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Chapter 5539

“Blackmail?” Charlie quickly said as the accusation hung in the air. He retorted, “I was just passing by,not looking for trouble. Then out of nowhere, this girl plows into my car. Demanding compensation is onlyfair. Labeling it extortion is unjust. Don’t think you can intimidate me just because you have numbers onyour side!”

The mobster swiftly drew a pistol from his waist, aiming it at Charlie’s head. His voice was cold andunwavering, “Leave now! One more word and I’ll pull the trigger!”

“Fool!” Charlie spat, his anger boiling over. “You really think you can shoot me out here?”

In the nick of time, Jordan swung open the passenger door of the Chevrolet, brandishing his phone. Heshouted, “Mr. Wade, I’ve called the police!”

“Good!” Charlie nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. He fixed a steely gaze on the mobster andchallenged, “You planning to shoot me? Well, come on, take your shot!”

He gestured at his own forehead, taunting, “If you’ve got the guts, do it!”

Julia, wide-eyed and horrified, shouted, “Robert! Lower that gun!”

To Julia, even though the sum the stranger demanded was exorbitant, she recognized her culpability inthe accident. It was only right to offer compensation. It was completely unjust for her father’s henchmanto wield a firearm.

Seeing Charlie’s unyielding stance, the mobster found himself at a loss.

He didn’t actually want to pull the trigger.

He just wanted to assert his mafia affiliation, to make this audacious oriental man grasp the gravity of thesituation and leave.

But who would have anticipated this level of defiance?

Usually, he wouldn’t hesitate to fire.

Yet today was different.

For starters, they were at the entrance of the Zano family’s estate.

A shooting here would undoubtedly draw massive attention.

Furthermore, the police had been called, they would be here soon to address the accident. If someonedied, there’d be no covering it up. Not only would he be apprehended, but the Zano family would sufferrepercussions.

And then there was the young miss, bearing witness. How could he kill someone in front of her?

At this juncture, another figure approached Robert, whispering urgently, “The VIP is arriving! Don’t stir uptrouble. The boss won’t be pleased if you neglect the VIP!”

Robert shuddered at the reminder, fretting. “What do we do now? He’s demanding a hundred thousanddollars and I can’t consent to it.”novelbin

He stole a glance at Julia, whispering, “The young miss is still here. What’s our move?”

The man hissed, “Are you daft? Can’t you see the young miss is desperate to get away? Handle itproperly and the boss will see this accident as fortuitous. If not for this, she’d have driven off andwouldn’t tonight’s banquet be jeopardized?”

Robert snapped back to reality, a grin of realization dawning on him. “Then I’ll notify the boss right away!”

With that, Robert produced a walkie-talkie and relayed, “Tell the boss the young miss had an accident atthe gate. He needs to come over.”

Hearing this, Julia, panic-stricken, implored Jagoan, “Sir, you want a hundred thousand dollars, right?Drive me somewhere and I’ll get you the money!”

Jagoan had overheard the exchange between Robert and the whispering figure. It dawned on him thatthe girl standing before him was none other than the Zano family’s boss’s daughter.

Talk about a stroke of luck. He couldn’t let this opportunity slip away.

Leering, he stated firmly, “No, I want cash and I’m staying put. No money, no movement, even if thepolice arrive!”

Julia, teary-eyed and desperate, begged, “Sir, please, take me away from here. I’ll give you two hundredthousand!”

Jagoan remained resolute. “Cash, now.”

Tears welled in Julia’s eyes, her gaze darting back to the manor. But Jagoan offered no quarter.

In the midst of their standoff, a portly figure in a suit barreled towards them, trailed by a retinue. Spottinghim, Julia’s hopes sank. The lead figure was none other than her father, Antonio.

Antonio was a storm of fury and anxiety. He never imagined his daughter, Julia, would have a fender-bender at the manor gate. It was especially vexing as she had just torn her dress. He had intended tofetch a needle and thread to mend it when he received word of the accident.

Upon spotting her father, Julia started to flee, but Jagoan caught her. He warned her gravely, “Miss, ifyou run now, it’s a hit and run.”

Julia, her frustration mounting, stomped her foot. Just moments ago, she was feeling guilty towardsJagoan. Now, she wanted nothing more than to slap him.

Left with no alternative, she pointed at her approaching father and pleaded, “That’s my father. He’ll giveyou the money. Please, let me go.”

“No can do,” Jagoan asserted. “You hit me, you owe me. One hundred thousand, not a cent less.”

Julia’s fury overflowed into tears. Her father, Antonio, had reached them, his gaze narrowing in anger.“Julia! Explain yourself!”

Julia, risking everything, cried out, “Because I want out! I want no part in this home! None of you canstop me!”

“Outrageous!” Antonio thundered. “Leave this house and you’ll be tending sheep in Sicily!”

“I won’t go!” Julia retorted fiercely. “I’m cutting ties with you. From now on, I’ll fend for myself and yourfate is no concern of mine!”

“How dare you!” Antonio seethed. “As a Zano, you’re a Zano for life!”

With that, he motioned to his entourage, commanding, “Take the young lady back!”

Julia fought to break free, but she was outnumbered and overpowered.

Seeing her about to be hauled away, Jagoan interjected angrily, “You’re all in cahoots, aren’t you?Where’s my money? She hasn’t paid up, she’s going nowhere!”

Antonio frowned, addressing Jagoan with a chilling tone, “And who are you?”

Jagoan met Antonio’s gaze evenly, speaking neither obsequiously nor defiantly. “Your daughter hit me.You expect her to leave without settling the score? That’s not fair play.”

Antonio’s countenance darkened as he appraised Jagoan and the damaged cars. After a moment ofcontemplation, he produced his wallet, took out a thousand dollars and handed it over, his tone steady.“Take this as a gesture for my daughter. Leave and consider the matter settled.”

Jagoan sneered, unimpressed. “You think a thousand bucks will cut it? Are you penny-pinching or justout of touch?”

Antonio hadn’t anticipated such brazenness. His expression turned glacial. He locked eyes with Jagoanand demanded, “What’s your price?”

Jagoan met the challenge head-on, his voice resonating, “Listen up. One hundred thousand dollars, noless.”

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