will go to AA Fashion International Company for fourmonths so that you can learn from them before opening your own company. I don’t want to losemoney ‘cause I will be investing in your company,” Ariana said, making Elsa halt.

“Elsa, why have you stopped walking?” Rose, who was behind them, asked.

“Ariana, is it true?” Elsa asked, making Ariana raise her eyebrows at her.

Elsa suddenly screamed, making people in front and behind her close their ears.

“Ariana, what have you been eating lately?” she asked after apologizing to them.

“Why?” Ariana asked with a frown on her face.

“You have changed! You have become so soft,” Elsa said, making Ariana glare at her.

“I knew I shouldn’t have been so kind to you. Maybe I shouldn’t invest in the company” Ariana said,

making Elsa shut her m*uth.

“No no no. I am sorry. You are still the cold aloof gorgeous elegant CEO,” Elsa said hurriedlymaking

Ariana smile coldly at her.

“Miss Anderson, can I talk to you?” Damien’s voice sounded.

Chapter 58

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