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Chapter 5563

Charlie was somewhat shocked to hear that the Rothschild family would actually cooperate with a druglord like Gustavo Sanchez.

In his opinion, the Rothschild family is already the most powerful family in the world. With hundreds ofyears of history, they must be a big family that cherishes their reputation very much. They woulddefinitely not get involved with criminal groups that commit murder, arson, and drug trafficking.

Therefore, the Rothschild family cooperating with Gustavo and even imprisoning him in a prison forhome service seemed somewhat unreasonable to Charlie.

Seeing that Charlie was a little confused, Lucas lowered his voice and said, “The U.S. government hasbeen trying to extradite Gustavo to Mexico for trial. Gustavo has also been fighting overtly and covertlywith the Mexican government, hoping not to be extradited. Originally, Gustavo and his sons were readyto make some big noise in Mexico to obstruct them as soon as the Mexican government decided toextradite them. But in the end, it was the Rothschild family that mediated and Gustavo finally agreed tobe extradited to the United States for trial, but the prerequisite is that the United States cannot sentencehim to death and he must serve his sentence in a prison controlled by the Rothschild family.”

After speaking, Lucas added, “Don’t look at Gustavo enjoying great privileges here. In fact, this prison isbasically useless to him. He can get out at any time as long as he wants. My informant in the laundryroom once told me that several times someone took advantage of the nightly delivery opportunity to sendin a man with a body shape and dress similar to Gustavo’s and then sent him out quietly the next night. Ialso heard that Gustavo suddenly felt unwell several times at night and went to the infirmary. He stayedthere all night. I speculated that Gustavo often escaped at night and the person sent in was just to lie inthe infirmary for him.”

Charlie smiled slightly, “I didn’t expect the famous Rothschild family to go to great lengths for a drugdealer.”

As he spoke, he shrugged and added, “But it’s not surprising that the Rothschild family has beeninvolved in the opium trade since the 19th century and even in China’s opium trade. They gained hugebenefits in the war and maybe they are still involved in similar activities.”

Lucas shook his head and said, “The Rothschild family doesn’t do business in this area anymore. Thereason they cooperate with Gustavo is mainly because of the actual influence of his criminal group inMexico. You know, Mexico is right under the nose of the United States, with nearly two thousand miles ofnational border with the United States. There are many opportunities here and the Rothschild family hasa deep presence there. It’s so deep that it’s intertwined with the Mexican government and thedevelopment trend of the entire country. As for Gustavo’s family, to put it bluntly, they are like a bombplanted in Mexico. It can play a huge role at any time. Maybe one day a Mexican executive or even acongressman is killed by a drug cartel. On the surface, it’s thought that he angered the drug cartel, but inreality, it might be because he promoted certain policies that hindered the interests of the Rothschildfamily in Mexico.”

As he spoke, Lucas smiled and added, “In short, it’s all politics. Ordinary people like us can’t fullyunderstand it. You don’t understand everything I just said. I’m just talking informally and I don’t bear anylegal responsibility.”

Charlie did not expect that Lucas seemed glib but had a deep understanding of the situation. So heasked him curiously, “Did you piece all this together yourself, or did you hear it from someone else?”

Lucas laughed at himself, “What can I piece together? I know all this because there was a prisoner whoworked in finance on Wall Street before. He knew a lot about the Rothschild family, so he told me somefacts.”

Lucas added, “That person also told me that the main reason why the Rothschild family secretly controlsthis humble Brooklyn prison is because it’s close to Wall Street. It’s too close. For them, after takingcontrol of this place, they can turn it into their own asylum center. Those drug lords, gangs and financial

criminals extradited by the United States will be in trouble as soon as they end up in Brooklyn Prison.The Rothschild family must be behind the scenes.”

As for why Brooklyn Prison wants prisoner autonomy, it’s because the Rothschild family wants to makethe place as chaotic as possible. It’s best if prisoners are fighting every other day. Prisoners are seriouslyinjured and die from time to time. If they create that impression to the outside world, they can send thepeople they want to get rid of here, and their deaths won’t attract outside attention. After all, it’s commonfor people to die in Brooklyn Prison.novelbin

Just as he was talking, at the entrance of the second prison area, a group of muscular men with tattooson their arms, necks, and even faces strode out.

Several muscular men surrounded a strong man with some gray hair, who looked to be in his forties orfifties but had maintained a very strong figure due to regular workouts.

Lucas said to Jagoan, “That guy with gray hair is the boss of the second ward, Joseph Norris.”

Jagoan asked him, “Does this person also cooperate with the Rothschild family?”

Lucas shook his head, “No, he didn’t. He has been in this prison for many years. Before the Rothschildfamily took control of this prison, he had already become the boss here. Later, after the Rothschild familytook over, the prison was divided into two wards, with Gustavo in the first ward.”

As he said, Lucas added, “My guess is that the Rothschild family just wants to use Joseph to checkGustavo. If Gustavo is allowed to dominate here, the Rothschild family won’t be able to handle himdirectly. In that case, he will live too comfortably. Gustavo will have to be a little careful about leavingJoseph here. After all, although Gustavo is strong, most of his influence is in Mexico. While Joseph maynot be as strong as Gustavo, he has control over everything here. If one day he decides to break awayfrom Gustavo, he can simply shout and many prisoners in the first area will stand by him, including Dean,the man next to me.”

Jagoan nodded. He understood that they were keeping Gustavo in check without making it toocomfortable for him. It seemed the Rothschild family had a strong interest in Gustavo and he was alsoshrewd in his actions.

At this moment, as Joseph entered the second prison area, he took his lackey and walked toward anarea near the window on the south side. During this time, many gang members saw him and greeted himrespectfully. Some even shook hands and high-fived him.

When Joseph passed by Gustavo and his men, he suddenly stopped, looked at Gustavo’s dining table,frowned and asked, “Gustavo, is Romane-Conti good?”

Gustavo looked up at Joseph, chuckled, and said, “What? Isn’t there a place in New York sellingRomane-Conti? This wine isn’t expensive, it only costs $50,000. You’ve never tried it, have you?”

Joseph wasn’t angry but walked directly towards him.

Seeing this, Gustavo’s men immediately stood up and positioned themselves in front of Joseph. One ofthem said coldly, “Don’t come any closer, or I won’t be polite.”

Joseph looked at him and said sarcastically, “Brother, this isn’t Mexico, this is New York, the UnitedStates. Do you really think Mexican drug traffickers can run rampant all over the world? You may havekilled many people, but it won’t help you here. This is New York, not a place for Mexican arrogance. Eventhough you’re ruthless, you can only be arrogant in Mexico. When you’re here, you have to serveGustavo like a dog in prison.”

The man was a hardened criminal and didn’t hesitate to kill multiple people at once. Now, provoked, hewas filled with anger and almost lost his temper. He pointed at Joseph and said, “I’m going to kill you,you American guy!”

Joseph said disdainfully, “I know you’ve killed people, but it won’t help you here, boy. I told you, this isNew York, not a place for Mexican arrogance. No matter how ruthless you are, you can only be arrogantin Mexico. When you’re here, you still have to serve Gustavo in prison.”

The man gritted his teeth and said, “If you insult us Mexicans, aren’t you afraid of dying at my hands oneday?”

Joseph said disdainfully, “You’re a piece of trash! As long as I say the word, starting tonight, all thegangsters in New York will hunt down Mexican drug dealers on the streets of New York. Your boss mayhave many people, but how can he lead thousands of them here? Are you going to bring your Mexicangang to New York?”

The man couldn’t bear it and his clenched fist was about to strike Joseph immediately.

At this point, Gustavo suddenly shouted, “Alberto, stop it!”

The Mexican man known as Alberto had no choice but to control his anger.

Alberto asked him in a low voice, “Do you want me to kill that American? Just say the word and I’ll stabhim in the brain and stir it up a few times!”

Gustavo asked, “Haven’t you noticed his intention?”

Alberto shook his head, “Isn’t he just here to cause trouble?”

Gustavo sneered, “He’s here to provoke disputes, to start a fight between the two sides.”

Alberto immediately said, “Boss, we’re not afraid of them in a fight. I’ve killed more people than he’s hadgirlfriends.”

Gustavo said coldly, “You think you’re in Mexico? If you dare to kill people here, the Americans will putyou in solitary confinement where you won’t see daylight until you die. Furthermore, in a place like this,your combat skills won’t be of much use. We don’t have the advantage of numbers. When a fight breaksout, the Americans will throw chairs and even if you’re a skilled killer, they can overpower you with sheernumbers. If you die, I won’t have any protection here. I’ll have to ask the Rothschild family to bring in anew group to protect me, but once more people come in, the Rothschild family may support a newJoseph to consume me.”

At this point, Gustavo added, “Actually, the Rothschild family’s idea is simple, they don’t want me to livetoo comfortably here. They must know that we’re bringing in new manpower to Brooklyn Prison throughour own means. So, they probably want us to consume it now. You heard what Joseph said earlier, he’splanning to start a riot. I think he’s not just talking, he’s probably planning it. If you go and fight Josephnow, you’ll fall right into his trap.”

Alberto asked, “Boss, are you just going to tolerate them?”

Gustavo nodded and said, “I can only endure it for now. I’ve had people investigate Joseph’sbackground. All his family members are dead and he’s the only one left. There’s no one outside who canbe threatened to control him and the people around him are hardcore gang members. His familymembers have no worries and it really frustrates him. We’re in a passive position. He’s not afraid ofdeath, but I still want to find a way to leave the United States alive.”

At this time, Joseph walked towards his designated dining area, finishing all the steak on his plate. Hethen drank a few sips of red wine from the bottle and sat down casually in his exclusive position.

The men around him had already brought his lunch. Although each portion was substantial, it wasessentially the same as what other prisoners received.

Joseph looked at the food in front of him and cursed, “I just had half of that delicious steak. Now, all I seeis this crap.”

The other men looked disheartened. When the boss calls the food crap, should they eat it or not?

Joseph’s most trusted associate asked him in a low voice, “Boss, how can that Mexican be so tolerant?He’s not falling for it at all!”

Joseph said coldly, “Gustavo is smarter than a fox. I think he’s known my intentions for a while.”

The associate asked, “What should we do?”

Joseph stretched and said, “If the fish isn’t taking the bait, then we have to find another way.”

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