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Chapter 894

After that, the police officer continued speaking, “Your son-in-law is a very upright and magnanimousperson. He does not have any greed in him at all. As soon as he received this bank card and found outthe balance in this bank card, he made a police report about this matter. We told him not to act toohastily or behave in a rush. However, you had stolen his bank card and actually gone straight toCitibank to withdraw the money!”

Elaine exclaimed regretfully, “Oh! If I had known that this was the situation all along, I would not havestolen his bank card even if you killed me!”

As Elaine spoke, she could not stop crying bitterly. She really did not expect to walk right into this kindof trap!

It turned out that a criminal organization had stolen Charlie’s personal data, forged a bank card beforesending it directly to Charlie!

They simply did this to lure Charlie and tricked him into having greed for the $21.9 billion balance in thebank card!

After that, Charlie would go to the bank to transfer the money out to his own bank account then!

That way, Charlie would have helped them complete the entire process of defrauding the bank. Thisway, they would be able to avoid all risks and get the money in their hands easily!

After transferring the money to his own bank account, these criminals would have then approachedCharlie directly before they threatened him to transfer the money over to them. After that, they wouldkill Charlie so that he could take the blame entirely for the entire fraud process…novelbin

As she thought about this, Elaine could not help but break out in cold sweat.

She did not have the slightest doubt about what the police officer had just said.

At this time, she suddenly realized that she had been on the brink of death when she proceeded totransfer the $21.9 billion over to herself at the bank!

If the police had not arrived in time to arrest her and take her away, she might have already been killedby those criminals!

Elaine could not help but feel extremely grateful when she thought about how lucky she was to haveescaped death!

Even the inhumane torture that she had suffered in the cell in the detention center suddenly seemedvery worthwhile at this time.

Fortunately, she only had to suffer a little at the hands of Lady Wilson and Gena at the cell in thedetention center. This was much better compared to becoming a lonely ghost!

At this time, Elaine cried as she said, “Officer, since you already know that I have been seriouslywronged. Could you please let me go already, then?”

The police officer replied coldly, “If we let you go and you tell anyone about this matter, you’ll only beprovoking the criminal organization. How are we going to catch the suspect in the future then?”

Elaine hurriedly replied, “Don’t worry, officer. As long as you let me go, I will never mention this matterto anyone at all!”

The police officer replied, “Are you sure you can keep this matter to yourself without talking about it toanyone at all? You cannot even say a word about this matter to your husband or daughter!”

Elaine nodded as she said, “Yes! I can do that! I can do it! I can definitely do it!”

The police officer replied coldly, “I don’t believe you. If you accidentally say anything about this matter,it will bring irreversible consequences to this case. Will you be able to afford to pay the price for yourmistake then?”

Elaine continued crying as she said, “Officer, please rest assured that I will never speak about thismatter. I will bring this matter to my grave with me! I will never mention a single word about this toanyone at all!”

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