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Chapter 6090

Chapter 6090

This is also the blind self-confidence that some men often have.

It may be because they have watched too many unrealistic Hong Kong movies and Hollywoodromance movies.

They always feel that no matter how ordinary they are, they must be someone’s true love.

There will always be someone.

Instead of eating the delicacies of the mountains and seas,

He stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds to eat the sour white water noodles.

It is precisely because of this that he recently came up with the idea of saving Meiqing.

But the so-called recovery is not about being with Meiqing,

But about letting Meiqing give up Pollard and continue to love him.

As for whether he wants to divorce Elaine, that is another project.

Jacob finally finished the boring ppt.

A room full of retired elderly people also recovered from their drowsiness.

Everyone began to pack their things. Some people were going to other classrooms to attend othercourses,

While others were finishing up.

Meiqing had just made an appointment with Pollard on WeChat to go back and make a guest listtogether.

After Pollard and Charlie had coffee, he drove back to the University for the Elderly to pick her up,

So she packed her things and prepared to leave.

When Jacob saw her neatly packing up her things and leaving the classroom through the back door,

He quickly chased after her and stopped her from behind: “Meiqing!”

Meiqing turned around, looked at Jacob, and asked with a smile:

“Jacob, Are you okay?”

Jacob hesitated for a moment, then said timidly:

“Well, I just wanted to ask if you are free in the evening, and I would like to treat you to a meal.”

After saying that, he quickly played out the Thirty-six Stratagems of Sgumbags.

With a nostalgic plan, he said: “How about we go to the food stalls near the back alley in front of ourschool?”

“You forgot, we always went there to eat.”

“Although it is no longer the same one, but the food stalls in that area taste has always been veryauthentic these years.”

If Meiqing still loved Jacob in her heart, then Jacob’s nostalgia card would definitely be very lethal.

But at this time, Meiqing has already decided to move forward,

So Jacob’s words are simply Without touching her emotionally,

She smiled apologetically and said,

“I’m sorry, Jacob, Pollard is waiting for me downstairs.”

“We both have something to do. How about we have dinner together another day?”

Jacob didn’t expect that the nostalgia card would be misfired.

His original idea was to use the nostalgia card to let Meiqing go to eat with him near the school,

And then use the opportunity to take her to visit the old place and have a secret visit.

After all, if you want to rekindle an old relationship, revisiting the old place is the best way.

This is the same as the original soup and the original food.

But he never expected that Meiqing’s expression would not change at all.

There was no shyness, nervousness, or the panic of a deer.

She just rejected simply and politely, just like she would reject an ordinary friend.

Jacob felt even more depressed when he heard that Pollard was waiting for Meiqing.

When he thought about Meiqing saying Pollard affectionately in front of him,

He felt even more unhappy.

Therefore, he could only use the thirty-six tactics of a scumbag to retreat and make progress,

And laughed at himself: “Hey, it seems that Mr. Watt is indeed a good man.”

“After you get together with him, you won’t even be able to show off your old classmates.”

“It’s time to figure it out.”

The difference between Meiqing and Jacob is that Jacob has ten thousand thoughts in his heart,

But five thousand of them,

4999 of them don’t want to say them.

The only ones he says are all in a roundabout way. It’s confusing.

Maybe he wasn’t like this before, but the moment he decided to be restrained and sullen,

It was like a gate was installed in his heart,

And the thoughts that blocked him would only increase.

Meiqing is different.

She has a straightforward personality and dares to love and hate.

After living in the West for so many years,

She doesn’t have the subtlety that Easterners often have.

She always says what she wants and does whatever she wants.

Therefore, seeing that Jacob seemed to be complaining about rejecting his invitation,

She said very frankly: “I’m really sorry, Jacob. Pollard and I are planning to hold a wedding soon.”

“He asked me to go back and decide the guest list together.”

“After setting the list, we have to start writing the invitations,”

“So today really can’t be done, let’s try another day, definitely another day!” Jacob was completelydumbfounded by the words planning to hold a wedding. novelbin

And his back felt cold and his legs felt numb.

Soft, numb hands and even the mouth became bitter and astringent.

He didn’t listen at all to what Meiqing said next.

He just stared at her dumbfounded, unable to believe that this woman who had loved him for thirtyyears was actually getting married to someone else!

However, Meiqing didn’t wait for him to come back to his senses.

Seeing that she had been delayed a lot, she said to Jacob:

“Jacob, I really have to go. Let’s talk later. Goodbye!”

After that, she hurriedly turned around and went downstairs.

Leaving Jacob standing there dejectedly.

At this time, Jacob’s brain had gone completely blank,

And he just stood there blankly, motionless.

A student happened to pass by him and asked curiously:

“Vice President, what are you standing here for?”

After saying that, he said in surprise:

“Vice President, you… what are you doing? Crying? Are you okay?!”

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