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Chapter 5512

In Jagoan’s heart, unlocking the Soul Palace had become his paramount mission. The enigma of theEternal Mountains concealed not only savage beasts but also the looming specter of Morgana, aformidable foe who had already left him feeling powerless.

Morgana’s temporary withdrawal offered no solace; he knew she might resurface at any moment. Theirsworn enmity meant that, even if she never set foot in China again, he would relentlessly pursuevengeance. Thus, the urgency of opening the Soul Palace gripped him.

Turning to Maria by his side, Jagoan declared, “Once I’ve settled matters in Aurous Hill, I’ll seekopportunities beyond.”

Curious, Maria inquired, “Do you have a specific destination in mind, Young Master?”

Jagoan shook his head, replying, “Since we’re chasing opportunities, we should be spontaneous, gowherever the wind takes us.”

With a hint of exasperation, Jagoan continued, “But the more I think about it, the less clear the startingpoint becomes. I have family and business ties in Aurous Hill, not to mention its vastness. With only ahandful of followers, vanishing from the world isn’t an option. The only practical plan is to tackle oneplace at a time, returning to Aurous Hill in between for the next venture.”

Sighing, Maria concurred, “Indeed, Young Master. Destiny is a mysterious force, beyond even mydivinations. Your choices must be yours alone.”

Jagoan’s fingers brushed his bracelet, sparking an idea. “I think I’ll head to Eastcliff first.”

Maria questioned, “To seek opportunities in Eastcliff?”

Jagoan clarified, “Not exactly. My parents rushed me out of Eastcliff in haste, leaving behind manypersonal belongings. I intend to revisit the old Jagoan family residence, sift through my parents’

possessions, and trace their journeys. If there are uncharted territories they explored, I’ll follow theirpath. Who knows, perhaps their spirits in heaven will offer guidance?”novelbin

Maria nodded, “Your parents likely had extraordinary experiences. By following in their footsteps, youmay uncover valuable insights.”

Jagoan added, “It’s been nearly twenty years since my parents’ accident. During my previous return tothe old Jagoan family house, I didn’t have the chance to sort through their belongings. At that time, Inever considered the connection between my parents, cultivation, and the ‘Apocalyptic Book.’ Now, itseems these mysteries might have originated with them. I’ll return and explore, hoping to unearthsomething significant.”

Decades earlier, the Jagoan family had inhabited a grand old house near the imperial city. It was asprawling courtyard residence, hidden amidst the city’s bustling life yet possessing an unusual serenity.

Recalling his childhood home, Jagoan felt a surge of nostalgia and excitement. “I’ll notify the pilot that,after dropping you off in Aurous Hill, we’ll fly directly to Eastcliff.”

Maria suggested, “If you’re in a hurry, Young Master, you could request the pilot to adjust the route andfly straight to Eastcliff.”

She quickly added, “If you find it inconvenient for me to accompany you, I can reach Eastcliff first andreturn independently to Aurous Hill. You have pressing matters to attend to there; I wouldn’t want tohinder your progress.”

Jagoan asked, “Are you eager to return to Aurous Hill?”

Maria shook her head, “Not at all. The primary link that keeps me anchored in Aurous Hill is the teabusiness. However, I watered the plants before leaving, and Aurous Hill had rain yesterday, so I expectthey require no extra care.”

Without hesitation, Jagoan decided, “Then please accompany me to Eastcliff, Miss Jagoan.”

Maria was elated by the invitation and swiftly responded, “I shall follow the Master’s orders in allthings!”

Ten minutes later, Jagoan and Maria’s plane received clearance for a route adjustment.

The aircraft veered thirty degrees northward in flight, en route to Eastcliff.

Jagoan also made a call on the satellite phone to Jagoan Thompson, the Jagoan family’s butler.

Jagoan answered, “Hello, who is this?”

“Butler Thompson, it’s me.” Jagoan confirmed.

Jagoan noted, “I believe this call is coming from the Jagoan family plane. Are you on board, Master?”

Jagoan replied, “Yes, I’m en route to Eastcliff. We’ll be landing in about two hours. Could you arrangefor transportation from the airport?”

“Of course, Young Master,” Jagoan replied respectfully,“I’ll organize a motorcade and personally meetyou at the airport. I’ll also notify the master and others.”

Jagoan interjected, “No need to make a fuss. You’re the Jagoan family’s chief steward. Arriving inperson is too conspicuous. Simply arrange for a car to be waiting at the airport for me. I intend to visitthe Jagoan family’s old house and let the old man know. There’s no need to inform anyone else.”

Jagoan agreed promptly, “Very well, Young Master. I’ll see to it. Will you be staying overnight in the oldhouse or returning to the manor?”

Jagoan deliberated, “I’ll stay at the old house and prepare two guest rooms. I have a companion withme.”

Jagoan acknowledged, “Understood, Master. Any other instructions?”

Jagoan concluded, “That’s all.”

Jagoan affirmed, “Very well, Master. I’ll await your arrival at the old house.”


Meanwhile, on another plane.

The aircraft that had taken off earlier had now landed at Eastcliff Airport.

As the wheels touched down, Ms. Turk, the fake head nun, reported to the elegant middle-agedwoman, “Madam, their plane changed course mid-flight. According to air traffic control, they’veredirected to Eastcliff.”

“Eastcliff?” The woman furrowed her brow, murmuring, “Why the sudden change in mid-air?”

Ms. Turk questioned anxiously, “Could we have been exposed?”

The woman pondered briefly before stating firmly, “That’s unlikely. We managed to evade allsurveillance on the return trip. No one should be able to trace our route from Greenwood Temple toInterlocken Airport.”

Suddenly, a thought struck her, and she asked, “Is Jagoan Thompson in Eastcliff?”

Ms. Turk responded, “I haven’t been in touch with Butler Thompson recently. Madam, please wait amoment while I reach out to him for confirmation.”

Ms. Turk promptly dialed Jagoan’s number.

When the call connected, Jagoan answered cautiously, “Sister Turk, why the sudden call?”

Ms. Turk inquired, “Are you currently in Eastcliff?”

“Yes, I am here,” Jagoan affirmed hurriedly. “How may I assist, Madam?”

Ms. Turk requested, “Butler Thompson, please hold for a moment.”

Turning to the middle-aged woman, she relayed, “Butler Thompson is in Eastcliff, Madam.”

The woman nodded, realizing, “I believe we’re heading for the Jagoan family’s old house.”

She continued, “Let’s alter our plans. Today, we will skip Aurous Hill and head straight to JagoanResidence once we arrive. Please inform Butler Thompson that I would like to meet him there in onehour.

Ms. Turk complied, “Of course, Madam. Your command is my priority.”

She put the phone back to her ear and asked, “Did you hear that?”

Jagoan confirmed, “Yes I heard it.”

After a brief pause, he lowered his voice and added, “Sister Turk, please inform Madam that the YoungMaster is already en route to Eastcliff.”

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