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Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Damien felt cold all of a sudden. He had not thought of it but now, hearing the man asking thequestion, he knew that he was.

He refused to think further as to him, he had done nothing wrong.

“Mr Anderson, please do not accuse my son for something he hasn’t done,” Harriet said as shetrembled.

“Who do you think you are to speak when I am talking to you? I am not saying something that I amno! sure of. Your family will have to pay the price for what you did. It seems that God is even on ourside since the old woman’s health has started deteriorating.” Luke said, making Damien’s eyes turncold.

“You better leave my grandmother out of it. If you have an issue with me please come to me but notmy

family,” Damien said coldly making Luke chuckle before he became serious.

“Leave her? Isn’t she also included in what you all did?” Luke asked, making the Scotts confused

since the old woman never had enemies as she was always kind to all.

“Confused? Mr Scott. The same way you oppressed the Flores just to revenge for your littlemistress

it’s the same way we, the Andersons will oppress you, the Scotts for what you all did. Maybe not

today or tomorrow but keep your eyes open as your days are opened,” Luke said, shocking Damienan his mother since they never expected the Andersons to declare war.

“Why do you seem shocked? Do you think that you are the only person who knows avenging theirlo

ones? What goes around comes back around,” Luke said coldly before turning around and started


Harriet started panicking while Damien frowned as he looked at the departing figure.

“Mr Anderson please do not do this,” Harriet shouted as she stood up making everyone in thecorridor

look at her.

“Do what? When your son oppressed the Flores, did he show mercy? No! The same way herefused to show mercy to them even after they begged is the same way I, my brothers and sisterswill do. You are so lucky that our parents aren’t aware of anything! Goodbye Mr Scott. Thecountdown started today hence

o them even arter they begged is the same way 1, my brothers and sisters will do. Tou are so luckythat our parents aren’t aware of anything! Goodbye Mr Scott. The countdown started today hence


should know that the clock is ticking.” Luke said loudly without caring who was listening before hedisappeared.

Eunice frowned upon seeing her brother and mother panicking.

“Mom, who was that man?” Eunice asked as she stood up.

“He is Luke Anderson from the Anderson family,” Harriet answered shocking Eunice.

“The same Anderson which is the richest in the country?” She asked, making Harriet nod her head.

“Why has he declared war on us? Brother, what would happen when people know that theAnderson: after us?” Eunice asked in a panic since she knew that her good days were coming to anend.

Damien’s frown deepened upon hearing the question and seeing her panic. He had always spoiledhis sister thus it pained him greatly to see how she looked.


“You don’t need to worry, since he has said that they won’t be taking revenge on us either today ortomorrow but in the future. I have time to investigate and know why they hate us so much, Damien

said as he patted Eunice’s back.

“Damien, do you think that just knowing that would even help?” Harriet asked with a frown as shewondered what was wrong with her son.

“No really but it will help. If I find out that it was my mistake, I will kneel down and apologize if bydoing so it will save our family but if it isn’t, I will make whoever caused the enmity pay,”

Damien said coldly making the two calm down a bit.

At this time, the door of the emergency room opened, making them turn their heads in thatdirection.

“Doctor, how is my grandmother?” Damien asked, immediately he saw the doctor.

“She is out of danger but you should be careful. Try not to argue with her or shock her by telling hersomething that will make her worry so as not to cause another episode. She will be transferred tothe ward immediately. She is unconscious but she will wake up after thirty minutes,” the doctor said,making the family sigh in relief. novelbin

“Thank you, doctor,” Damien said, making the doctor nod before leaving.

After some minutes, the old woman was pushed out of the room and the family followed behindher.

They did not dare speak when they were in the ward as they waited for her to wake up.

“Brother, when will granny wake up?” Eunice asked as she held Damien’s shirt.

“Soon,” Damien answered softly as he looked at her.

They later saw her fingers moving, making them rush to her side. Damien poured some water intoa

glass and walked towards the bed.

The old woman opened her eyes and frowned upon seeing the white ceiling and smelling themedicin


“What are we doing in a hospital?” she asked after sitting down and drinking the water.

“Granny. You fainted making us worried,” Eunice said as she held the old woman’s hand.

“I am fine now, aren’t I? We should go back home now,” the old woman said since she hatedstaying ir hospitals.

“Grandma, how can you say that? You should stay here for observations,” Damien said, making theold woman glare at him.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you a grown man who cannot be told anything? Also, didn’t I saythat


Chapter 12


“What are you doing here? Aren’t you a grown man who cannot be told anything? Also, didn’t I saythat I don’t have a grandson anymore?” the old woman said as she felt to beat him up,

“Grandma, you will always be my grandma and I will always be your grandson, Damien said in atired


“Is that so? Then why did you leave upon hearing my words? It was as if you were happy that Idisowned you,” she said sharply, making Damien sigh.

“I am sorry granny. I will do anything you want me to do today,” he said, making the old woman rollher eyes.

“If you say so. I want you to pick up this phone and apologize to the Floreses and let them hear howsincere you sound,” she said as she picked up the phone on the stand..

“Grandma, you know I can’t do that,” he said stubbornly.

“Weren’t you the one who said that you will do anything I want you to do? Or you were lying to meand don’t see me as your grandmother anymore?” she said as she sounded agitated making bothHarriet a

Eunice panic.

“Brother, what are you doing? Don’t forget what the doctor said. Please do as she said,” Eunicesaid.

“Okay,” Damien said in a low tone as he picked up the phone and dialed the Flores’s number.

12:06 Wed, 1 May MEM

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