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Chapter 5522

Late at night, a cargo ship embarked from Bohai Bay, carrying Stephen toward Tahiti in the South Pacific.

Stephen stood at the ship’s stern, gazing at the receding lights of the port in the night, a swirl of emotionsin his heart.

Although he was Charlie’s father’s confidant, twenty years ago, Bruce had given him two specific tasks.

One was to ensure Charlie’s safety should anything happen to him, and the other was to strictly adhereto the security plan and follow Lily’s directives.

Over the years, while Stephen had served as the Wade family’s butler, he had, in reality, been followingLily’s instructions in all matters.

For more than a decade, even Lord Wade remained oblivious to whether his grandson, Charlie, wasalive or deceased. This was because, prior to Bruce’s tragic accident, he hadn’t specified when Stephenshould inform Lord Wade about Charlie’s wellbeing. Lily had been the mastermind behind the scenes,orchestrating everything. Only when Lily deemed the time was right did she instruct Stephen to discloseCharlie’s situation to Lord Wade.

Lord Wade grappled with a sense of unworthiness toward his son and daughter-in-law.

Moreover, his grandson had faced a troubled fate. To compensate for Charlie, he had acquired EmgrandGroup and bestowed upon Stephen a 10-billion-dollar black card to deliver to Charlie. Subsequently, theevents that unfolded became common knowledge.

Though Stephen felt reluctant to leave Eastcliff abruptly, he understood that a temporary departure wasthe best course for now. The only regret he carried was not bidding Charlie farewell.


At that very moment, Charlie lay alone in the guest room of the old Wade family estate, restlessly shiftingand turning.

Stephen’s unannounced departure urged Charlie to dig deeper into the matter. Stephen wasn’t workingfor his grandfather, nor was he working for his father. If Stephen had been serving his father’s interests,he wouldn’t have left today.

In fact, he would have aided Charlie in unraveling the mystery surrounding Cole’s identity andwhereabouts.

After all, Cole was likely a friend of his father’s, and Stephen had been his father’s loyal subordinate.There was no need for secrets between them.

The only conclusion was that Jagoan was actually serving a third party, one unknown to Jagoan.

The mysterious third party had no intention of letting Jagoan uncover their existence through Jagoan.That’s why they vanished suddenly, leaving Jagoan with no clues or avenues to follow up on.

What confounded Jagoan was the identity of this third person.

Fortunately, various signs indicated that this third person was definitely not an adversary, which offeredJagoan some relief amid his uncertainties.


The following morning arrived with a gentle glow of sunlight, casting a warm ambience within the Jagoanresidence.

Jagoan left the guest room, clutching the photo album in his hands, and made his way to the main hall.There, Jagoan Jagoan awaited his presence.

As Jagoan emerged, Jagoan Jagoan addressed him, “Jagoan, Miss Jagoan mentioned that she went outto grab some breakfast and will return shortly.”

Surprised, Jagoan inquired, “She went alone?”

Jagoan Jagoan nodded in confirmation, stating, “I couldn’t reach Jagoan, and there are no servants leftat the old house. I offered to go, but she ventured out before I had the chance.”

Jagoan nodded, though a trace of concern lingered in his thoughts. Morgana had always sought tocapture Maria, and now Maria was without a bodyguard. Her solitary outing left him somewhat uneasy.

As he mulled over these thoughts, Maria swung open the door and entered, her hands laden with bagsof breakfast goodies. A bright smile graced her face as she spotted Jagoan.

“Young Master, you’re up,” she chimed. “Come, have some breakfast. I’ve picked up a variety ofEastcliff’s finest morning treats.”

With a quick glance at Jagoan Jagoan, she added, “Grandpa, let’s dig in!”

Jagoan Jagoan acknowledged with a nod and a polite smile. “Thank you for your efforts, Miss Jagoan.”

Then, lowering his voice, he inquired of Jagoan, “Jagoan, why does Miss Jagoan refer to you as ‘YoungMaster’?”

Jagoan pondered briefly before offering a smile. “She has a fondness for ancient culture.”

Jagoan Jagoan chuckled softly. “I’m getting old and might not grasp the preferences of the youngergeneration.”

He leaned in closer to Jagoan and whispered, “But Miss Jagoan does exude an air of grace, even if sheis a tad younger. She’d be a fine match for you, I dare say.”

Jagoan agreed, matching Jagoan Jagoan’s smile. Inside, he thought, “If you knew Maria’s true ageexceeds three centuries, you’d probably be shocked.”

With that, they proceeded together to the dining room, where Maria unveiled the breakfast spread shehad procured. Jagoan handed the photo album to Jagoan Jagoan, then turned to him with a question,“Grandpa, do you recall seeing this photo album before?”

Jagoan Jagoan furrowed his brow. “Where did you find it?”

Jagoan explained, “It was in my parents’ old study.”

“That’s peculiar…” Jagoan Jagoan mused. “I’ve gone through your parents’ study countless times, andI’m familiar with every item in there. I’ve never come across any photo albums.”

Jagoan gestured towards the album and probed, “Are you sure you’ve never seen this one before?”

Jagoan Jagoan inspected the photo album handed to him, then shook his head definitively. “This is myfirst encounter with it, and I can confidently affirm that it wasn’t among the possessions in your parents’study.”

Jagoan felt a growing sense of bewilderment. For twenty years after his parents’ passing, JagoanJagoan had maintained the old house in its current state. He should be intimately familiar with every itemin it. If he claimed no recollection of the photo album, it suggested that it had been introduced later.

Thinking back to Jagoan, Jagoan surmised that this was likely something Jagoan had brought over theprevious day. It appeared that Jagoan knew precisely what he was searching for and had left these cluesbehind for Jagoan to discover.

This only bolstered Jagoan’s conviction from the previous night—Jagoan must have been working forsomeone else, and that someone was likely the same individual behind the two nuns at Greenwood


With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Jagoan grew increasingly eager to unravel this enigma.

He looked to Jagoan Jagoan, who held the photo album, and asked, “Grandpa, would you mind openingit and seeing if any of the photos inside seem familiar?”

Jagoan Jagoan nodded, a touch perplexed. He opened the album and perused its contents carefully.After a thorough examination, he turned to Jagoan with a shake of his head. “I’ve never laid eyes onthese photos before.”

Jagoan pointed to the image featuring Cole and his father and inquired, “Grandpa, do you recognize theperson beside Father in this photo?”

Jagoan Jagoan scrutinized the picture for an extended moment, then responded, “I don’t recognize him,and I’ve never heard Bruce speak of him. I suspect this photograph was taken in the United States.Could he have been a friend from there?”

Jagoan, who didn’t recognize the man either, nodded in agreement. “It’s quite possible.”

Suddenly, Jagoan Jagoan recalled something and reminded Jagoan, “By the way, Jagoan, you broughtHogan back from the United States some time ago. He had a close relationship with your father beforehis passing, and he’s spent a considerable amount of time in the United States. Perhaps you couldconsult him.”

Jagoan’s eyes brightened with newfound hope. He had previously requested that Hogan spend qualitytime with his family in Hong Kong, awaiting Jagoan’s call. But in the rush of recent events, he hadn’tconsidered reaching out to him.

At this critical moment, he hadn’t even thought of Hogan! Jagoan exclaimed, “Grandpa, you’re absolutelyright. I’ll take a photo and send it to Uncle Hogan to see if he recognizes him.”novelbin

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