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Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Eunice had woken up with a different spirit and mood as if nothing had happened previously.She prepared herself then went out even without having breakfast as she was filled withhatred and anger and all she could think of was making Amanda pay.

She picked up one of her cars in the garage and drove off. Damien who had already wokenup and had heard her bedroom door opening and closing, walked out but he was too late ashe just saw the car

driving off.

I hope that she will be okay and that she won’t do anything stupid. I wish that I didn’t hideanything just to protect her relationship with Marie if I had known that such things wouldhappen cause of my secrecy,‘ he said to himself then walked back into the house.

As he saw his baby sister leaving without having breakfast and as he was also worried andhad a lot of things on his mind thus he also picked up his briefcase and left.

The butler looked at the scene and shook his head hoping that the truth would be known sosoon so that his young miss would not suffer as he knew that she was suffering.

Eunice drove till she was a few kilometers from Amanda’s company.

Although she wanted to make Amanda pay, she knew that she wouldn’t be allowed to enterthe comp and that walking towards Amanda alone to humiliate her in front of people was justthe same as walking towards the den of lions and she wasn’t fool to do that as she alwaysdid.

In a couple of days, she had seen and learned a lot. Also, looking back at her previousactions, she admitted that she had indeed been foolish and always thought highly of herselfand that pride was the one that had caused her destruction although she wasn’t ruined atall.

To her, Amanda oppressing their company cause of her was as if a piece of her had been cutoff.

She picked up her phone and dialed a certain number.

“Have you checked what I asked for?” she asked the person on the other line. novelbin

“Are you sure this is the correct information and not some lies as you might be waiting forme to jump into the trap?” Eunice asked after the person on the other line said a few things.



Chapter 161

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“If that’s the case then I will listen and hope for the best. I will pay you the rest when I see itwith my own eyes. Just go back to your work,” she said later before hanging up and awicked smile


She stayed at the same place for hours without moving. Luckily for her, she wasn’t in frontof Amanda’s business or any company in the mall as it would been suspicious.

Hours later, she saw Amanda’s car passing and she started the engine to follow the car butstill at a


She wasn’t following just because she knew that was Amanda’s car, naah, she had seen theperson driving that she was very sure whether it was her or not.

Seeing that Amanda’s car stopped in front of a hotel, a creeping smile formed on her faceand she picked up her phone and dialed another number.

“I want to order something…” She said something more before ending the call and waitedpatiently for what she had ordered before walking into the hotel.

She wanted to boost that luck was on her side as Amanda didn’t go to her sister’s hotels asan issue instead she was having a dinner meeting at one of Scott’s territories. Nonetheless,Eunice knew that it was better for her not to start celebrating early as her plans mightbackfire and she might be the one injured instead.

On the other side, James had been talking to Mr Lopez for a while as he knew that if hedidn’t make the man sign the papers before he went back, Marie might change the man’sthoughts.

“Why should I give my company to that heartless daughter of mine who didn’t care abouther parents and their company and she ran away?” Mr Lopez asked in a heartless tonemaking James chuckle cold

Before meeting the man, he had carried out his investigation as he knew that Luke never hada girlfriend but all of a sudden, he had married something. To him, that was fishy but what

was even more fishy was that the person he married was Marie’s sister and they all hated theLopez family to

the core.

He had thought that Amanda was just venting out her anger and snatching Marie’sproperties as part of her revenge but after carrying out the investigation, he understood whyAmanda was doing what she was




“Mr Lopez, you know better than anyone else what you did to your daughter. Do you knowthat if it i

made known that you drugged your daughter so that you can take her to a fifty–five–year–old man’s be

to save your company, you and your wife might be arrested and detained? The court willsentence yo to more than ten years as such despicable means isn’t allowed in our country,”James said coldly

making Mr Lopez gulp as he had not expected that his actions were known.

“If I were you, I would sign these papers silently and go home. At least, it still has somebenefits and a lot of money,” James said with a cold smile that made Mr Lopez tremble infear.

“A lot of money? You are buying my company at a very low price!” He found his voice whenit involve


“Well, is your company on the same level as the Scotts or Flores that we might offer you alot of money? As I said, you better think twice and figure out what’s best for you if you don’twant to be imprisoned as you definitely will as you will be fighting against the Andersons.Miss Leslie Lopez is under Anderson’s protection thus don’t think of harming her afterthis!”

Mr Lopez trembling in fear and he broke into a sweat as he imagined how miserable hisfuture life would be as he thought about what was the best decision to make.

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