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Chapter 164

Chapter 164 1575 “Where was Miss Anderson yesterday?” a cold voice asked as he looked out the window. “Sir, Miss Anderson was having dinner with some people from the capital,” a calm voice responded. “From the capital?” “Yes sir. As you know, the Andersons have been quite busy with family issues. I just discovered thatLuke got married and as you know, Adrian has a daughter. Now, most of their time is dedicated totheir family as the rest give their time to their youngest sister, Amanda Anderson.” “Then what did those men and women want from her? She isn’t in charge of the Andersonenterprise: thus ‘ n’t understand why they were here,” the cold voice said but there was a hint of confusion in his tone. “Sir, I checked who she was having dinner with. They are the three richest families in the capital. Iam sure that they know how much you have been working hard. Also, most people who are close toy and have businesses with you have started claiming that you have a lot of power, connections,and finances equal to the Andersons.” “Well, at least that is true,” the man replied as he turned around and started walking towards his office chair. “The people who visited Miss Anderson are afraid that if you get the land and the project from thatinternational company, you would be unstoppable and won’t be able to get rid of you. They met.withMiss Anderson in the name of partnering to get the project but at the end of the discussion, they toldher about you. I am quite surprised that although Miss Anderson hasn’t been in the businessindustry for long, she can tell what they want from their words. She told them that she wasn’t s t u pi d enough to start fighting you as she was afraid that you might share their prestige status with you.She also said that she was sure that they were waiting for chances when both you and theAndersons were fighting so that they could join forces, attack, and also take all the profitablenovelbin

businesses, In the end, she requested that if they wanted to continue in doing business together,they might as well look for her eldest brother,” the secretary said. “Seems that because I have been building my business empire and haven’t gotten to teach some ofth people who oppose me or those who covet my belongs, they think that I am easy to bully huh?They think that I don’t want to have that prominent status or be known as the richest person in this 14:13 Tue, 14 May Chapter 164 think that I dont want to have that prominent status or pe known as the richest person in thiscountry?” he asked coldly making the office temperature decrease significantly. 50% x1575 “Sir,” the secretary said in a low tone as he couldn’t take it as the aura his boss was releasing was too overwhelming for him. “Then how did she get drugged if she was having dinner with them?” the man asked as he tried to control his anger. “I have checked the private room security footage and Miss Amanda never left the room in themiddle of the discussion. None of them left too,” the secretary answered as he couldn’t understandwhy his boss was asking such questions. “So, you mean that they aren’t the ones that drugged her? That’s not possible! Maybe they talked toone of the waitresses or chef before Amanda walked in?” the man seated on the chair asked as he lea on it lazily. “I have also checked what they did when they walked into the hotel. They didn’t talk to anyemployee,” the secretary answered in fear as he knew that his boss must be mad that nothing couldbe found but that wasn’t entirely the case. “But, sir, I saw a woman handing something to a waitress. The same waitress was the one thatserved Miss Anderson and also helped her in getting a room in the hotel,” the secretary said as hewas afraid that he might be sent away as a punishment.

“What are you trying to say?” the man asked coldly as he sat upright and stared at his right-hand man. “After Miss Anderson got out of the room, it could be seen that she was sta g g e ri n g thus I thinkthat she felt something was amiss and thought that those men and women were the ones that haddrugged her When she walked out, she met the waitress and with her help, she registered andbooked a room so she could sleep in for the night as she was afraid of what might happen to her.But she mistakenly reached the top floor and ended up in your room,” the secretary said. “Have you discovered the identity of the woman?” the man asked coldly as he wanted to see whohad the guts to drug someone in his hotel and also drug Anderson’s young miss. At the same time, he thought that he needed to thank the person for the gift they had given the last night. 14:13 Tue, 14 May D 50% Chapter 164 x1575 When she walked out, she met the waitress and with her help, she registered and booked a roomso she could sleep in for the night as she was afraid of what might happen to her. But shemistakenly reached the top floor and ended up in your room,” the secretary said. “Have you discovered the identity of the woman?” the man asked coldly as he wanted to see whohad the guts to drug someone in his hotel and also drug Anderson’s young miss. At the same time, he thought that he needed to thank the person for the gift they had given the last night. “Why are you staring at me instead of answering my question?” the man asked coldly. “Mr Rodr , the person who paid the waitress is Scott’s youngest miss. You might not know but there is an enmity between the Andersons and the Scotts. Also, Miss Amanda Anderson had beenmarried to Damien Scott for four years before getting a divorce and being reunited with her family,” the

secretary said making Antonio’s eyes darken and his face colder than before. “Married? She has been married?” he asked angrily yet coldly as he sneered but something cameto his mind and his mood improved. ‘So what if she had been married? I am her first!’ he said to himself. “Get someone to teach the Scotts a lesson. As much as I want to bankrupt them, Amanda will dothat as I think she may want to ruin them on her own. I will just give her a hand. No, teach them some manners before she finds out who drugged her,” Antonio said coldly. “Okay, Boss.” “Also, release everything. We have hidden ourselves and our power. Let everyone see how muchpowe connection, and finances we have. That way, we will know whether the Andersons are therichest!”

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