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Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Everyone in the living room looked at the shaking young lady as they wondered what was goingon.

“What did you do Eunice?” Damien asked as he had a premonition in his heart after seeing her inthat state.

“After Marie said that the Andersons attacked because of me, I was so mad and thought thatAmanda was

just looking for excuses to make us suffer thus I wanted her to feel it too. Although we aren’t as novelbin

powerful as they are and we indeed lack money, I wanted to humiliate her. I paid someone from hercompany to keep a close eye on her and tell me her schedule. After knowing, I followed her andpaid a waiter to drug her. She had indeed taken the drug and booked a room which I had planned tosend

someone to sleep with her. In the morning, I called the media but when we went to the room, wedidn’t find her but the security guards said that she didn’t leave the hotel,” Eunice told themeverything

as she knew that she had messed up so much and was in fear of what the Andersons would doafter they

discover that she was the one.

Just as Damien was about to say anything, his phone rang and interrupted him. He wanted toignore it but after it rang thrice and he saw that the caller was Fabian, he knew that something mighthave happened for the latter to call at such an hour.

“What is it?” he asked in an irritated tone.

“Sir, after the Andersons withdrew all the investments they had made in our company and theprojects we sought help from the Rodrigues whom we found were hiding their true power as wehoped that w could establish a friendship with them that even if the Andersons oppress us to thepoint of bankruptcy, they will help. After all, if it weren’t for their help, we would have alreadydeclared bankruptcy,” Fabian said.

“What are you trying to say? Can’t you stop beating around the bush and say what you want tosay?” Damien said coldly wishing that he would fire him.

“Sir, they have withdrawn the investments and terminated the contracts. They said that they won’tpay any termination fee as we have wronged them. Mr Rodrigues also said that if we dare make amove or Miss Anderson or the Andersons, he will personally deal with us, not teaching us a lessonand leaving Amanda to make the final move and destroy us,” Fabian explained and everyonein the room had it as Damien had accidentally pressed on the speaker.

09:41 Sat, 18 May

Chapter 168

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“I am finished!” Eunice said as she knew that whatever she had done was the cause of what had


“What’s the relationship between the two families?” Damien asked.

When he approached Mr. Rodrigues so that they could become business partners after finding outhis

true strength, he thought that Mr. Rodrigues and Mr. Adrian Anderson would be enemies as theirfamilies were on par. As the saying says, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But now, it seemedthat

he had been fooled.

“I have checked it out and discovered that before he left, the latter had met with Mr Anderson and

the two seemed to have a good friendship. Also, some people from the capital had come to findAmanda

hoping that the Andersons would side with them to deal with Mr Rodriques and his family but Miss

Anderson refused and they have all flown back to the capital,” Fabian replied.

“Okay. Eunice made a mistake and currently, we can use that to turn things around. I will contactyou later,” Damien said before hanging up without waiting for a reply from the latter.

> Crossed Amanda once more but since the latter is not in the city

“Do both of you want to kill me? On one side; is my grandson who is madly in love with a womanwho

caused trouble for our family, on the other is my precious granddaughter who never thinks and doesthings out of anger. Are you all happy that you are now ruining your grandfather’s legacy? Heworked so hard for it but what are both of you doing?” Old Mrs Scott said as she felt as if she couldbeat

them up.

“Damien you better leave this instant and go deal with the mess. Although it is your sister’s fault,your woman is the cause of all these!” she added as she threw a cup towards Damien who dodgedit i


“Okay, Grandma,” he said in a low tone before leaving.

“Eunice, pack your things and leave. Go abroad where Dad is. I don’t want you to be got in themiddle. Also, you might end up losing everything if you have to declare bankruptcy. I will book aticket for you when I am on my way to the company,” Damien said when he reached the door.

“Eunice, learn to control your anger. Also, you have always used your brother’s money to buyeverything you want thus you have a lot of money in your savings. I am not asking you to lend it to

the company but I hope that you

will use that money to start a business for yourself as I don’t think


09:41 Sat, 18 May


Chapter 168

Okay, Granama, ne said in a low tone berore leaving.


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“Eunice, pack your things and leave. Go abroad where Dad is. I don’t want you to be got in themiddle. Also, you might end up losing everything if you have to declare bankruptcy. I will book aticket for you when I am on my way to the company,” Damien said when he reached the door.

“Eunice, learn to control your anger. Also, you have always used your brother’s money to buyeverything you want thus you have a lot of money in your savings. I am not asking you to lend it tothe company but I hope that you will use that money to start a business for yourself as I don’t thinkthat your brother will succeed today,” Old Mrs Scott said as she looked at Eunice.

“Your brother is doing this for your good, The Andersons have always been ruthless. They alwaysmake sure that they have left someone penniless and Damien doesn’t want that to happen to you.Also, with what you did, they might use the same method unto you thus hurry up and leave beforethey hear about it and prevent your departure,” Harriet said as she was worried for her daughtermore than she was

worried for herself.

Damien didn’t go directly to the company as he felt that he needed Marie’s help.

He had deposited most of his personal money in the company hoping to revive it when they startedworking with the Rodrigues thus he didn’t have much to add. When he thought of what Marie had tolhim, he thought that if he acquired the Lopez Corp, he would be able to turn things around.

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