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Chapter 6179

Chapter 6179 Now Ervin has completely given up in his heart. He knew that his rank was no match for Peter, And if he continued to struggle with him on this matter, He might cause even greater trouble for himself. So now he knows very well that if he wants to solve this matter, The only breakthrough point is Jacob. Now he can only think of ways to make Jacob accept this reality, And there is no other way. Therefore, he could only wait for Jacob to land in Dubai, And then call him to beg for mercy. If it didn’t work out, he would give him all the cash he had on hand, A lesson for him to bear in mindforever. At this time, the story of Peter spread again in Antique Street. novelbin

Originally, many people thought that Peter must have concealed something from the originalblogger when he received the Northern Song Dynasty bronze Buddha. However, once the video was released, everyone saw his extraordinary personality and businessethics. Based on his performance in the video, if you look at the entire antique street, You will definitely not be able to find anyone else. Peter made several different offers to the other party in succession. In the one with the biggest profit, he was only willing to keep 10% of the profit. As for this kind of business ethics of honest management, no one in the country can match it. There is no problem in being a moral model in the intrigue and deceitful antique industry. As a result, all the rumors about Peter in the antique industry turned into purely positive comments. For a time, his peers, collectors, and sellers who were interested in selling antiques all agreed withhim. This can be regarded as completely helping Peter gain a reputation. So starting in the afternoon, there was an endless stream of customers coming to his shop toappraise treasures.

It is also a paid treasure appraisal. Naturally, everyone is more willing to find an appraiser with an excellent professional level and highenough ethical standards. After all, it is not uncommon in the antiques industry to hear about appraisers cheating anddeceiving people. There are always those treacherous people with excellent professional skills who, when they see acustomer’s good things, deliberately conceal the facts and talk about the collection in a bad way, Using all their words. PUA customers, brainwash customers, and finally buy customers’ things withhigh potential value at extremely low prices, making huge profits. In comparison, Peter has an absolute advantage. And just as he was becoming famous in Antique Street, another person’s fame was also rising. This person is the current manager of the Antique Shop, Manager Chen. However, Manager Chen’s soaring reputation is all negative. Now he has become the biggest joke in the entire antique circle. He rejected a bronze Buddha from the Northern Song Dynasty. Not only did he fail to see its true age and value,

But he also mistook it for a modern imitation of the Ming Dynasty. He talked eloquently to the camera and was acting smart. He didn’t say anything right. It was really embarrassing for such a parallel importer to be the manager of the largest store in theantique street. So now looking at the video posted online yesterday, It is simply a public execution of Manager Chen. And now, the comments under that video have begun to take a 180-degree turn. Originally, everyone was praising Manager Chen for his sharp eyes and criticizing Liangyun forbeing deceived. But now, everyone has gone to the bottom of this video and ridiculed Manager Chen. A comment posted in the morning quickly became the most liked one. The comment read: “Liangyun has sold the bronze Buddha in the video and sold it for a total of 20million.” Looking at this video now, this manager Chen is really the biggest joke in the past few years!”

“He regards things from the Northern Song Dynasty as modern imitations,” “And yet he speaks plausibly and logically, and drives away 20 million people with such a toughattitude.” “This Manager is probably going to make me laugh for a year!” Many people responded to the post, almost all of them mercilessly ridiculing Manager Chen. Some people said: “The last time I watched a video I laughed so much that my stomach hurt,” “And it was the little guy with a waist and a horse!” Others said: “This Manager Chen can almost make his debut,” “And from now on he will be the comedian in the city’s antique industry!” Someone said: “This Manager Chen is really fcking amazing.” “His professional skills are so bad, and he still has the nerve to come out to be the general managerof the Antique Shop.” “Can the Antique Shop not find anyone?” “If not, let me be the general manager!”

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