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Chapter 995

After hanging up on Travis’s call, Charlie told Caleb who was standing in front of him, “I’ve alreadygreeted Chairman Lane on your behalf. He told me that he’ll transfer you over to the companyheadquarters to become his assistant.”

Caleb and their table full of friends were all stunned.

Everyone has already heard Travis’s name before. He was a super rich and wealthy man who had anet worth of more than ten billion dollars!novelbin

Moreover, becoming the assistant of a super wealthy man with a net worth of tens of billions of dollarswas not just an ordinary job. It was completely impossible for any ordinary person to be given thisextraordinary opportunity.

At the very least, the person would have to graduate with a PhD from a prestigious university or evenhave similar work experiences in many large companies and corporations to even be considered forthe position by a wealthy man such as Travis.

Everyone knew of Caleb’s situation and background very well.

Both Caleb and Charlie were only high school graduates at the very beginning. This was because theorphanage had only taken care of them until they were eighteen years old. At that time, they wentstraight into society to start working as soon as they graduated from high school.

Charlie was a little better than him. This was because Lord Wilson had actually sent him to AurousUniversity to study for a year because he wanted him to cultivate and build up a relationship with Claireat the beginning of their relationship.

However, Caleb has already started working ever since he was eighteen years old. He had beenworking on the construction site for a few years before he went to Lancaster to work for a few years.

To put it bluntly, Caleb’s situation was not much different compared to the uncles or migrant workerswho worked on the construction site. The only difference between them was the fact that he wasyounger than they were.

So, no matter how anyone looked at it, it was very magical for someone like this to suddenly work asan assistant for the super wealthy Chairman Lane.

Caleb could not believe his own ears either. He was not only in disbelief, but he also felt that he wasnot worthy or capable of being the chairman’s assistant.

It would be great enough if he could become a team leader in the company that he was currentlyworking for.

At this time, Caleb’s cell phone suddenly rang.

When Caleb saw that it was a phone call from an unfamiliar number, he connected the call before heasked, “Hello, may I know who this is?”

The other party replied immediately, “Hello, is this Mr. Caleb Morales? I am the personnel director ofthe Lane Group. I am calling you to inform you that you have now been transferred over to thecompany’s headquarters to work as the chairman’s assistant. Chairman Lane will give you one week toprepare yourself for the job. After that, you can come and report for work directly at the headquarters.”

Caleb was stunned and he blurted out, “You…are you kidding me? Are you really asking me to becomeChairman Lane’s assistant? I did not even go to college…”

The other party smiled and said, “Chairman Lane specifically told me that you are to become hisassistant no matter what your academic qualifications are. You are not required to have any specialskills as long as you can drive. However, even if you cannot drive, the company can pay to send youfor training.”

Caleb hurriedly replied, “I have a driver’s license! I have owned a driver’s license for more than threeyears now. Besides that, I had also previously worked as a cab driver in Lancaster for a short while.”

The other party laughed before she said, “That’s good. If so, you can just drive Chairman Lane aroundfirst. If Chairman Lane has any other work or request for you, he will tell you what to do then.”

After that, the other party said again, “By the way, your salary is two million dollars per annual. This isyour basic salary and it does not include your year-end bonuses and commissions.”

“How…how much?” Caleb was in utter disbelief! He thought that there was a problem with his hearing.How could he possibly earn two million dollars in a year?

At his current level, it would already be very impressive if he could earn one hundred thousand dollarsa year. Even in his wildest dreams, he would have never dreamt that he would ever earn an annualsalary of two million dollars.

When the other party saw that Caleb did not seem to have heard her words clearly, she repeatedherself earnestly as she said, “Mr. Morales, the basic salary for your position is two million dollars ayear…”

Caleb shuddered in fright as he blurted out, “Isn’t two million dollars a year a little too much?”

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