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Chapter 982

He was originally planning to make one hundred thousand dollars. Unexpectedly, he had lost onehundred thousand dollars tonight instead. He had really made a big loss because of this meal!

Jeff had the desire to die in his heart. He was initially doing quite well. He had bought a new Mercedes-Benz and he was pretending to look proper and decent. However, he really did not expect to lose somuch money after meeting Charlie today.

Therefore, he really could not wait to stab Charlie to death so he would be able to relieve his hatred.

Charlie intended to provoke him even further at this time. Therefore, he poured him a glass ofchampagne as he held it out to Jeff before he smiled and said, “Come, Brother Jeff, let me give you atoast!”

Jeff replied angrily, “I don’t want to drink with you!”

Charlie smiled before he said, “Don’t be so angry. After all, you paid for this champagne with your ownmoney too. Don’t you think that it would be a waste if you don’t drink it?”

Jeff trembled with anger when he heard this.

Charlie was right. This champagne was indeed bought and paid for with his own money. He had justspent one hundred thousand dollars on this meal!

He had already lived for so long but when had he ever spent so much money on a meal?novelbin

This was simply the rhythm of turning into a bankrupt!

As he thought about this, Jeff held back his tears as he took the wine glass before he finished the glassof champagne in anger and despair!

He should drink more of the wine and champagne since he had paid for it with his own money.Otherwise, he would only be letting others take advantage of him then.

However, he had an even bigger problem in front of him. How was he going to make money?

If William listened to his own advice and went home to take out a loan with all the online loan platforms,then he would be able to borrow at least four to five hundred thousand dollars. If he added his ownsavings to the money that he borrowed, it would not be an issue for him to raise six hundred thousanddollars.

As for whether he would be able to fool William’s future mother-in-law, Jeff did not have any idea at all.

He could only hope and pray that William would be fooled by him!

After making Jeff pay for the meal, Charlie could not be bothered with him anymore. After all, this mealhad cost him one hundred thousand dollars. He should be feeling the pain for a long time and he wouldnot dare to be pretentious in front of anyone else for the time being.

As he recalled the scene in the orphanage earlier, Charlie could not help but ask Mrs. Lewis, “Mrs.Lewis, how is the current situation in the orphanage now?”

When he mentioned this topic, Mrs. Lewis looked a little upset. She sighed before she said, “Thesituation isn’t that good at the moment. This is mainly because there are more and more children in ourorphanage now. Therefore, we’re facing increasing pressure in our finances.”

After that, Mrs. Lewis sighed as she said, “Some time ago, the police officers in Aurous Hillsuccessfully uncovered many cases of child trafficking and they had rescued many children who hadbeen abducted. Many of them are left under the care of the orphanage because the police could notfind their biological parents. Since they’re all under the foster care of the orphanage, this has added a

lot of pressure to the orphanage. However, there is nothing else that we can do. After all, it is also ourresponsibility and obligation to rescue and look after these abducted children. The only problem is thatthe cost of formula for these children is really expensive. The employees at the orphanage had puttogether a few thousand dollars to support and pay for these expenses as we are currently applying forfunding…”

Charlie could not help but feel a little distressed when he thought about the children that he had seen atthe orphanage earlier in the afternoon.

Those children were in a much more pitiful situation compared to any ordinary orphans because theyhad been abducted and sold by human traffickers. Therefore, Charlie planned to donate a sum ofmoney to the orphanage so that they would be able to deal with these children.

At this time, Charlie opened his mouth as he said, “Mrs. Lewis, we should think more about the childrenat the orphanage. So, I would like to personally donate one million dollars to the orphanage first!”

Everyone was stunned as soon as Charlie said this!

One million dollars? This was an astronomical figure for the people at the orphanage!

After that, Charlie looked at Jeff who was dumbfounded at this time before he said, “Jeff, since you’redoing so well now and since you own a Mercedes-Benz and a Phaeton, you shouldn’t forget that youwere raised and brought up in the orphanage. Shouldn’t you be donating some money to theorphanage now?”

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