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Chapter 101

Chapter 101


5 Stare

“Hello. I can’t leave the men who you told me to contact for help,” Marie texted her lover when shedidn’t get any feedback from the guys for more than two hours after she sent them.

“You never used your phone while you were doing so thus how do you expect that they will be ableto reach you?” the man replied to her as he found her stupid.

“I forgot. Now that you have reminded me, I am a bit anxious. Do you think that they have textedthis foolish woman?” she asked when she thought about how Eunice would react when she saw themess

Even without being told, she knew that the latter would only suspect her as they had been togetherthe whole day and they hadn’t contacted anyone else.

The man didn’t respond immediately adding to Marie’s fury and swore that if the guy didn’t knowwhat was best for him, she would also divorce him after getting his property.

She knew that Eunice might inform his brother immediately after she saw that. After all, althoughshe did hate Amanda and didn’t want to see the latter becoming successful, she never thought ofkilling her. Now that someone had contacted some thugs to hurt Amanda through her phone tomake her a scapegoat, she would panic. Contacting his brother for help would be the best help.

Marie anxiously walked around her room then she heard the beeping sound making her run towhere phone was.

“No. After you contacted them, they called me and told me about the deal you have made withthem. knew your plans and was afraid that they might ruin everything for us if they contacted youthrough the phone you used. I told them that they shouldn’t try doing so. If they couldn’t wait tilltomorrow for you to contact them thus they should call me and tell me what they want,” the manreplied making Marie sigh in relief and feel that the man was worth being her lover and backup.

“You are the best! I will find a way to leave this woman here alone then come meet you, Mariereplied as she felt there wasn’t anything wrong with awarding the man.

Also, she would be enjoying herself as she hadn’t had s** for a long time and she was quite hornywhen thinking about it.

“Okay, babe. I will wait for you,” the man replied followed by a lot of kissing emojis making Mariefrown she started feeling disgusted for a second then stopped.

12-24 Fri, 3 May M ti.

Chapter 101


5 Stars

“If you had talked to them, I’d find a way to sneak into Eunice’s room late at night, take her phone,and call them so that we can know whether they succeeded,” Marie answered as that was heremerger

“You don’t have to contact them to know. Didn’t you tell me that the woman is the youngestdaughter

of the Andersons? If they are successful and she is dead, there will be news of her death all over.

If the Andersons wouldn’t hide it,” the man replied.

“No. They are so far away from here. For them to get such news, it would be some hours later as

people might not find that b*tch’s body so soon. And when it is found, it will take a lot of hours

before the Andersons come here to confirm that it is indeed her body,” Marie told him what she

thought and it quite made sense.

“If that’s the case, if none of the Andersons would have landed here, and we get feedback from the

men that they were successful, we can release the news instead. Maybe Andersont’s businessstocks

will decrease. Although it wouldn’t make a significant change, they will still lose a lot of money.”

the man said evilly.

Marie loved the man who his crooked and evil ways thus she smiled brightly as she loved the idea.She

started laughing when he imagined how Amanda had been tortured to death by their men.

‘So what if you are the Andersons‘ daughter? I will still be able to defeat you! You died in my hands!I killed you eventually! Hahaha,” Marie said as she laughed. novelbin

“They wanted you to go back into their family? They wanted you to get back with Damien and bethei

daughter–in–law once more. That was only their wishful thinking!”

“Damien is mine and mine alone! Whoever tries to snatch him away from me shall die! I will kill


“I wonder what their faces will look like when they find out that you are dead! How I wish that yourbody would never be found! That you won’t be even given a proper burial!”

She continued talking to herself as she laughed without caring about Eunice as she knew that therooms were soundproof and the latter couldn’t hear her.

“I can’t wait to hear for myself! See the news of your death on the news. I will enjoy myself to thefullest! I will celebrate while your family would be crying over your death.”

“They only have themselves to blame! They should never have had you a sister! You should havebeen an orphan. That way, no one would have cared about where your body is or whether it hasbeen eaten by

12:24; F(1, 3 May

Chapter 101

5 Stars

“I can’t wait to hear for myself! See the news of your death on the news. I will enjoy myself to thefullest! I will celebrate while your family would be crying over your death.”

“They only have themselves to blame! They should never have had you a sister! You should havebeen an orphan. That way, no one would have cared about where your body is or whether it hasbeen eaten by

wild animals or decayed!” She said full of hatred and anger.

*How I wish I had a wine to celebrate,” she said in a low tone.

She picked up the phone she had thrown on the bed when she was told that Marie wouldn’t findanything

and that a plan to move forward.

She looked at the time on the screen and smirked evilly.

She decided to walk toward Eunice’s room and check whether she was asleep or not. She tiptoed,opened

the door silently as it wasn’t locked, and walked in.

She saw the handbag on the table and picked it up but sadly, she was unsuccessful as she didn’tfind

the phone there.

She looked around and saw it on the nightstand making her grin brightly.

Since Marie was facing the other side, she didn’t have to worry whether she would be found or not.

She picked up the phone and unlocked it as she knew the password.

“How is everything? Were you successful on the mission?”

Chapter 102

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