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Chapter 119

Chapter 119

That made them confused as they couldn’t understand anything.

*Guess we need to look at the CCTV footage to find out who the mastermind is,” a weak voicesaid.

She had been silent the whole time and had been looking at everyone’s expression since she sawthe

news. Due to her observing skills and attentiveness, she had seen those who had panicked andthose who had not when it was said that the people behind Amanda’s death were amongst them.

She knew that one didn’t have to panic if they weren’t guilty. Only the guilty ones would panic asthey were afraid of being discovered and afraid of the punishment they would receive.

She knew that the middle–aged man was panicking because of his son who had been panickingsince was said that Amanda wasn’t dead but she had been pretending to find the people whowanted her c

She hated the two men with passion and couldn’t wait to see them fall, make them regret. Althoughshe could never make them pay for what they had done to her throughout the years, she was happythat they had now messed up with the wrong person and they would face the consequences.

Everyone around the table looked at her as they wondered why she had spoken and it was rare tohe anything coming from her mouth.

Both Marie’s lover and his father had ugly faces and glared at the woman hoping that she mightstop causing trouble for them.

Seeing their angry looks, she winked at them before looking at the head of the family who wasseated

at the end of the table.

“Oh my precious little sister, what can the footage find out? Do you think the person responsible hadgone out to do the work for himself?” a young man said with a smirk as he placed pieces together.

He knew that his little cousin hated the two men more than anything else and if she had spokenthen it would only mean that the two had something on the matter.

“Why are the two of you speaking in parables? Can’t you speak well so that we can understand?It’s like both of you know the possible responsibility for our downfall,” a middle–aged womancomplained.

12:35 Fri, 3 May MM ti

Chapter 119

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Marie’s lover started panicking as he never expected such a thing to happen. Also, the fact that hedidn’t have his phone with him so that he could delete his chats with Marie and calls to the man

didn’t help at all. He was afraid that if the two stupid kids said that they suspected him, his

phone would be taken and investigated. There was no way he was willing to be caught. Heregretted not

deleting the texts and calls immediately after talking to the two. Or even do what Marie had done,

use another person’s phone when talking to either of the two.

After a few minutes of deep thinking, he found out that the two were saying that as his sister had

seen him panicking.

Since they were young, he never got along with her and found her annoying thus it wasn’t surprisingthat she hated him for what he had made her go through since she was a child. On the other hand,he wondered whether she had to ruin him to get her revenge.

‘She can’t refuse to protect me if I beg her. After all, I am her big brother, unlike the guy who is justher cousin!” he said inwardly convincing himself.

‘Yes, that’s right. All I have to do is give her the signal then stop panicking and she will do the rest!‘he said as he took a deep breath before looking at the latter.

He winked at her making her chuckle. His actions only proved that she was right. He was the onebehind it and as sure, their father wanted to protect him. Although it pained her, there was nothing.she could do.

The man who had corrected her and some other young generation had been paying attention to her1 some of them had seen clearly what the latter had done.

They looked at each other and then started texting each other as if they were plotting something.

Truly, they were plotting something as after some minutes, one of them pretended to be shocked.

“This is so unbelievable. Brian, how could you do this?” he said.

‘How have they known that it is me? No way! I can’t let Grandpa find out!‘ he thought as hepanicked. but at the same time tried his best to pretend that everything was fine.

Nonetheless, the youngsters had already seen his panic and confirmed what they wanted toconfirm. The older generation was confused as to what the youngsters were doing. They wanted toask but they were Interrupted.


12:35 Fri, 3 May M METO

Chapter 119


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“Grandpa, although it is a good thing we find out who has made our family fall. I think the best thingwe can do now is arrange how the people who are on the news should escape. After all, we all

know that after such news is released and they are accompanied by evidence, the police will behere

in no time,” Brian, Marie’s lover said as he pretended to care about those men and women and hidhis


This made them panic as they had forgotten about that. None of them wanted to go to prison thusthey

agreed with him.

The old man looked at Brian sternly and deeply as if he was trying to see through him. He knewthat

his grandson never cared about anyone and he was more selfish than anyone in the room thus he

wondered why he had said that.

‘Is he also on the wanted list?‘ the old man wondered but later pushed it aside as he agreed with novelbin


He didn’t want to lose his children and grandchildren. To him, it was better if they ran away and

they could still keep in touch then after things cooled down, they could come back.

“I think what Brian has said is true. Get your passports and everything you need and get out of here

immediately!” he said.

They had to admit that he was so clever. Since they didn’t have enough evidence to prove that hewas

the one who had ruined their family, they opted to remain silent till when they found it.

“Why are you people running around with your luggage? Do you think that you will be able toescape It is too late!” a lazy cold voice said at the entrance, shocking everyone.


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