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Chapter 5568

A sudden voice from outside the crowd caused everyone to turn around instinctively.

Neither Joseph nor Gustavo had expected anyone to intervene at this moment.

While Joseph and Gustavo were still processing this unexpected development, Charlie had alreadyseparated himself from the people in the crowd and approached Gustavo and Joseph.

The boys who had been pushed aside couldn’t comprehend why this tall, thin boy had shoved them toboth sides. Before they could react, Charlie had already moved past them.

When Joseph saw Charlie’s unfamiliar oriental face, he pointed angrily at him and demanded, “Who thehell are you? Are you asking for trouble?”

After uttering these words, Joseph didn’t want to waste any more time on Charlie. He immediately turnedto the two people beside him and ordered, “Drag this kid out and teach him a lesson!”

Upon hearing Joseph’s command, the two of them immediately geared up and advanced toward Charlie.In their minds, Charlie appeared to be a tall, thin individual who didn’t seem physically fit, whereas theywere both muscular men with hands larger than a bowl. It seemed like an easy task to handle Charlie.

The two men swiftly reached Charlie, and one of them reached out to grab Charlie’s arm with theintention of pulling him out. Unexpectedly, Charlie suddenly became agitated and swiftly seized theiroutstretched arms.

The expressions on their faces turned to shock. No one could discern how Charlie had acted, but theycould clearly feel that their arms were now trapped by Charlie.

Before they could fully grasp what had happened, Charlie twisted his hands inward, causing their arms tocontort unnaturally. The sound of cracking, similar to firecrackers, filled the air as both men collapsed on

the spot due to the immense torque applied to their arms. Their heads collided with each other, causingthem to become instantly bruised and bloodied.

The most dire consequence at this point was that their arms had been fractured in numerous places.

As the two men sat on the ground, wailing in agony, everyone around was utterly astonished by Charlie’sdisplay of strength.

They couldn’t fathom how Charlie had effortlessly tossed two burly men, each weighing more than 200kilograms, into the air. Such power exceeded the capabilities of even the strongest strongmen in theUnited States!

Joseph, too, was dumbfounded. He hadn’t expected his two most capable henchmen to becomeincapacitated in an instant. Having been in the gang for many years and witnessing a variety of injuries,he understood the severity of their broken arms. Those arms had twisted and contorted multiple times.Given the extent of the damage, even with intensive medical treatment and recovery, they might neverregain full use of their arms. It was essentially equivalent to losing an arm. Such strength was beyondbelief.

Joseph, his nerves slightly rattled, instinctively questioned Jagoan, “Who are you? What do you want?Even if you’re a skilled fighter, you can’t take on thirty or fifty of us, can you?”

Jagoan smiled and gazed at Joseph earnestly, saying, “You’re quite forgetful, aren’t you? I’m your UncleJagoan. Have you forgotten?”

Joseph had not anticipated that Jagoan would address himself as “Uncle Jagoan” right off the bat.Considering their age, it was an unexpected term of address. This infuriated him, and he barked at hisyounger henchmen, “Attack him together! Take him down!”

Although the henchmen were nervous, they were armed, and their numerical advantage made them feelconfident. Their expressions turned cold, and they moved to attack Jagoan.

Jagoan gestured to stop them and said seriously to Joseph, “Have you forgotten? Your father and I havebeen friends for many years. I always referred to him as my older brother. If your father and I arebrothers, then you should call me uncle, shouldn’t you?”

As he spoke, Jagoan’s reiki subtly entered Joseph’s mind.

Joseph was momentarily stunned, then looked at Jagoan with excitement and exclaimed, “Uncle Jagoan!It’s really you, Uncle Jagoan!”

Those two words, “Uncle Jagoan,” left everyone at the scene stunned.

Everyone had assumed that Jagoan was courting trouble by confronting them and boldly claiming to beJoseph’s uncle. It seemed like a reckless move. But no one had expected Joseph to acknowledge it.

In his excitement, Joseph stepped forward, clasped Jagoan’s right hand with both of his own, and saidfervently, “Uncle Jagoan, why are you here?”

The bystanders were left agape, and even Gustavo was bewildered.

Jagoan, however, replied calmly, “This prison isn’t owned by your family. If you can come, why can’t I?You may make mistakes, but your Uncle Jagoan doesn’t make mistakes.”

Joseph, showing deep respect, concurred, “You’re absolutely right, Uncle Jagoan!”

Jagoan rolled his eyes at Joseph and then pointed at Gustavo, saying, “Today, as a favor to me, sparethis man. Do not lay a hand on him.”

Joseph immediately agreed without hesitation, “Okay, if Uncle Jagoan says so, I won’t touch him.”

Then he turned to Gustavo with a serious expression and added, “Gustavo, you’re damn lucky today. Ifmy Uncle Jagoan hadn’t vouched for you, I would have had my guys turn you into a human pincushion!”

Gustavo remained baffled by the situation. What was happening? But upon hearing Joseph’s words, hecouldn’t help but feel a surge of relief. Realizing that he had narrowly avoided a sinister fate, tears welledup in his eyes uncontrollably.

Jagoan approached Gustavo at that moment, gave him a light slap on the back of the head, and saidicily, “Why are you crying? Can’t you hold it together?”

Gustavo hadn’t expected Jagoan to hit him, and his initial reaction was anger. He felt an urge tomagically summon an AK-47 and unload a clip into Jagoan. However, in the next moment, heexperienced a sense of relief and gratitude for escaping his predicament. It appeared that Joseph, hisnewfound uncle, wasn’t plotting against him, and he no longer had to endure the humiliation.novelbin

With a grateful smile on his face, Gustavo tried to express his gratitude, “Sir, thank you for saving me. I’llfind a way to repay you!”

“Repay me?” Jagoan sneered. “Look at your current state. What can you possibly do to repay me? Eventhough my eldest nephew has spared your life for now, what do you think you can achieve? Do you haveanything left to offer? Your son now controls your entire family, and he wants your life. Have youconsidered that if my eldest nephew doesn’t kill you today, he might send someone else to do ittomorrow? Your own flesh and blood, killing you?”

Gustavo fell silent for a moment. It was at this juncture that he finally grasped a crucial reality. Since hisson had plotted to kill him and assume full control of the criminal organization, all the prestige he hadenjoyed in Brooklyn Prison had been a facade. In truth, he would have even less support within theprison.

What was more frustrating was that he couldn’t turn to the Rothschild family for help. They had providedhim with privileges under the assumption that he remained valuable and unaware of his son’s betrayal.However, if they learned the truth, he would lose all value to them.

Therefore, without a powerful ally, he would likely meet a premature end within the prison.

In this moment, Jagoan was his lifeline. So, he quickly implored Jagoan, “Sir, please provide me with away out. As long as I can survive the imminent danger, I’m willing to offer a $100 million reward!”

Jagoan responded with disdain, “Come on, I’m the only reason you’re still alive right now. Forget aboutwine and steak for your next meal. Whether you’ll survive is still uncertain. Are you still dreaming ofreclaiming your Sanchez family? Don’t forget, the Americans have sentenced you to life imprisonment,and you won’t be getting out.”

Gustavo asked in despair, “Then… what should I do now?”

Jagoan replied calmly, “Follow me. I’ll protect you from now on. Tell the prison guards that you’ll bemoving to my cell and residing with me. I’ll ensure your safety.”

Gustavo couldn’t fathom why Jagoan was willing to help him despite knowing there was little hope for hissurvival. After contemplating it, he couldn’t help but wonder, “Could this person be gay? It must be…Why else would he help me? Why would he want me to move to his cell with him? But… what does hesee in me? After all, I’m not exactly young…”

Seeing Gustavo’s prolonged silence, Jagoan warned him sternly, “I didn’t help you for free. If I do, youmust obey my every command. Whatever I ask of you, you must do it, or I’ll inform my eldest nephew,and I won’t care whether you live or die. Do you understand?”

Gustavo trembled in fear and hastily agreed, “I understand, I’ll do whatever you say.”

As he spoke, he reached into Jagoan’s trouser pocket, making Jagoan believe he was trying to bribe himwith something. However, to Jagoan’s surprise, Gustavo turned out his trouser pockets and held them inhis hands, wearing a humiliated yet willing expression.

Jagoan instantly grasped Gustavo’s intention. Wasn’t this a scene from the American TV series ‘PrisonBreak’?

Did this old man really think he had something to offer?

Feeling disgusted, Jagoan raised his hand and slapped Gustavo a few meters away, admonishing him,“Are you insane? Do you think I’m gay? If you disgust me any further, I’ll let my nephew beat you todeath!”

It was the first time in his life that Gustavo had been slapped in the face, and his cheek swelled upinstantly.

Initially, he had wanted to retaliate in anger, even fantasizing about summoning an AK-47 and unloadingrounds into Jagoan. However, in the next moment, a sense of relief washed over him, and he felt gratefulfor having escaped a dire fate. It seemed that Joseph and his newfound uncle weren’t conspiring againsthim, and he no longer had to endure humiliation.

With a servile smile on his face, Gustavo looked at Jagoan and said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Jagoan, Imisunderstood. Please forgive me. Don’t be angry. I misunderstood. I promise, from now on, I’ll dowhatever you ask.”

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