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Chapter 963

The nosy guys cheered delightfully and hopped into the car, but since they only had two cars there, therest had to take a taxi to Hyatt Hotel.

Charlie got into the BMW 760. Claire sat in the front passenger seat while Mrs. Lewis, Lisa, and Calebsat in the back.

Charlie said after starting the car, “Guys, sit tight. Later when I reach the straight road ahead, I can winthe race with just a step on the accelerator.”

Then, he looked at Mrs. Lewis and said, “Mrs. Lewis, please hold on to the handrails. Once Iaccelerate, I will win a Mercedes-Benz for the orphanage! You can sell it for three hundred thousanddollars, then use the money to buy toys and books for the children!”

Mrs. Lewis nodded with a gentle smile. “I thank you on behalf of our children!”

Meanwhile, five people were inside Jeff’s car, all of whom were his lackeys.novelbin

Jeff drove and stopped beside Charlie’s car, wound down the window, and said with a smirk, “Hey,buddy, whenever you’re ready, man! I’ll give you a three-second head-start.”

Charlie said humbly, “Oh, please don’t, we’re friends. I don’t need a head-start, let’s go together.”

“Haha!” The five people in the Mercedes-Benz laughed out loud. Jeff said, “Charlie, you are veryinteresting, do you know that? If so, on my mark, okay?”

Charlie nodded. “Alright, go ahead.”

Jeff laughed and said, “On my mark, one, two, three, go!”

Jeff stomped on the accelerator and sped off.

Charlie intentionally went a second later than him, then, he too stepped on the accelerator, and hisBMW 760 sped off like an arrow shooting from a bow. It only took him a second to overtake Jeff andleave him far behind.

The road was as straight as a ruler. He increased his speed a little bit and the car was nowhere to beseen.

Jeff didn’t even realize that Charlie had overtaken him until someone in the car reminded him, “Hey,Jeff, Charlie overtook you!”

“What? Where?!” Jeff’s heart skipped a beat. He looked up and stared with a dazed expression, “Shit,how could he be so fast…”

A guy in the back seat sighed, “Hmm, Charlie didn’t bluff, he is truly good!”

“Good my ass!” Cold sweat drenched Jeff’s forehead. “It’s nothing about the driving skill, he just has avery good car! Damn it, that fucker set me up!”

The guy asked frantically, “What do you mean?”

Jeff’s face turned red and green in annoyance. “I already stepped on my accelerator to its maximumbut he is still so much faster than me, that means his car’s horsepower is higher and stronger thanmine! I estimate that it’s at least 400 horsepower!”

Then, he mumbled anxiously, “Damn it, I’m screwed! I fell right into Charlie’s trap…”

The guy in the front passenger seat asked, “Why, Jeff? Are you sure you can’t win?”

“How can I win…” Jeff was so anxious he almost burst into tears. “It’s obvious that his car is on adifferent level than mine, I can’t even approach his tail even if I go all out. Look, you can’t even see his

shadow now! The Hyatt is just two or three kilometers away, how can I catch up! I’ll be damned!”

“What?!” A guy in the back seat blurted, “If you lose, you have to donate your car to the orphanage…”

“Donate my ass!” Jeff shouted, “Do you know how much effort it took to buy this car? No way! I’lldonate the car over my dead body!”

“But you’ve already made a bet with Charlie just now right in front of everyone. It will be nasty if youbreak your promise.”

Jeff was aware of this problem as well.

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