The Deserted Alpha Princess

Chapter 7 Saving Her Again
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Chapter 7 Saving Her Again

Kevin's POV:

At the trials, I saw Jennifer again. Although she seemed to be in bad shape, she still looked charming. No matter how shabbily she was dressed, shecould always attract my attention. To be honest, I hoped that she would be selected to enter the elite werewolf training list, so that I would have morechances to be close to her. Although there were only three spots on that list. I knew that as the future Alpha, I would definitely be selected.

Before the competition started, when I learned that Jennifer hadn't arrived yet. I was really worried about her. Fortunately, she showed up soon. Forsome reason, her bruises made her look hotter than usual. I wanted to pin her down and fuck her like crazy.

"Kevin, you still have a chance. Take the initiative to win her heart. You will succeed,” Leon, my wolf, tried his best to urge me

I was a little annoyed to hear that. Why did I, a future Alpha. have to put effort into winning someone's heart? It was like an insult to me."Shut up. I just want her body. I don't want her to be my mate," I retorted.

“Really? Then why are you so concerned about her?" Leon pointed out.

I was so embarrassed that it made me angry. Did I really regret it? Would I take the initiative to ask Jennifer to be my mate again? No way.

When the trials began, I kept an eye on Jennifer. To my surprise, she performed exceptionally well and became the focus of the crowd. But in the finalround, Barbara and Leah attacked her together. At first, I just stood aside and watched them fight it out, but at the last critical moment, I decided tohelp Jennifer. I attacked Leah and Barbara. In the end, Leah was eliminated.

"Kevin Brook, Jennifer Smith, Barbara Lively, congratulations! The three of you have been selected. Now let's welcome Prince Anthony to award theelite medals," the emcee announced.

The three of us stood in the middle of the competition field, waiting for the prince to award us. Jennifer was heavily injured. Although her hair wasdisheveled and she was bleeding here and then, her aura was so dazzling that everyone couldn't help but gape at her in awe

Looking at that. I had to accept that I had made a mistake. The girl I had abandoned was actually excellent.

"I told you not to reject her in a hurry,” Leon complained again. He had been against my decision back then. "You were too impulsive at that time.Kevin, you have to find a way to win her back."

"Fine, I'll give it a try," I agreed, gritting my teeth. Although it would be beneath my dignity to pursue a girl. she was both beautiful and powerful. Whatwas more, she was the daughter of an Alpha. She was much better than that bitch, Barbara, in all aspects.

Thinking of that, I realized how much I regretted rejecting Jennifer. Fortunately. now that we were going to the royal training ground together, therewould be a lot of time for me to win her heart. Sooner or later, I would get Jennifer back.

Jennifer's POV:

I made it! My knees were ready to give out at any moment, but when I saw Prince Anthony's gaze of approval, I felt that everything was worth it.I sincerely thanked him again and again for helping me.

Now. I could attend the elite training. I had finally taken the first step on the path of revenge.

After the trials were over, I lingered behind in the competition field for a while and silently watched Prince Anthony. Standing in the distance, he justglanced at me and left.

I was confused. Didn't he know about our mate bond?

After the ceremony, the crowd dispersed. I left the competition field with wounds all over my body. Werewolves recovered at an extremely fast speed,so I didn't care about these injuries at all. Besides, I wasn't afraid of pain. The only thing I was afraid of was not being able to avenge my father.

On the way back home, I was walking past an alley when I heard a voice from behind."Bitch, do you think you're all that just because you got selected? I'll make it impossible for you to attend the training!" It was Barbara.

When I turned around to face her, I saw that she was accompanied by four other she-wolves. These she-wolves were her lackeys; they would dowhatever she ordered them to. The five of them seemed to be waiting here for me.

Barbara pointed at me and ordered, "Don't show any mercy. Beat this bitch to death!"

As soon as she finished her words, the four she-wolves pounced on me at the same time.

My leg was injured, so I couldn't dodge them in time.

Damn it! Wasn't Barbara tired of picking on me like this?

The she-wolves scratched my skin and hit me everywhere. Their expressions were ferocious, and they had crazed looks in their eyes.Blood began dripping from the scratches on my face, and I felt a burning pain.

Barbara didn't join them. She just stood aside and appreciated the miserable situation I was in.

“Beat her! Beat this bitch to death. How dare she steal the show? She deserves it." she snarled.novelbin

I refused to give up. I couldn't let them bully me like this. The pain made me break out into a cold sweat, but I endured it and fought back with all mystrength. However, I couldn't change the fact that I was outnumbered. Moreover, I had used up almost all of my strength during the trials. Gradually,they overpowered me.

One of them kicked me in the abdomen, making me recoil in pain.

The whele time, Barbara was laughing wildly as she watched the show. But all of a sudden, her laughter stopped. Through my blurred vision. I sawher running away.

What was going on? Why was she running away so abruptly?

A tall man appeared into my view. The four she -wolves who had been beating me up suddenly froze. and their faces went deathly pale."Mr... Jones," one of them called out.

"Fuck off!" Prince Anthony said coldly.

The four she-wolves didn't have to be told twice: they bolted away from the scene immediately.

At this moment, my head was heavy, and I was hanging onto the last shred of consciousness.

When I looked up at Prince Anthony, who stood there with a noble aura, I felt as if I found a glimmer of hope."Get up." Prince Anthony stretched out his hand to me.

I struggled to raise my wrist and slowly approached his hand with my fingertips

At this moment, he was like an angel sent from heaven to save me.

Anthony's POV:

Jennifer didn't look well. After the trials, I wanted to escort her back in person, but I Knew that it would draw too much attention. So after taking a lookat her, I left the competition venue.

But on the way back to my residence, I was still worried about her, so I dismissed my servants and went back to find her alone.

It turned out that my gut feeling wasright. WhenYound Jennifer, I sawher beingypunched and kicked by a>group ofshe-wolves. Although shewas stil trying to fight back, I couldsee that she was drained of all herstrength. Content belongs teNovelDrama.Org &

Those wolves ran away as soon as they saw me. Jennifer fell to the ground, and her eyelids kept fluttering, like she was about to faint. I held out myhand to pull her up.

It seemed that my mate was in a lot of trouble.

Holding my hand, Jennifer stood up unsteadily. I hesitated for a moment before picking her up in my arms. After all. this was not the first time I hadheld her in my arms, and I was gradually getting used to it.

"Mr. Jones, I... I can walk by myself," she protested weakly.

But I ignored her words and carried her all the way back to her residence. After setting her down on the bed, I stood by the side, not knowing what todo. I had never taken care of anyone else before.

Was I supposed to get her a glass of water? I looked around and found that the room seemed to have been rummaged violently. Broken objects were.strewn all over the floor. I couldn't even find a glass that was still intact.

It seemed that Jennifer's life here was even more miserable than I had imagined. No wonder she was so desperate to become stronger."Anthony, please accept our mate!” Zane urged in my mind

"No. I can't accept her yet. I just want her to cooperate with me and visit my mother together with me.”

"I don't want to expose your feelings like this, but I have to say. it's obvious that you like Jennifer! You're just too embarrassed to accept her.”

"Shut up.” I blocked Zane from my mind.

I didn't like the feeling of being seen through"Mr. Jones", thank you for your help these days, " Jennifer murmured, struggling to sit up.

I raised my hand, signaling to her to continue lying down. There was no one else here, so it was the perfect opportunity for me to talk to her about ourmate bond.

"I think you already know that we are mates," I began.Jennifer nodded without saying anything.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Aren’t you excited about it at all?”

"Mr. Jones, I'm already very gratefulto you for givirig me the opportunityto participate in the trials. I don’t ~have a high status, so I don't thinksyou wilvaccept someone like me asyour iate. I've already been fejectedonee, and I'm ready to be rejected asétond time.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

"You have been rejected?”

Jennifer didn't speak, but bit her lower lip and nodded her head.

‘Im not going to reject you. Mymother is seriously ill. Her last andonly wish is for me to find my mate.If you dor ‘mind, lwantyouto Xcooperaté with me. We can maintainour maté bond in order to fulfill herwish didn't dare to look at Jenniferwken I said that. I didn't knéw why,bGt I was worried that Jefiniferwould refuse such a plan. After all,deep down, I knew that Zane wasright. This was not fair to her.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"I don't mind," Jennifer said without hesitation. "You have helped me so many times. It's my duty to repay you."

It was only after hearing those words that I breathed a sigh of relief. But hearing that she was agreeing to my plan only because she wanted to repayme made me feel a little disappointed

"I don't want to make our mate bond public for the time being. I only want my mother to know it. I hope you can keep it a secret. Also, don't expect toreceive special treatment as my mate." I said firmly.

“Okay,” Jennifer agreed without hesitation. It was as if she really didn't expect to get anything from me. Every time I saw this girl, my impression of herimproved

"Do you have anything you want to ask me for? I'll grant it to you as long as it's within my capacity.”

"Mr. Jones, I just want to become stronger as soon as possible. The stronger, the better.”

I nodded in approval. Since that was her request, I could give her some special treatment during the training, but she had to hold on till then."We can go to the royal training ground after three days. You need to take that time to recover," I told her.

We could have set off right away, but considering her wounded condition, I decided to wait for a few more days. There was no way Jennifer would beable to start training in the state that she was in.

Jennifer thanked me again. The room was thick with the attractive scent of our mate bond, which made me want to get close to her. Afraid that Iwouldn't be able to resist it. I quickly left her residence.

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