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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Amanda was on the first floor as she looked at how the guests were flowing downstairs. She hadbeen through a lot and was in pain.

“Look, look who is here.” A voice startled her, making her look behind.

“What do you want, Eunice?” she asked softly with her head looking down.

“What do I want? Who do you think you are to talk back to me?” Eunice asked angrily.

“I am currently not in the mood to argue with you. This grandma’s birthday and it would be a pity ifyou destroyed it with your tantrums,” Amanda said calmly.

Today was the old woman’s seventieth birthday. Even if everyone in the house hated her and madeeverything difficult for her, she had to play the role of the daughter–in–law of the Scott family.

“Don’t you feel ashamed opening your stinking m*uth while talking to me? But at least you knowyour place. Don’t you dare go downstairs and disgrace our family more than you had done bymarrying into this family,” Eunice sneered as she walked past Amanda who stood thereemotionless.

There was nothing she could do to Eunice since she was Damian’s little sister. How she wished thatDamian wasn’t out of the country. Even though he doesn’t like her, he respects her as his wife andhas always stood up for novelbin


“Oh, and by the way, Marie is coming to the party so please don’t be arrogant

13:00 Tue, 30 Apr MEI

Chapter 1

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and let your jealousy get the best of you,” Eunice shouted as she reached the


Amanda felt betrayed and humiliated, she didn’t understand why they all preferred that old witch toher. She knew that she was prettier than the woman hence she didn’t know what to do to gain herin–law’s love and affection which they gave to another person.

“Marie?” she murmured.

She did not even listen to Eunice as she was saying those words but now understood. She knewthat if Marie was coming that meant that Damian too would be coming.

She felt as if she had been pierced in her heart. Everyone knew that he was coming apart from her.He didn’t even call or text her to tell her that he would be coming. Nonetheless, she had missed theman. She ran to her room and locked the door. After taking the phone, she called her husbandwhom he had saved as hubby.

After the second ring, the call was connected.

“Why are you calling?” he asked grumpily.

“Mmh, I am sorry for calling,” she said softly, afraid to make him more mad than he already was.

“What do you want?” he shouted.

“Honey, who is calling you?” a voice said in the background.

Amanda could not believe it. She had always known that Damian had never

Chapter 1

cheated on her but now it seems that she was wrong.

“Don’t worry, baby, it’s just some idiot,” he said lovingly.

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Amanda had witnessed how Damian talked to his family and friends, with a lot. of care and love butwhen it came to her, he was always rude and arrogant.

“I am hanging the call and if you want to cry go and cry unto your dead parents,” he said beforehanging up.

She stared at the phone in her hands and laughed at herself. She was too naive Too callow. Howcould she even think that he would one day notice her and reciprocate her feelings? Even thoughshe was now in a bad mood, she wouldn’t let it affect the party.

Wiping her tears and reattaching her makeup, she later went downstairs where the party wasofficially taking place to avoid quarrels and dramas with her


“Here she comes.”

“She is so disrespectful. How can she wear cheap clothes during Old Mrs. Scott’s birthday?”

“I wonder how she married into this family.”

“She is a nobody, just a useless orphan. Damian should have married Marie instead.”

She heard people’s murmurs but she didn’t let it affect her. In fact, she smiled brightly at themmaking them despise her even more.

13:00 Tue, 30 Apr

Chapter 1

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“Look who has just woken up! As if she is the princess. Hurry up and serve the guests. You filthymonkey,” her mother–in–law said immediately after she saw her.

“Okay, Mom,” she said as she walked to the kitchen.

“Miss, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be at the party,” Mike,

the butler said.

“Ooh, Mam has just told me to serve the guests so I am here to arrange some drinks before takingthem out,” she explained.

“She is just like us who work as maids even if she is married in this

family,” one of the maids whispered.

“Shut up and do your work.”

“No, it’s fine. Whatever she is saying is true.”

She walked towards the cabinets, took out some glasses and arranged them neatly on the traybefore pouring juice into them. After finishing that, one

of the maids emerged,” Ma’am, let me take them out as you continue preparing others.”


She continued doing that work as different workers came, took them and wen to serve the guests.

“Who do you think you are? Didn’t I tell you to serve the guests? Why are you letting the maids doyour work? Are you the boss or are you just a low–less



Chapter 1

Je, 30 Apr

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“I am sorry, ma’am,” she apologized.

“How many times have I told you not to call me that name? I am not your mother

Harriet said as she slapped her. “Do your work and let my workers be. You aren’t the one who paysthem. Hurry and go out there to serve,” she said.

She lowered her head downwards to prevent tears from falling since she didn’t want to be slappedagain. She wondered how long it would take for them to love and accept her. She saw the maidswere looking at her with sympathy while others even had tears in their eyes. She was so close with

them since she spent most of the time with them doing work. She took the tray full of glasses ofjuice and walked out of the kitchen.

“Hello, do you want a glass of juice?” she asked politely as she walked around.

“Hei, come and give me some juice,” Eunice shouted at the other end.

Amanda clenched her hands as she walked over there. She got to her knees sc that Eunice couldtake the glass.

“Help me to drink it,” she said arrogantly.

Having no other choice left, she placed the tray on the table before proceeding to put the glass onEunice’s l*ps. Being the cold–hearted person she has always been, she didn’t open her l*ps makingthe juice pour onto her dress.

“Who did you just do?” she shouted.

“I am so sorry. You are the one…” Before Amanda got a chance to complete her



Chapter 1

words, she felt some cold liquid on her face.

“What were you going to say? That it is my fault?” Eunice asked.


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“Good. Look who is there! Big brother and Marie just arrived.”

Amanda followed their gaze and saw them. She was jealous and at the same time in pain as shewondered why she wasn’t the one with him.

“Can you stand up and get a cup of coffee for Marie and my son?” Harriet

asked her.

She saw Marie smirking at the humiliation she was facing. She stood up and went to the kitchen.

“Ma’am, why don’t you go and clean yourself and change? I will take the

coffee to them,” one of the maids said.

“No, you don’t know how evil that woman is, even if you take it to them, she would refuse to drink tillI take it to her. I will clean up later, don’t worry,” Amanda said as she prepared the coffee.

She later walked out and went in their direction with the cups of coffee.

“Welcome. Here is your coffee,” she said as she got close to Marie so that she could pick thecoffee.

In the blink of an eye, she heard a shout and a burning sensation and looked

1. up.

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