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Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Damien stayed at the office as not because he didn’t want to go home but because he had receiveda

call from the company when he walked out of Marie’s ward.

He was so shocked and wondered why things weren’t going his way but upon a close look, hestarted to regret how he had treated Amanda as he discovered that everything started when hedivorced her. He didn’t need to be told as he knew that the Andersons might have been so mad athim that they started taking action but it was just a little bit thus no one noticed. Even he shrugged itoff when he missed some projects with big companies thinking that his proposals weren’t goodenough.

When he arrived at the company, he didn’t talk to anyone, just walked into his office and locked inas he didn’t want any disturbance.

Also, he knew that with everything that was happening, his parents and grandmother would be keer

an eye on him.

He had been searching for some projects offered by other companies that had been financed.Althoug he knew that if he went to fight for those small projects, he would be laughed at, he didn’tcare as he wanted to save his family’s business.

To him, they could laugh at him however they wanted but he was so confident in himself and knewthat after that, he would emerge a successful businessman just as he was in the last few hours.

He had looked at a lot of the projects searching for companies to collaborate then chose some ofthem which he was confident would make good profits.

He was so tired but he wanted to continue working thus he stood up, went to the coffee maker, andmade himself a cup of coffee to energize himself and prevent him from sleeping.

He picked up a call and dialed his friend’s contact.

Bro,” the person on the other side said.

“I need your help. Can you please lend me money? I will pay you back. Also, do you have anygood projects in your hands?” Damien asked.

-The person on the other side remained silent as he didn’t know what to say and at the sametime



Tue, 21 May


Chapter 173

Up to 30% off

wondered whether the rumors which had been circulating were true. Although Damien’s wordsconfir the rumors, he didn’t want to accept the harsh reality.

“Bro, it isn’t that I don’t want to help. I have been hearing rumors about you and had wanted toreach out and help by handing some projects to you so that you can revive your company but Dadand that stupid brother of mine found out. I was suspended from work and Dad took over thecompany thus l

currently have no say in the company. At hand, I only have less than ten million,” the other party


Damien’s face was expressionless and his eyes didn’t have any emotion when he heard thosewords.

“Okay. Thank you so much,” Damien said emotionless.

“No need to thank me! I haven’t even helped you out,” the person said and Damien hung up thecall.

He called a few more people but he didn’t get help as they all came with different excuses. Hewanted to believe them but he knew that they didn’t want to risk offending the Andersons for him.

He understood them as he could never help anyone who had offended a person who was somightier him. Also, no one in his family would have agreed to him helping them thus, he didn’tblame them.

He called on the last person who he knew had a lot of connections although he wasn’t in thebusiness

industry. novelbin

“Hello,” he said.

“Hello, Mr Scott. Is there any problem? I just found out that your fiancée has been discharged. Howis she doing?” the person on the other end said.

“She is fine. Didn’t you say that she was faking illnesses? How can a person who fakes illnessesnot be fine?” Damien said making the person on the other end chuckle.

“Then why are you calling me?”

“I need your help…” Damien wanted to elaborate on what he needed help with but he wasinterrupte

“No need to explain yourself. I know that your company is facing crises thus I am sure you want meto help out in that, am I right?” he asked.

“Yes. I will…”


10:02 Tue, 21 May u M

Chapter 173

Up to 30% off

‘I am sorry but I can’t help you. We aren’t familiar with each other. Also, I will send something to youright now. Make sure you check it out,” the person said before hanging up.

After some minutes, he received a message but before he clicked on it, he received a call from


‘Dad,” he said in a low yet respectful tone.

“Your sister just arrived. How are things there? Mom explained to me everything,” his father said.

“It is worse, the Gilberts have attacked us in Riverside City, and the morning, the Rodriguez familyattacked us. The Andersons haven’t taken action yet. Amanda went back to the capital thus I amsure that she won’t have time to deal with us now,” Damien explained making the man hum.

“Should I send you money to revive the company right now or should we wait?” his father asked.

There was silence for a while.

“I was planning on fighting for projects first. If you have money, I can fight for good projectssearching for finances,” Damien said.

“That’s a good plan. Make sure that even if the stocks are at their lowest, no one from outside buysthe shares,” his father said before hanging up.

He was so disappointed in his son that he didn’t want to waste his time as he knew that they mightstart fighting.

Damien then clicked on the message and moans filled the office. When he saw the figure, he was


A call interrupted him, making him thank the person, but his eyes turned cold when he saw thename.

“Damien, you have to save Marie! She has been caught,” a woman said as she cried on the otherside.

“I already told her that I don’t want anything with her. I have also canceled the wedding. Go saveyour daughter don’t call me,” Damien said coldly.

“Okay then. She said that if you don’t go to the station to see and get her out, she will tell them

10:02 Tue, 21 May


Chapter 173


Up to 30% off

There was silence for a while.

“I was planning on fighting for projects first. If you have money, I can fight for good projects

searching for finances,” Damien said.

“That’s a good plan. Make sure that even if the stocks are at their lowest, no one from outside buysthe shares,” his father said before hanging up.

He was so disappointed in his son that he didn’t want to waste his time as he knew that they mightstart fighting.

Damien then clicked on the message and moans filled the office. When he saw the figure, he was


A call interrupted him, making him thank the person, but his eyes turned cold when he saw thename.

“Damien, you have to save Marie! She has been caught,” a woman said as she cried on the otherside.

“I already told her that I don’t want anything with her. I have also canceled the wedding. Go saveyour daughter don’t call me,” Damien said coldly.

“Okay then. She said that if you don’t go to the station to see and get her out, she will tell themeverything,” Mrs Lopez said coldly.

“How dare she!” he roared angrily.

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