The Cheat Seed

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23

"F*ckin geezer... " Marcus exploded with rage.

[That Old Hobo]

The system joined Marcus.

"I mean, how could he leave at a time like this?"

[Yea...Right when we came out of that hell hole]

Both of them cursed and bad-mouthed the Flame emperor, on the other side, The Old man was layingon the sand at a beach in Hawaii and sipping on a drink.

After going on for 2 hours nonstop of cursing Marcus finally settled down. He Made his way to the treebeside him and sat under its shade.

Now that he had got rid of his anger, the atmosphere felt calm and peaceful. A strong Gust of Windblowed his fatigue away and he laid his head back on the wood with a sigh of relief.

Now that he was out, out from the bloody Tutorial Dungeons, he had the first breath of relief andtranquility. He breathed in hard as he tried to enjoy the Oxygen out there in the open.


Marcus finally broke the silence.novelbin


"As a Guardian, What are my duties? That I am obliged to do?"

[Ah, As a Guardian you ask Marcus?!, Currently you only have one main objective]

"And that is?"

[To protect the Earth from them]

"Can you please....tell me who 'Them' is now? I am the Guardian now and I think that's a reasonablequestion"

[AH, Marcus I was about to tell you about them later but I think you are ready]


[Hm, So here me carefully Marcus! Don't miss a detail]


Marcus shifted his pose and enthusiastically got ready to hear whatever the system had to say.

[So....'Them' are Celestial Beings that live in the God's Realm, They are beings who have ascended toGodhood leaving behind everything. They live in a planet which is only accessible to AscendedBeings.]

"Woah, So what's the beef between us Humans and...Gods?"

Marcus questioned with the curiosity span of a scientist. His eyes were sparkling and his face wastwisted with curiosity.

[Ah Marcus, That's where I am getting to.....

So almost Thousands of years ago,

*A digital presentation starts playing*

A human being of OUR EARTH, Broke through his humanly limits and ascended to Godhood. HisName was Ravens. Through years of meditation and practice he finally unlocked and broke through hislimits, but never lost his humanity.

He helped the whole Human race and conquered all of the Dungeons which were active during histime. Having the power and sense of A god, Ravens was literally unstoppable. Soon the whole worldcame to know about the Ravens family. Ravens along with his wife and his small one year old boy wascalled the Godly Family.

The King that time was annoyed and jealous of Ravens who was getting all the love and praise fromthe inhabitants with his amazing achievements. The king, who was arrogant and greedy formed a cultof the top mages who had a sole role of summoning other gods from the Celestial Realm. They finallysucceeded in summoning a God after 17 years of nonstop chantings and rituals.

The God who they summoned was the Baddest of them all. The Evil Intents of the Cult managed tosummon Briskus, The Evil Overlord. Upon giving his summoners a wish, he recieved the reply to killRavens. The Evil Lord who was font of Killing accepted it withought a second thought.

It was soon that Ravens doubted the arrival of another God to his world. Briskus released an immenseamount of Killing intent. Ravens who was finally sure of the arrival of his rival, made his way over toBriskus.

A big fight between the both gods took place causing mass destruction and thousands of people losttheir lives as they got caught by surprise between the Intense battle between gods.

Ravens slowly started overwhelming Briskus and was on the verge of defeating him when a minion ofthe Overlord got hold of Ravens family. His Wife and his 17 year old son was brought in front of thebattlefield.

Ravens who saw his family lost his concentration and was brutally stabbed by Briskus. Injured andtired, Ravens tried his best to stop the Overlord but it was of no use in front of Briskus. Briskus landeda devastating blow and teased the barely alive Ravens in front of him. Just when he was about to landthe final blow and end his rival's life, Ravens's son shouted out to the evil lord.

"I'll do anything, don't kill him. Take my life if you want , please don't do anything to him!"

Briskus who was surprised at the words of the boy, left his Rival alone. Briskus knew Ravens only hadsome more days of life essence in him,

but the Maniac who heard the boy had a devilish idea pop up inside him.

He stepped back from Ravens and walked over to the boy. The Woman who was his Mother wasunconscious. Blood dripped from her forehead all the way down to her chin. Briskus got hold of the boyand opened the portal to the Celestial Realm.

"This bloody human managed to hurt me?. Me? Who is the Overlord of the whole Universe!! I'll comeback, Oh I'll come back and destroy this entire planet. I promise I'll not do it myself, but instead I'll makehim do it."

Briskus shouted out in a volume which covered the entire planet and lifted up the unconscious boy inhis hands and motioned at him.

"He, will destroy your planet. KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI"

Briskus walked into the portal with an evil laugh.

Soon after the exit of the Overlord, The kings men captured Ravens and his wife. The King chargedand blamed them for treason and the cause of the destruction and loss of lives. Ravens and His wifewere penalized with death.

His wife was hanged right in front of him and the exhausted and tired Ravens was dragged on to theNoose. Right before getting hanged, Ravens boomed out to the people who had come to witness hisdeath.

"I Ravens am gifting my Seed to the most worthy human, who will take revenge for all of the deaths ofthose innocent people. I am not scared of death, It is you guys who should be.."

With those last words Ravens exploded, a trail of light left his blowed up body and went up into thesky.]

A tear rolled down his cheeks as Marcus witnessed the scenes which unfolded in front of him.

"How can they be cruel to the most honest man in the world?"

Marcus asked, a slight waver of disbelief in his voice.

[That's the difference between humans and ascended beings Marcus. Ascended Beings are those whohave experienced power in their life and humans are those who crave for that power. When they find itimpossible, they try to destroy things which they can't achieve themself.]

There was silence from Marcus's end as he nodded in agreement.

[The people who understood Ravens were granted Legendary seeds and The Flame emperor wasgranted The Cheat Seed for his intense determination to make the World a better place. That's howGuardians were formed. They were formed so that one day they could defend the Earth against thecoming calamity. The Calamity, The Son of Ravens........ CRAYALUS RAVENS]

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