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Chapter 6110

Chapter 6110

After saying that, Helena added: “But there is a small episode in this matter,”

“That is, NVIDIA just released the latest computing chip b100 two days ago.”

“The overall performance is much better than the h100 we ordered.”

“It can be regarded as the upper one.”

“A product of an era, so I had a chat with Simon and asked him to take advantage of his relationshipbefore the b100 was officially launched,”

“And order a batch from Nvidia, at least to ensure that we can have 20,000 b100 within the firstquarter of the official launch.”

Charlie asked: “What did Simon say?”

Helena said: “Of course he, an old fox, is unwilling.”

“The computing power of b100 is a qualitative improvement compared to h100.”

“Many AI companies and industry experts and companies have been holding coins for a long time.”

“He said that he has already taken so many h100 through special relationships,”

“So about b100 is really embarrassed to speak.”

Charlie smiled lightly and said: “Why is he embarrassed to speak,”

“It’s nothing more than It’s just that the conditions have been negotiated in advance,”

“And he doesn’t want us to increase the price temporarily.”

“Yes.” Helena said: “Simon is the shrewdest businessman in the world.”

“These days, they have made a lot of money on Nvidia stocks.”

“After Nvidia’s b100 is launched, their revenue will soar rapidly.”

“Getting 10,000 more graphics cards is not a big problem for him,”

“But he just doesn’t want to raise the price now.”

Charlie said with a smile: “This matter is actually easy to handle.”

“We can’t simply increase the quotation,”

“But also increase the value of our target appropriately.”

“Let’s do this. Tell him that if we can send 40,000 b200 to Northern Europe,”

“He will have three-quarters of the blood-dispersing and heart-saving pills.”

Helena smiled and said: “I believe he will not refuse, and he will definitely be very positive.”

Charlie sighed: “It’s just a shame for his son Steve.”

“This guy just arrived in Aurous Hill to visit the pier.”

“When he goes back, he will find that his father is getting stronger and he is going to hate me likecrazy.”

Helena quickly asked him: “Mr. Wade,”

“But if this Steve jumps over the wall, will it bring any risks to you?”

Charlie smiled: “If he really jumps over the wall,”

“He will definitely find a way to kill his dad instead of me.”

“After all, he is jumping over the wall,” “If a dog jumps off a building in a hurry, he will not seek death on his own.”

Helena smiled sweetly and said, “Then I’m relieved!”

After that, Helena added: “By the way,”

“Mr. Wade, the launch period of the AI model has passed.”

“The latest demonstration can be launched within the specified time,”

“And there is room for further acceleration.”

“However, the details cannot be guaranteed and must be continuously verified in actual operations.”novelbin

“However, you can rest assured that I will definitely keep an eye on them and let them do their bestto go online as soon as possible.”

“Okay.” Charlie sighed:

“Thank you for your hard work, Helena.”

Helena said hurriedly: “Mr. Wade, you are so polite. This is what I should do.” Charlie did not talk toHelena too much it is useless to say more words of politeness and gratitude.”

“He will always give tangible rewards in practical areas to those who have helped him and thosewho have made efforts and goodwill for him.

At this time, Helena said again: “By the way, Mr. Wade, you haven’t given me a collection accountfor the US$55 billion that Simon gave me last time.”

“Please give me an account when it’s convenient for you. Thank you for your hard work.”

Charlie smiled and said: “I really don’t have anything to use the money for right now,”

“So just keep this money for now.”

At this moment, another call came in from Charlie’s mobile phone.

It was his wife, Claire, so he said to Helena:

“Helena, I have something to do here, let’s talk about it later.”

After that, he switched Claire’s call.

As soon as the phone call came through, Claire said excitedly: “Husband, I have finished handing over here! Miss Fei has arranged a flight for me,”

“And I will set out in the afternoon!”

Charlie couldn’t help but ask in surprise:

“Honey, When can you arrive in Aurous Hill?”

Claire thought for a while and said:

“It’s late at night in Aurous Hill now.”

“I’ll go back to pack my things later. After finishing everything,”

“Miss Fei will arrange a special plane to send me off.”

“I guess I should arrive tomorrow afternoon!”

Charlie said happily: “That’s great, wife,”

“I will pick you up at the airport tomorrow!”

Chapter 6109

When Jacob was sent home, he was so drunk that he was almost unconscious.

When Charlie took him from Mr. Wu’s hand, he originally had thick eyebrows and big eyes,

But he could only open his eyes to a thin slit even though he tried hard,

Plus he had a red face and a facial expression that looked like a smile but not a smile.

Just like the obscene perverts in advlt movies.

Seeing Charlie come out to pick him up in a daze,

The drunk Jacob said with a smile:

“Good… good son-in-law… your father was s… so… so honored today!”

Charlie was helpless.

He shook his head and said, “Dad, you drank too much,”

“Go and rest. Don’t wake mom up.” “She will definitely come down and scold you when she sees you like this.”

“Scold me?” Jacob glared and snorted coldly.

He said: “I…I’ll give her some courage…courage!”

Charlie patted his back and whispered:

“Keep your voice down, mom is full of courage,”

“Why do you need to give her some courage?”

“In your current situation, if she really attacks you, you can’t beat her.”

Jacob, who was still drunk just now, felt a sudden rush of cold air from above,

His whole body shivered subconsciously, and then quickly changed his words:

“Okay… A good man doesn’t… fight with women!”

“You… you take me back… to my room, and we both keep a low… low profile!”

Charlie hummed, helped him into the villa, and then sent him back to the room to settle down.

After doing this, Charlie came out of the room, just when the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Helena calling him, he realized that Peter’s return to China might be approaching,

So he returned to his room and answered the phone.

Helena’s voice rang on the other side of the phone, and she said respectfully:

“Mr. Wade, I’m not disturbing your rest at this late hour, right?”

“No.” Charlie asked her with a smile: “How is the situation over there?”

Helena said hurriedly: “I’m calling you because I want to report the recent situation to you.”

After saying that, she continued:

“There are many things that may take up a little bit of your time.”

“Is it convenient for you? If it’s not convenient,”

“I will make an appointment with you at another time.”

Charlie said: “It’s okay, it’s convenient for me, you can tell me.”

Helena said: “Then let me tell you something clear about the situation first.”

“The first one is Mr. Zhou’s identity. It is no longer an issue.”

“According to his personal wishes, I asked someone to help him order a flight for tomorrowmorning.”

“There is no direct flight from Oslo to Aurous Hill,”

“So he has to transfer twice. It takes almost 24 hours to arrive in Aurous Hill,”

“That will be the day after tomorrow in the afternoon at your place.”

After saying that, Helena explained: “You previously said that Mr. Zhou be given a reasonableidentity as an ordinary person,”

“So I did not arrange a business jet for him here, and the journey will be a little harder.”

“Okay,” Charlie said understandingly:

“Returning to China is the last step for Uncle Zhou to get out of this disaster.”

“It’s better to work harder than to make trouble.”

“You can send me the flight number later and I will pick him up at the airport.”

Helena said: “That’s it, Mr. Wade, what Mr. Zhou means is to try not to let me tell you his flightinformation.”

“He said that you are still very influential in Aurous Hill.”

“If you go to pick him up, or have some influence on him after he arrives in Aurous Hill,”

“If you take care of him, many people will pay extra attention to him,”

“So his idea is to go to Aurous Hill to settle down quietly first,”

“And after he settles down, he will find an opportunity to contact you.”

Charlie hesitated for a moment and then nodded slightly.

Aurous Hill is not a very big place.

Although most people here do not know their identities,

There are indeed many who know Master Wade.

There are tens of thousands of Orvel’s little brothers alone.

As soon as one of them meets someone who goes to the airport to pick up a stranger they are notfamiliar with,

Even if they have no ill intentions, they will definitely be curious about that person.

Thinking about it this way, it would be better for him not to get involved for the time being,

And contact him after he has settled down.

He can ensure that he has peace of mind by quietly taking care of and protecting him in Aurous Hill.

So, he said to Helena: “Since Uncle Zhou has made a decision,”

“Let his thoughts prevail on this matter.”

Helena said simply: “Okay Mr. Wade, I will follow up next.”

“Let’s talk about the AI model. Simon has personally delivered 40,000 graphics cards.”

“Microsoft’s data center here has also started the handover work.”

“They will migrate the data as quickly as possible to other data centers,”

“And after that, we can use it normally.”

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