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Chapter 5566

As Joseph’s men gradually closed in on Gustavo and his men, the Mexicans formed a protective circlearound Gustavo. Despite the mounting tension, Gustavo maintained a cold and somewhat angrydemeanor. He felt like he was the alpha, and when the tiger fell, the dogs would pounce.

In his former life outside prison, Gustavo commanded thousands of troops. Anyone who dared to crosshis path on the street risked a swift, pistol-inflicted end. But now, within the confines of an Americanprison, he found himself in a passive position, surrounded by a group of brawny, brainless men.

Feeling outnumbered and cornered, Gustavo couldn’t help but shout, “Joseph, what is the meaning ofthis?”

Joseph abandoned his followers and stepped outside the encirclement to address Gustavo. He pointedto his group of followers with a stern expression and said, “Gustavo, you’ve been living too lavishly inBrooklyn Prison. Some of my boys haven’t tasted real steak in over a decade, and yet you enjoy it daily.You even put caviar worth tens of thousands of dollars in your hamburger, and let’s not forget theRomanee-Conti wine, worth thousands per bottle. Today, I realized the taste of Romanee-Conti for thefirst time!”

Joseph continued, looking somewhat embarrassed, “Gustavo, there’s an old Chinese saying, ‘Worry notabout scarcity but inequality.’ You insist on claiming privileges here, and it’s making my brothers restless.They want steak, caviar, and Romanee-Conti too. I can’t resolve this problem for them, so I’ll let themsettle it with you.”

One of Joseph’s men cheered and shouted, “Yes! Why should Gustavo be the only one enjoying steakand red wine here?!”novelbin

Gustavo responded disdainfully, “That’s because you don’t have the money I do. If you were as wealthyas me, you could indulge in these luxuries too. But you don’t have the money, and neither does yourboss. Blaming me is pointless.”

This incited anger from Joseph’s men. One of them retorted, “It’s none of your business how muchmoney you have outside. Even if you guzzle all the red wine in the United States, we wouldn’t care. Butwhen you’re in here, you must follow the rules.”

Gustavo scoffed, “Rules? Tell me what the rules are here.”

The response from Joseph’s men was unanimous, “You can’t have privileges in Brooklyn Prison!”

Gustavo remained oblivious to the danger that loomed over him. He continued to believe that thesepeople were targeting his followers rather than himself. The man who had been filled with pride for mostof his life now wore a sarcastic expression as he spoke, “A bunch of ignorant Americans! You may notfully comprehend my power. The privileges I enjoy here go far beyond what you see! When I wish toindulge, I do so in lavish parlors. My men meticulously select beauties from all corners of the UnitedStates for my pleasure. Some of these beauties travel thousands of kilometers just to spend three hourswith me, and they leave with tens of thousands of dollars. I can even have my men bring your wives tokneel before me and serve me. These are experiences you people will never have in your lifetime!”

Gustavo’s words flowed with confidence, and he reveled in the satisfaction of his fantasies. However, theexpressions of his followers darkened as they grew more despondent.

They too believed they were the ones being targeted, not their boss. Consequently, the more their bossprovoked Joseph’s men, the more determined they became to teach them a lesson later on.

One of Joseph’s group, consumed by anger, gritted his teeth and turned to Joseph, declaring, “Boss, Ican’t tolerate this rotten Mexican any longer! I’m going to kill him today!”

Joseph sneered and responded, “Brothers, feel free to act boldly today. Whatever happens, I will takeresponsibility for it!”

Joseph issued the command, and his boys shouted as they surged forward, closing in on Gustavo’sgroup like a relentless tide.

Gustavo’s men found themselves facing a formidable adversary, armed only with plastic dinner platesand spoons as makeshift weapons. However, their opponents were American muscle men who spenthours every day working on their strength. In such close-quarters combat, the victor was determined bythe strength of their fists. It was evident to the naked eye that every punch thrown by Joseph’s menbrimmed with determination. With each blow, the faces of Gustavo’s men contorted in pain, and itbecame almost routine for them to be knocked unconscious by the relentless pummeling.

As a result, after several confrontations, Gustavo’s men were beaten into submission, eventuallykneeling down and begging for mercy.

Gustavo, who had once been arrogantly confident, watched as his men fell one by one. Initially, hehoped the onslaught would cease, but it became evident that there was no intention of stopping. At thatmoment, Gustavo’s once-proud face began to pale, and for the first time, fear etched its way across hisfeatures.

As Joseph’s men closed in on him, Gustavo was gripped by fear, and he couldn’t help but shout, “Haveyou forgotten who I am? I am Gustavo Sanchez! A renowned figure with billions of dollars in wealth andthousands of private armed forces at my command! If I so choose, remember this well, I can eliminateevery single one of you, even your families!”

Joseph responded with disdain, “Come on, Gustavo, using your army in Mexico won’t save you here.This is the United States, the land of the free. If you’re as powerful as you claim, why haven’t you calledin your thousands of private armed forces to rescue you from Brooklyn Prison? You know as well as I dothat there are only a few dozen armed guards in this entire facility.”

Gustavo found himself at a loss for words momentarily. In a last-ditch effort, he said, “Joseph, I am aman who seeks retribution for his wrongs. In Mexico, if someone wrongs me, I may not have tenthousand, but I have thousands seeking revenge. If we put an end to this matter now, I promise you, I willnot seek vengeance. What do you think of this proposal?”

Joseph sneered and replied, “What do you think, men?”

With a sweeping gesture of his arms, Joseph beckoned to his men on either side. One of themimmediately exclaimed, “To hell with the proposal! Let’s kill him!”

A chorus of agreement followed, “Yes! Let’s kill him!”

In an instant, several boys brandished hidden homemade daggers from their sleeves. Without exception,these daggers were crafted from angle iron, deceptively simple yet incredibly sharp, featuring a ninety-degree right angle. A single thrust could pierce through flesh and create a sizable wound.

Gustavo’s spirits sank as he observed the array of weapons.

At that moment, he grasped Joseph’s true intent—his life was the target.

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