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Chapter 6011

Chapter 6011

Simon originally thought that $100 million was already an astronomical figure,

And the price he offered was completely enough to show his sincerity.

But how could he have imagined that after Helena heard the offer,

She didn’t even bother to negotiate the price and turned around to leave.

He had just felt the real effect of the medicine.

One-tenth of it had such an effect. Taking a whole pill would definitely make him recover as before,

So how could he give up this golden opportunity.

So he quickly shouted: “Your Majesty the Queen…”

“If there is anything… we can discuss… But you turned around and left. Why… why?”

Helena said lightly: “Mr. Routhchild, I never like to talk about cooperation with people who don’tunderstand clearly.”

“In Mr. Simon’s opinion, his health is only worth 100 million dollars. So with all due respect, whatelse do I have to talk to you about?”

“I, can’t compare with you. Although I don’t have much money, in my opinion, my own health mustbe measured by more than this little money, right?”

Simon was speechless for a moment.

He did not expect that Helena would raise the issue of pricing to his net worth. novelbin

See what this means, if you have more money, it is reasonable to spend more money?

How can he talk about this when he is worth a trillion dollars? Should he just give her three to fivehundred billion?

At this time, Helena thought of something and said: “Oh, by the way,”

“I received a piece of news today that Che Wang’s family is going to auction his private car to payfor Che Wang’s treatment.”

“It is said that Che Wang has been in a coma for many years, and his family has suffered a lot.Hundreds of millions of euros have been paid for his treatment.”

“Let me give you an inappropriate analogy. If it were Mr. Simon and were unconscious in bed, wouldyour family only pay 100 million dollars in medical expenses for you? Or, You just want them to paymore?”

“This…” Simon’s face burned.

At first, he did realize that the price he had just quoted was a bit stingy.

Secondly, he didn’t expect Helena to speak so directly, which really didn’t save him any face.

So, he could only say in a low voice: “Your Majesty the Queen… If you think the price… the price istoo low… you can just say a price…”

Helena said lightly: “Mr. Routhchild before I make the offer… Before talking about the price, I hopeyou can understand that the reason why I brought this elixir here is to save you from fire and water.”

“Since it is to save you from fire and water, then you must refer to your worth when you are in fireand water. How much it is.”

After saying that, Helena added: “You must be the only one who knows Mr. Routhchild’s current situation best.”

“The stroke not only affects your actions, your language, and your quality of life but also affects yourentire status in the family.”

“The role you play in the family, if you regain your health, you can postpone your original decision togive up the position of head of the family to Steve today and continue to play the role of thepatriarch. But if you lose your health, you will lose everything.”

As soon as Simon heard this, he knew that if he wanted to get this pill today, he had to be preparedfor heavy bleeding, and there was no chance of saving money.

So, he could only bite the bullet and say: “Your Majesty the Queen…I understand everything yousaid…so…so please just…please give me a clear price…just give me a clear price!”

Helena nodded and said coldly: “One hundred billion dollars.”

Simon’s eyes widened: “How…how much?!”

Helena repeated again: “I said, one hundred billion dollars.”

Simon blurted out: “This… this is outrageous… One hundred billion… One hundred billion dollarscan give this country… build a most advanced aircraft carrier fleet, and… maintain its operation forat least two years…”

Helena nodded and smiled: “Yes, one hundred billion dollars can not only build the most advancedaircraft carrier fleet,”

“But also send humans to Mars and bring him back, and maybe even enable them to build aDisneyland on the moon.”

At this point, Helena asked: “But what does Disney on the moon mean to you? One hundred billion dollars spent on these places can buy everything, but only You can’t buy yourhealth back.”

After saying that, Helena added: “Actually, if Mr. Routhchild can give up himself for the family, hecan completely save this money and let this money play a greater role in the future development ofthe family.”

“At that time, maybe your descendants will build a monument for you to commemorate you.”

Simon felt a pain in his liver, and while covering his abdomen, he waved his hand and said:

“Don’t… stop talking… Since it’s a deal… you can make a price …Then I…then I can bargain, then I

will come up with a price…a price that can be achieved in one step.”

After that, he stretched out five fingers and said firmly:

“Fifty billion dollars! No more! If there is more, even if my body recovers, I will be mentallydepressed.”

“When I think about spending hundreds of billions of dollars, I am afraid that I will not be happy inmy old age…”

It can easily cost hundreds of billions of dollars, just to buy a pill, Simon was really in pain.

Some people are poor and generous even without money.

But some people become more stingy when they get rich.

Some people believe that health is something money can’t buy.

Some people think that when health is too expensive, they might as well just give it up.

This thought in Simon’s mind can be said to be half true and half false.

What’s fake is that he is actually very eager to get back to health.

After all, he lived a wise life and ended up like this after suffering a stroke. The gap is too big.

But really, he really cannot accept spending $100 billion to buy health.

He couldn’t die from a fcking stroke. Compared to staying in bed and jumping around, the latterwould cost a hundred billion dollars more.

At this time, he couldn’t help but think that he could at least save a hundred billion dollars by stayingin bed.

In fact, Helena didn’t really want so much money from him.

According to Charlie’s psychological price, one or two billion dollars is already very good.

After all, their main purpose is not to make money but to take advantage of Simon and his sonSteve.

And now Charlie has added a new demand, which is the AI model mastered by this family.Therefore, her psychological price today is actually 10 billion dollars.

Plus a set of AI models, as long as it can reach This condition is already considered a success.

However, she also knew that Charlie just let go of bargain side and handed these things to her,

But she could never communicate with Simon according to his bottom line, and she must try to winas many benefits for Charlie as possible.

So, she looked at Simon and said calmly: “Mr. Routhchild, we don’t speak secretly.”

“What I want is not just cash, but also the AI model that your family invested in;”

“So, my final offer is this, 50 billion dollars in cash, plus a 100% replica of that model!”

“I want your team to go to Northern Europe to build an exact set of AI models for me, from hardwareto software it is not allowed to be any different,”

“And I ask you to do simultaneous updates and upgrades for me;”

“In other words, whatever version you upgrade to in Silicon Valley, my version in Northern Europewill be upgraded to this version at the same time. The maximum delay shall not exceed one hour;”

“Also, all knowledge bases in the AI model must be fully synchronized:”

“And, you must always maintain this system for me, and you must not stop maintenance for anyreason in the next 20 years.”

Simon When he heard this, he suddenly became anxious and blurted out:

“That AI model… is now… has been spotted by the Department of Defense… its commercial…commercial application prospects are… also very broad… it is estimated in the future that the valueis no less than 100 billion dollars.”

“After organic… organic integration with other industries, the added value may be… even moreimmeasurable…”

“Your Majesty the Queen, you… are simply… having idiotic dreams!”

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