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Chapter 5478

Liam swiftly orchestrated the arrangement for the trio, weaving their paths with precision.

In the adult ward, Hector and Shiann were strategically positioned, while young Jimmy was ensconcedwithin the children’s domain.

Guided by the hospital staff’s skilled hands, James Smith navigated the labyrinthine hospitalprocedures for his son. The entire process unfolded like a wistful reverie.

Just moments ago, he had mused with his wife about the bleak prospect of sending their child abroadfor hospice care, resigned to the idea that his son would be excluded from Oracle Pharmaceutical’sclinical trial. But life was capricious, and fate’s kaleidoscope had spun abruptly.

A whirlwind of transformation had seized the stage, leaving James in wonderment. The orchestratorbehind this improbable twist remained shrouded in mystery.

Could it truly be the enigmatic Mr. Clark, whom Hector had chanced upon?

The intrigue nestled in James’ thoughts.novelbin

In his daze, the phone buzzed to life, Jenny’s call jolted him back to reality.

Regaining his composure, James answered the call, Jenny’s fervor palpable even through the phone.“James, what’s happening on your end?” she queried impatiently.

With fervent eagerness, James relayed, “Jenny, it’s true! Our Jimmy has been accepted. Theadmission procedures are complete. Oracle Pharmaceutical has a dedicated clinical trial facility, andboth Jimmy and I are here!”

Jenny’s excitement was uncontainable, her disbelief echoing in her voice. “Really? James, this isn’tsome joke, right? You’re not pulling my leg?”

James’ response was unwavering, “My love, I wouldn’t toy with such momentous news. Jimmy’salready settled in, undergoing examination by their doctors.”

And as he spoke, his enthusiasm contagious, James chimed in, “Wait a minute, I’ll send you a video tosee for yourself.”

Before Jenny could react, the line disconnected, a video call replacing the voice channel. Jenny hastilyreciprocated the call, her eyes soon captivated by the screen’s unfolding scene.

James was a blur of motion as he dashed through the hospital corridors, his pace eventually leadinghim back to Jimmy’s haven. The door swung open to reveal a pair of doctors scrutinizing the comatosefigure on the bed.

These doctors hailed from prestigious cancer hospitals, their mission being not treatment, butmeticulous observation. Their expertise was to trace the nuanced effects of Oracle Healing Salve Pillson each patient, chronicling the metamorphosis from ailment to recovery.

One doctor turned to James, a question punctuating the air, “Are you Mr. Smith, Jimmy’s father?”

A swift nod followed, accompanied by James’s earnest query, “Yes, Doctor. How’s my boy doing?”

“In the present, Jimmy’s condition is delicate,” the doctor replied gravely. “While he exhibits markers ofterminal cancer, his life isn’t in immediate jeopardy. We’ve drawn his blood and sent it forcomprehensive cancer index analysis. We’ll shortly arrange a PET-CT scan to map out the cancer’sprogression.”

James’s impatience brimmed, a single question dominating his mind, “Doctor, when can my son beginthe Oracle Reconstitution Pills?”

To James, the pills held his son’s lifeline, rendering blood work and scans as mere preamble.

The doctor recognized the urgency in James’s plea, offering insight into their methodology. “Fret not.The initial blood draw and CT scan serve as baselines for comparison. Before he commenced thetreatment, we had already collected blood samples. He’s scheduled for a CT scan after taking twopills.”

James was taken aback, “Two at once?”

“Yes,” the doctor affirmed, expounding, “Given Jimmy’s critical state, we aim for rapid consolidationacross five days. During this period, he’ll receive two pills daily. This regimen is intended to expedite hisphysical recovery. Following these initial five days, we’ll transition to a daily dose for ongoing stabilityuntil his discharge.”

A weight lifted from James’s heart. Five days of double-dosed pills could deliver significant relief—perhaps even prompt his son’s return to the realm of the upright.

With gratitude painted across his expression, James voiced his thanks, echoed by the doctor’scongenial smile. “You’re most welcome. It’s our duty.”

As the clock ticked, the doctor’s gaze shifted. “It’s nearly time for the CT scan. Mr. Smith, pleaseaccompany us to the Radiology Department.”

“Of course,” James concurred, steering his son’s bed in tandem with the doctor toward the awaitingdestination.

Within the Radiology Department’s realm, a nurse introduced contrast into Jimmy’s still form, initiatinghis journey through the CT apparatus. The process was time-consuming, intensifying James’s anxiety.

It wasn’t the scan results that drove his impatience; it was the anticipation of his son receiving today’slifesaving pill.

Amid his pacing, Liam emerged, entering the scene from the entrance. James’s eyes locked onto him,urgency and gratitude threaded into his tone. “Mr. Weaver, I can’t thank you enough.”

Liam’s smile was warm, his words both humble and profound. “Mr. Smith, this opportunity arose due toJimmy’s qualities, not my intervention. Oracle’s experimental criteria are stringent and objective. Imerely follow the rules.”

Curiosity gripping him, James inquired, “May I ask who paved the way for Jimmy?”

Liam’s smile deepened, “The one who bends the rules is the one who writes them. Only they possessthe power to extend an exception. In this case, that power resides solely with our founder, Mr. Ishac.”

The revelation was startling, James’s voice a mix of astonishment and realization, “Mr. Ishac… is hethe head of Oracle Pharmaceutical?”

Liam nodded affirmatively, “Indeed. But to clarify, Mr. Ishac isn’t merely our CEO; he’s the mastermindbehind it all.”

“Mr. Ishac.” James’s surprise was palpable. “He’s the mastermind behind Oracle Pharmaceutical?”

Liam elaborated, “Incidentally, the ‘Mr. Clark’ whom Hector encountered was none other than Mr. Ishac.Due to personal reasons, he concealed his identity from them. With both Hector and your son sharingtheir battles with cancer, Mr. Ishac orchestrated an exception. Afterward, he thought of you and Jimmy,propelling Hector to seek you out.”

Realization unfurled in James’s eyes, his astonishment growing. “So Mr. Ishac is OraclePharmaceutical’s founder… No wonder I saw him at the Joules’ research center that day. And evenMs. Joules treated him with such respect.”

The weight of his own assumptions crashed down. Jimmy’s saving grace was not circumstantial, butrather orchestrated by the benevolent hand of Albert, an act of grace that left James brimming withgratitude.

The need to express it was overpowering, James’s voice tinged with emotion. “Mr. Weaver, is there achance I could meet Mr. Ishac.”

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