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Chapter 15

Chapter 15


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“So reliable. After graduating and before getting a job here, I worked with them for a while,” Claresaid, making Amanda study her.

“You are in the IT department so can you tell me what you are trying to say?” Amanda said coldlyas she hated being lied to.

“Madam. I majored in computer science but minored in fashion design. Every worker in thiscompany has studied fashion design,” Clare explained while the others nodded their heads inagreement.

Seeing this, both Amanda and James were speechless and didn’t know what to


“Madam, sir Jason and even his late father always employed people who have studied fashiondesign even though they won’t be working in the designing department. Some who majored inmarketing and minored in design are in the sales and marketing department. Those who majored indesign are always employed and work in the designing department,” Winnie explained.

“Are you saying that everyone can sew and draw sketches?” Amanda asked.

“Yes madam,” they all said as they nodded their heads..

“If that’s the case, I think they were always so careful with whom they employed. I won’t change that‘cause it seems to be the tradition of this company. Actually, I am in love with that idea. And sinceyou all can sew and there are a total of a hundred employees who can sew then you will all help outin the sewing so that we can complete everything once and for all. You will get extra earnings ofcourse. I am saying this because you are all free as there is nothing to do for now in yourdepartments. So vou inform everyone

15:06 Tue, 30 Apr

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as there is nothing to do for now in your departments. So you inform everyone, Amanda said,making Clare dumbfounded because she didn’t think that her. trying to help would lead to thembeing overworked.

“I will employ employees after we release our products and start making profits so that people canbe willing to work for our company,” Amanda told them.

“Madam, since that issue is solved then what about the fabrics and paints?” Winnie said worriedly.

“Since none of the manufacturers are willing to sell it to us, we can just buy them from other cities. Iwill take care of them. Guess everything is settled?” Amanda asked as she looked at them waitingto see whether there was anyone else with a question.

“Miss, you have forgotten that the company has no cafeteria. Where will they be eating as theyextend and work extra hard. After all, people tend to get hungry easily when they are working,”James told her as he looked at him.

“The building next to us is empty? Can one buy it?” Amanda asked.

“Yes miss. I had checked the buildings surrounding us,” James answered.

“This company is so little. Since that is a new building and has more than seventy floors, you canbuy it before someone else buys it. I have high goals for these companies, thus we need largerbuildings. The building opposite us is also empty and has a lot of floors. Go check its price. We canturn it into a hotel but our workers can always eat food there for free or at a low price,” Amandasaid, shocking everyone.

“But miss. All known chefs–are employed,” James said, making Amanda roll her



15:06 Tue, 30 Apr

Chapter 15



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“Call my aunt and Marco and tell them I am back in the country and I want a hotel next to myworking space. The rest leave it to them,” Amanda said, making James nod his head as hewondered how he had forgotten that they have. chefs in their family.

“Miss, didn’t you say that you don’t want your family’s naggings?” James asked as he wasconfused. novelbin

“I want to earn money and if they can help me get more money then I am fine with anything. But itwill still take time before they open it. It can even take more than three months because Marco is

always so lazy. Since we need to be eating as we work. Guess my sister’s hotel can do it. Tell themanager to deliver food for everyone here. On me. Anything else?” Amanda said as she

looked at James.

“No miss,” he said as he shook his head.

“I have one more thing to tell you. When everything is over and when we transfer into that building, Imight promote people thus you work extra hard and tell the others. I will look at who has contributedthe most. Who knows, any of you might become my secretary and learn more from James and meor ever better become the company’s vice president. Winnie, bring the drafts in here. The designingdepartment has only thirty minutes to rest then we will all meet here since we can fit in here. Also, Ineed four people from the other departments, two who should sit at the receptionist’s desk and theothers on the top floor since James has something else to do. You are all dismissed,” Amanda saidas she stood up.

Amanda walked in the corridor and some people were waiting in the lobby on that floor. She lookedat them with questioning eyes but she did not go to

Chapter 15

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HIL–IQUT- FIIL ILL EL HI” TTII HACTISEHHS TS༧ Ju、 JFI aIsa IN be G them. As if knowing whatshe wanted, James went to them.

“Good afternoon, sir. We got a call here that there is some furniture needed. We came to hear yourpreferences since we were not told,” the woman said, making James nod.

“I am really sorry. I forgot about that since we were busy. Our boss is so…. Anyways, I think youknow what she needs ‘cause you are also the same people. who sent furniture to her house,”

James said.

“What’s the client’s name sir?” the woman asked.

“Amanda Anderson,” he answered.

“Oh. Do you need furniture just like how her study was made?”

“If possible, yes. Also, get a new bed, shelves, everything. You know no one. is supposed to knowthat Miss Anderson is in the city and in this company. If we hear anything then…”

“I will have to pay for the damages caused,” the woman finished his sentence making James nodhis head.

“Good, you can bring everything after thirty minutes. You will be guided by some receptionist andsecretaries,” James said, making the people confused as they had not seen any receptionist andsecretaries but they dared not ask.


Downstairs on the ground floor, there was a woman dressed in designing clothes and accessories.

15:07 Tue, 30 Apr

Chapter 15

Up to 30% off

“Oh. Do you need furniture just like how her study was made?”

“If possible, yes. Also, get a new bed, shelves, everything. You know no one is supposed to knowthat Miss Anderson is in the city and in this company. If we hear anything then…”

“I will have to pay for the damages caused,” the woman finished his sentence making James nodhis head.

“Good, you can bring everything after thirty minutes. You will be guided by some receptionist andsecretaries,” James said, making the people confused as they had not seen any receptionist andsecretaries but they dared not ask.


Downstairs on the ground floor, there was a woman dressed in designing

clothes and accessories.

“I want to see that b*tch.”

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