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Chapter 973

The reason why Jeff was rejecting William’s request was simply because he was putting on an act andtrying to play hard to get.

He was the investment director of a scam fund, just like those thunderous P2P. His job was to doeverything within his ability to try to fool those who did not understand this so they would invest all oftheir money in this so-called fund.

In fact, none of these funds would possibly make them any money. As long as anyone invested in thefund, they were doomed to lose all their money and they would not even be able to get back a singlepenny.

When Charlie’s mother-in-law, Elaine, was previously defrauded of her investment, she had also beendeceived by this kind of fake funding company. As long as the money had already been entered intotheir company’s account, it would be completely impossible for them to get back their money.

However, what Jeff was trying to do today was not to get them to invest in his own fund. Instead, hewanted to trick them into giving him all of their money under the pretense that he would be investingtheir money in the funds on their behalf. After that, he could use their money to save himself first!

When William heard this, he felt so anxious that he was about to burst into tears. He was reallydesperate. He wanted to make more money. He had initially thought that Jeff would be able to help himto make more money. However, he really did not expect Jeff to say that he had too little capital.novelbin

Therefore, he could only plead, “Brother Jeff, please help your younger brother. Otherwise, I reallydon’t know what to do anymore. I’ve already failed so miserably in my life. You can’t do nothing at alland watch my girlfriend leave me just like that.”

When Jeff saw that William had already taken the bait, he continued acting. “Brother, it’s not that I don’twant to help you. The main point is that your capital really is too small and it isn’t easy for me to do

anything at all!”

As he spoke, Jeff’s eyes suddenly lit up as though he had just thought of something. “By the way, Ihave a way to help you.”

William hurriedly asked, “What is the solution? Brother Jeff, please tell me!”

Jeff hurriedly said, “Well, I know some friends who engage in providing loans online. As long as youcan provide your identification card, they’ll then be able to loan you a small sum of money. Althoughyou might not be able to borrow much, you would be able to raise a sufficient amount of money if youborrow money from a few platforms. You’d probably be able to borrow about four to five hundredthousand dollars. If you add it up to the money that you have in your savings, you’ll be able to raise atleast six hundred thousand dollars. If you put six hundred thousand dollars into the fund, then you’lldefinitely be able to double your investment in less than a week!”

When William heard this, he choked with excitement as he said, “Brother Jeff, I will do as you suggestthen. Could you please introduce me to some of the online creditors?

Jeff smiled before he said, “I will introduce you to some online lending platforms later.”

William replied excitedly, “Brother Jeff, I really don’t know how else to thank you. You really are mybenefactor and my parent on this earth!”

He was an orphan and he was illiterate because he had never attended school. He had finally found agirlfriend and they were already talking about getting married. However, his future mother-in-lawrefused to let him go. He was already desperate.

Therefore, he really had no choice but to pin all of his hopes on Jeff.

Jeff had already spotted William’s mentality from the start and that was the reason why he wasprepared to cheat a big sum of money out of him. First, he was going to trick him into borrowing a fewhundred thousand dollars. After that, he would trick William into giving him the entire sum of money,including his own savings. That way, he would be able to solve the six hundred thousand dollar fundinggap for himself.

If he could trick two such persons today, he would basically be able to resolve his own problem.

As for William, Jeff did not care whether he would be chased to death or hunted down by these majoronline loan platforms in the future. That had nothing to do with him at all. After all, who had asked himto be so foolish? He did not deserve to be pitied.

At this time, a few of their friends from the orphanage heard that Jeff could easily double a six hundredthousand dollars in just one week and they could not stop themselves from thinking about it.

Someone asked, “Brother Jeff, can you include me in this investment too?”

Jeff replied seriously, “As long as you can raise enough funds, I can definitely help you to invest yourmoney in the funds. However, if you don’t have enough money, then you should do the same asWilliam and borrow some money from the online loan platforms first. You can then return the money foryour loan after you make a huge profit. You’re simply borrowing money to make a big profit!”

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