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Chapter 5835

Chapter 5835

If Charlie’s orders were placed in the past, these people would definitely think it was a fantasy.

However, after a few people experienced Charlie’s methods and most people witnessed his cruelty,

These people felt in their hearts that Charlie’s orders were not too much.

Therefore, each of them nodded as if they were talking,

Fearing that Charlie would take advantage of them if they expressed their opinions too late.

Seeing them all nodding in agreement, Charlie smiled slightly and said:

“Since you all have no objections, we will implement it from now on.”

“This cell is dirty and smelly right now, so all of you will do a general cleaning first.”

“Be sure that the cleaning must be spotless, otherwise, all of you will be punished together.”

They did not dare to say more and quickly started an unprecedented cleaning.

In order to satisfy Charlie as soon as possible, everyone who could still move immediatelyparticipated.

They threw all the bedding that had not been changed for a long time into the bathroom,

Leaving a few people to be responsible for washing, while the rest began to clean everywhere.

They knew that if Charlie was not satisfied with hygiene in the slightest, They would not be able toavoid a physical meal.

Moreover, the pain Charlie gave them was really painful!

Even Dean dragged his body and wiped Charlie’s bed repeatedly with a towel,

Especially the footprints he had stepped on before and no traces were left after he wiped themcarefully.

At this time, Charlie looked at the miserable Dean and asked:

“Dean, I have a question for you. You must answer it truthfully.”

“If you dare to play tricks on me, I will make you a hundred times more miserable than you are now.Do you understand?”

Dean trembled and said quickly: “Sir, ask me, as long as I know, I will not hide anything!”

Charlie nodded and asked: “Have you ever heard of a Chinese prisoner named

Peter Zhou here in prison?”

“Peter Zhou?” Dean shook his head and said, “I’ve never heard of this man.”

Charlie asked back, “Think about it carefully.”

“Think about it, you can’t recall any memory of this name in your mind?”

Dean said with a look of fear: “Sir, I really didn’t lie. I have never heard of the name you mentioned.…”

Charlie could see that Dean was not lying, and he had no extravagant hope of getting news aboutPeter Zhou from Dean.

After all, he was the one targeted by the core members of the Routhschild family.

Even if he was sent to this prison, it would definitely not be known to everyone.

Then, Charlie remembered the informant Lucas the police had mentioned to him,

So he asked: “Have you ever heard of a Brazilian named Lucas?”

Dean nodded quickly and said, “Lu Cass, I know, that kid is very smart,”

“And he has good news in all directions in Brooklyn Prison.”

“He has a nickname, Brooklyn Prison Know-It-All. He is in Cell No. 15, not far from here.”

Charlie said again: “Now tell me about the situation of the prisoners in

Brooklyn Prison, especially the situation of the gangs inside.”

Dean thought for a while and said: “Sir, there are two wards in the Prison.”

“The one we are in now is the first prison district.”

“Each prison district has a boss. This boss is the person who can truly intimidate the entire prisondistrict.”

After saying that, Dean added: “In the first prison district where we are, the boss is the famousMexican drug lord Gustavo a very powerful person.”

“It is said that before he was arrested by the police, he was worth more than 10 billion US dollars.”

“However, he was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.”

“His family currently inherits him in the drug sales empire,”

“After he was imprisoned, a group of diehard loyalists were sent to the prison one after another.”

“These people protected him in prison and helped him gain the status of the boss of the prisonarea.”

“With this gang’s presence,”

“The first prison district has become the prison district with the highest death rate in the UnitedStates.”

Charlie continued to ask him: “What about the second prison area?”

Dean said: “The boss of the Second Ward is the boss of the New York gang from ten years ago,”

“His name is Joseph Norris.”

“He was very prosperous in New York at the time and had many minions.”

‘The Italians only rose to prominence after he was imprisoned.”

‘If he is outside, those mafias would tighten their but.ts even if they fa.rt in New York.”

Charlie nodded and asked: “How long until dinner time?” Dean looked up at the electronic clock andsaid quickly:

“There are still forty minutes.”

“Okay.” Charlie said calmly: “When it is time for a meal in a restaurant, introduce Lucas to me.”novelbin

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