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Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Up to 30% off

Two weeks passed, and Jason’s company was renamed Aflavor Corp.

“Miss, the two–week deadline has passed,” one of the managers said in a meeting.

Nodding her head in agreement, Amanda’s gaze remained on her laptop as she tapped the table.

All eyes were on her every move. As time went by, they stopped fearing her as they saw her as akind

and easygoing person. Although Amanda’s demeanor was cold, they had already gotten used toher.

They wondered why she wasn’t saying anything even after hearing what he had said. Winnie, whoha

gotten closer to Amanda than the rest, cleared her throat, averted her gaze from Amanda, andlooked

at the report on the table.

“Miss, we have already finished the production of the clothes which are supposed to be released.

Everything in our team is ready,” Winnie said as she continued to explain everything further.

“On Monday and yesterday, Ace Anderson and Victoria were present for the shooting. We havefinish editing the adverts. We have the photos, please look at them,” the manager from the salesand

marketing department said.

Amanda finally lifted her head and looked at the people in the room. Her eyes, which were big,stared

at them as a calm yet fierce aura surrounded her.

They lowered their heads afraid that she might lecture them for speaking when she was busy withher


“I know what you have already done. Don’t forget that I have secretaries. They had already sent

everything that I needed to see.”

Her calm voice surrounded the room while her blue twinkling eyes looked at them.

“Miss, what is the next step?” A man asked out of curiosity.

“I have released some news through our Twitter handle. Let’s wait for a week for our stocks to goup

then we release the outfits,” Amanda said, making them look at each other.

Churray 15

*In the meantime, we can organize ourselves to go to the next building”

They were all shocked. The first time they heard her talking about it, they thought she was justjoking but now… novelbin

“Miss, what will happen to this building?” Winnie asked since she felt that they were wasting a lot oftime.

“I haven’t thought about it but since we will also start a jewelry company, we can just turn thiscompany into that or real estate, I am not sure about it yet.”

Her voice was rather calm and indifferent as if she was not using any money for that. Heremployees looked as if she was crazy but at the same time, they were really envious of her.

“I have bought the buildings around so as we can explore different industries once we make it to thetop, we can all be in one building.”

“Miss, but if we will still end up in one

building, why can’t we all stay there?” another said,

making a smile form on Amanda’s face.


“What are you guys afraid that I might end up on the streets?” She teased them but they loweredtheir heads out of shame because they understood that they weren’t in the same world.

“Just don’t need to worry. We have started this journey together. Also, some of the managers heremight work in those companies as CEOs thus I hope you can be dedicated in your work. I don’twant to hear anyone saying that I am biased when you are the one who has been idling during workhours.”

They were so happy but they did not dare scream out. The smiles on their faces broadened as their

eyes shone with determination to get the opportunity.”

“Don’t worry Miss, we won’t let you down.”

Amanda nodded her head as she smiled at the person who had just talked.

“As you know, we don’t have a vice president, so I had to get help. I took four employees to be mysecretaries and learn under James since he is my brother’s secretary. I have now decided toappoint at vice president and I will give him one of my secretaries.”

Amanda stopped speaking. She raised her eyebrows as she looked around the room to seewhether th


Chapter 35

holding her chin.

Up to 30% off

“Miss, some of the secretaries were from various departments, I am afraid that they have gottenused. to their work and aren’t comfortable with being secretaries,” Clare said with a frown on herface.

“You may think that way but I have already had a chat with them. Don’t worry, I won’t mistreat themand I will also increase their salary since they are my exclusive secretaries. You should all respectthem. They are just under James so the same way you treat him you should also treat them. I don’tcare whether they were always under any of you. You must respect each other.”

Amanda’s tone was firm and she released a threatening aura as if she was challenging anyone togo against her words.

“Don’t worry Miss, we will give them the respect they deserve,” Winnie said on behalf of herfellows,

making Amanda nod her head in her direction.

“Now, I will announce the vice president. I hope that I can congratulate the person and not beenvious The rest of you will have the chance to be the CEOs of the upcoming companies. Forexample, Mr Daniel who is the head of cutlery and the canteen, will be the head manager or shouldI say the CEO of the restaurant under development. Clare, you will be in charge of the technologycompany and so

1. on.

Claire and Daniel were in disbelief as they listened to their names being mentioned. Clare had

thought that she might be the vice president. Even though she failed to get that position, she waspleased. Her eyes shone brightly as tears threatened to escape. Daniel was already crying as hedid not expect such a thing. To him, he already prepared himself that he would be fired as thecompany would not have a canteen anymore. He found it challenging to manage a restaurant buthe loved challenges.

Others looked at them with disbelief but since they had gone through a hard time together, theywere happy that some of them would be successful but deep down, they hoped that they wouldhave such luck.

Seeing their looks, Amanda shook her head in disbelief but she knew what the position meant tothen since she was once poorer than them. She tapped the table with her left hand, gaining



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