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Chapter 51

Port Cypress Airport

As if she were ailing, Lynnette hurled into the toilet for the third time during her stay at the airport.When she had vomited enough she lifted her head up out of the bowl and rested her back against theclosed door of the stall she was locked inside of.

The young woman sat for the longest time staring back at the toilet she had been praising for the pasthour with sullen, red eyes. Lying on the floor beside her was her purse. She reached inside and rootedabout before pulling out a bottle of pills. In a mad rush she opened the childproof cap before emptyingout several pills into her shaking, waiting right hand.

Just before she could even raise her hand to her mouth she immediately stopped and stared hard atthe pink tablets. Her sweaty palms could hardly maintain a grip on the pills that were slowly sliding offher hand. Before they could even fall to the floor she stretched out her arm and dropped them into thetoilet, along with the rest of the bottle's contents.

Lynnette then got to her knees and grudgingly flushed the toilet before standing up and letting herselfout of the stall.

"Wake up, girl." She groaned under her breath. "Wake up, already."

She was all alone inside the bathroom as the speaker above her head played 'Moon River.' With herpurse in hand she stumbled straight ahead to the first sink that she saw and stood there staring at herown overwrought reflection in the mirror.

She appeared as if she hadn't slept in days. Her eyes were insipid while her hands trembled on theporcelain. The longer she studied herself the more she just wanted to turn away.

Lynnette then twisted on the cold water faucet and dipped her hands in before washing her entire face.When she was through she gave her reflection another gander, except by then her look was phony-determined. She accepted it nonetheless. She cut off the faucet before turning and scanning the entirebathroom once more.

She tucked her blue blouse into her bell-bottomed jeans, wrapped a blue scarf around her foreheadand put on her pair of cat's eye sunglasses before strolling out of the bathroom and into the busyterminal where others were either rushing to their various planes or simply waiting by the windows thatoverlooked the parked aircrafts.

Making sure to keep her head pointed to the floor, Lynnette side-stepped one person after another onher way to a vacant seat near the window. The very second she sat down she exhaled as deep as shecould before glancing out the window at one plane race down the runway and take off into the sky.

Suddenly, the nauseous sensation that she had carried with her to the airport resurfaced, and thebathroom was too far away for her to race to.

"You look like you've never flown before, honey."

Lynnette looked up and over to see an elderly black woman seated right next to her. The woman waswearing a black flower hat with plastic daisies sticking out in the front. Lynnette immediately pulledherself together right then.

"No, no, I've flown before." She caught her breath. "I'm just really...nervous. That's why I was in thebathroom for so long."

Chuckling, the lady remarked, "The last time I was stuck in the bathroom like that was on my weddingday way back in 1938."

Lynnette only giggled and said, "I could only wish it was a wedding."

"I'm going to see my grandson way out in Colorado."

Lynnette turned her body towards the lady at that moment. Never before had she laid eyes on thewoman, and yet, inside an airport, she remembered her mother sitting in her rocking chair and talkingto her while she lay in bed. It would be just one more fond memory that would accompany her.

"Where in Colorado does your grandson live?"

"A place called Boulder." She said. "My son is paying for my ticket, so that makes it a lot easier on me, Iguess."

Lynnette smiled at the lady before saying, "I sure hope my son treats me that well when he grows up."

"You have a son, too?"

"Yes, ma'am," Lynnette proudly chimed in. "He'll be three next month."

"Little boys sure are beautiful when they're that age. It's only when they get to be teenagers that theyturn into fools." The lady laughed out loud.

Lynnette laughed, but only for a glimpse of a moment before frowning and bashfully looking away.

"I often wonder what kind of man he'll grow up to be."

"Well, it all depends on what his childhood is like." The lady replied. "Some boys have a hard childhoodand end up becoming good men, while some have an easy one and grow up to be hard-headedheathens. Only the good Lord knows for sure."

Lynnette turned back to face the lady. She wanted to blurt out the very first thing that came into herhead at that instant, but she restrained herself while another plane left the ground and kissed the sky.

"The parents play such an important role in their lives as well." The lady said. "If we parents can do ourbest to not only teach our youngens well, but protect them from this wicked world, then we've done agood job."

Lynnette stared on at the lady before taking off her glasses and exposing her teary eyes. "Me and myson's father haven't been very good parents to our son." Her voice faltered. "I blame myself too,because...because I felt like I could've done more."

The lady only glared back at Lynnette with the kindest look in her brown eyes. Placing a hand on herknee, she said, "You still have time to set things straight. You see, my ten year old grandson was killedby a drunk driver three years ago. Ever since then, my son flies me out for a few days so he and I canvisit his grave."

Lynnette could actually feel her heart inside her throat at that slow instant in time. She placed hershaking hand on the lady's and stuttered, "It was such a long winter."

The lady continued to smile while saying, "Yes...Lord knows it sure was."

Wiping her eyes, Lynnette stood up and said, "Speaking of the Lord, I have a call to make."

Walking over to a series of payphones that were located next to the bathrooms, Lynnette took out aquarter from her purse and inserted it into the slot before dialing only three numbers.

"Cypress Police Department. How may I direct your call?"

"Yes, this is Lynn...Grier. I'm a reporter with the Cypress Guardian. I was calling to inquire why therewas never a backup unit called for the police officers that came to the Hollis Estates four days ago."

There was a long pause over the phone at that moment which caused Lynnette to believe that she hadbeen hung up on.

"Uh, Miss Grier, we never sent a unit to the Hollis Estates four days ago. I'm afraid you people haveyour facts mixed up there again at your paper."

At that, the person on the other end hung up. Lynnette responded in kind, only rather than becomeupset she simply smirked and glanced upwards really quick.

"Flight 701 to Miami now boarding," the announcer proclaimed. "Flight 701 to Miami now boarding!"

Once the announcer was through, The Crusaders', 'It Happens Everyday' started playing over thespeaker.

Lynnette limped her way back over to the lady where she hugged her and kissed her on the cheekbefore joining in along the throngs of people boarding Flight 701.

She eventually melted away, and out of sight...

In the Beginning...

In the beginning...no, no, let me start over. This is how it goes.

I once knew a young man. Besides Jermaine Jackson, that young man was my very first crush. I lovedthat young man. I cherished that young man. I adored that young man. But something went very, verywrong. Something happened. My eyes saw something very ugly, and if I dwell on it for too long, thenmy decisions will forever be altered.

I am not a brilliant woman, but how do I forgive the one person who has brought so much pain to meand our child's lives? I guess I should ask, could he ever forgive me? After all, I too have...haveskeletons. And yet, God still stands beside me.

I'm not a religious person. Hell, with the exception of February, I can't recall the last time I went tochurch, but God saved our lives time and time again. With me and God there is a stalemate. I can't seenovelbin

you, God. I can't hear you or even touch you, but I know for a fact what I saw, and it wasn't a stupiddream.

Detective Bruin saw it as well. I always heard that people who commit suicide end up going to Hell inthe end. If I am allowed to ask, please, Jesus, please...show that man the same mercy you've shownme. For you know exactly what we've seen. You know exactly what we've been through. Need I explainanymore?

I honestly don't know if this is the beginning or the end. All I know is that I don't have much time left,and neither does my child.

I have nothing more to say to anyone at this point.As for you, God, I'd rather you not follow me...for atlast, I'm going to Hell.

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