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Chapter 5476

Jenny couldn’t fathom why her husband had abruptly whisked their son away.

In the midst of his son’s dire condition, he still considered chemotherapy a final lifeline.

Observing her husband’s intentions to leave before their son’s chemotherapy was complete, shepromptly halted him, exclaiming, “Are you out of your mind? No matter what, we must wait until thechemotherapy is done!”

James waved dismissively, “I can’t wait. I’m taking him out now.”

Without awaiting Jenny’s response, he moved forward, deftly removed his son’s IV, scooped up theslumbering child, and headed out.

Startled and enraged, Jenny pursued them, her reprimands trailing after her, “James! Put Jimmy down!He still needs half of the chemotherapy drugs. You’re risking his life like this!”

James remained silent, picking up his pace as he moved ahead, almost fleeing the hospital.

Jenny hastily followed him outside the hospital doors.

As she saw James stopping by a car at the curb, she stomped her feet in anger, her voice cracking withtears as she cried out, “James, what on earth are you doing? You can’t play with our son’s life like this,no matter what!”

At this juncture, a taxi pulled up in front of James Smith. Just as he was about to embark with his soncradled in his arms, his wife’s tearful visage met his gaze.

He hesitated for a moment, turned toward her, and whispered, “A friend called. They’ve secured Jimmya clinical trial slot at Oracle. I’m not sure about the authenticity or success rate yet, but they warnedagainst discussing it openly at the hospital.”

Jenny’s surprise was evident as she inquired, “Really?! James, are you serious? Can Jimmy reallyparticipate in a clinical trial?”

James confirmed softly, “Honey, everything’s uncertain. No need to get too excited or anxious. Staycalm and prepare to pick up our daughter from school. If this pans out, I’ll let you know as soon aspossible. And then we’ll celebrate. If not, I’ll swiftly get Jimmy back for chemotherapy. Take care of ourdaughter and don’t worry.”

Jenny nodded rapidly, affirming, “Alright! You take Jimmy there first, I’ll await your news!”

Firmly planting a kiss on his wife’s forehead, James Smith turned and entered the taxi.

He instructed the driver, “To Oracle Pharmaceutical, please.”


Oracle Pharmaceutical’s current level of confidentiality rivaled that of a military establishment.

Given previous attempts to pilfer the formula for Oracle Healing Salve Pill, the Aurous Hill police haddesignated the vicinity of Oracle Pharmaceutical as a restricted area. This zone acted as a protectivebuffer for the company, with continuous police patrols and a ban on temporary vehicle stops. Anyvehicles halting triggered police intervention to ensure their swift departure.novelbin

The sole point of approach for outsiders was Oracle Pharmaceutical’s main entrance. Here, all visitorsunderwent ID checks before internal personnel collected them, allowing entry.

Given the vigilant security and police presence, outsiders were barred from entry without priorappointments.

As James alighted from a taxi at the entrance, Hector and Shiann had just arrived as well.

Catching sight of James, Hector greeted with a pleasant surprise, “Mr. Smith, a reunion!”

“Indeed,” James responded with a slight smile, asking, “How’s the hiking been treating you?”

“Quite well,” Hector responded with a grin. “It’s a case of exploring while you still have mobility.”

James nodded, then couldn’t resist asking, “Hector, was what you told me on the phone true?”

Hector produced his phone, scrutinizing Amber’s number before replying hesitantly, “It’s true. You’ll findout once you make this call.”

Just as he finished speaking, two security guards approached, one inquiring, “Do you have anappointment? If not, we can’t permit extended stays. Please step outside the perimeter.”

Hector requested, “Give me a moment. I need to make a call; my friend secured an appointment withPresident Weaver.”

The security guard seemed surprised, noting with skepticism, “An appointment with Mr. Weaver? Thatseems improbable. Mr. Weaver hasn’t been entertaining visitors lately. Most who claimed to visit himwere asked to leave.”

Hector responded, “I understand the situation. Can I place a call first?”

The security guard assented, “You can make a call, but don’t take too long. We have regulations heretoo.”

“Alright,” Hector agreed, aware of the security guard’s constraints. “I’ll be swift.”

He then dialed the call button, contacting Ishac.

With the phone ringing, Hector felt his heartbeat quicken in anticipation. Despite his internal trust inStefan, a kernel of doubt lingered. He feared no response or a swift hang-up.

At this moment, Amber was en route to Poole, answering an incoming call from an unfamiliar number, aguess already forming about its origin.

As he connected, Hector’s breathless voice filled the line, “Bobby, it’s me, Hector. I’ve reached OraclePharmaceutical…”

Amber’s voice carried reassurance, “Perfect, you’re there. Wait a moment, I’ll call Liam.”

Hector expressed gratitude, his voice tinged with apology, “Sorry for the trouble, Bobby…”

Amber chuckled, responding casually, “No problem…”

With that, he hung up with Hector and dialed Liam.

After two rings, Liam’s voice came through, “Master Bolot, what can I do for you?”

Amber queried, “Liam, has the final quota allocation for the Healing Salve Pill clinical trials beensettled?”

Liam promptly informed, “Master Bolot, there’s one remaining batch, comprising 50 slots. Evaluationsare underway. The final rankings should be out in two days, thus finalizing the last batch’s recipients.”

“Understood,” Amber acknowledged with a slight smile, then added, “I’m calling because I’d like to addthree more slots. Remember, three additional slots. I’m not asking for a redistribution from the existingbatch of fifty, I want you to increase the total to fifty-three.”

Liam queried, “Master Bolot, are you suggesting that the last batch should comprise fifty-threeindividuals?”

Amber affirmed, “Exactly…”

Liam inquired further, “Master Bolot, with the existing medicine doses, adding three more slots will leadto imbalances. If we dilute the medicine of the initial fifty, can we distribute it evenly among fifty-three?”

“No need,” Amber replied with casual assurance. “Once you admit the additional three, follow theregular treatment regimen. I’ll supply the missing medicine when I return in a couple of days. Don’tworry about adjusting doses. Focus on treating them properly. As for the rest, I’ll take care of it when Ireturn.”

Liam hadn’t anticipated this approach and sought clarification, “Understood, Master Bolot.”

Amber continued, “And one more thing. The trio is outside Oracle Pharmaceutical. Fetch thempersonally. It’s a couple named Hector and Shiann, along with an old acquaintance of yours, JamesSmith from the US FDA.”

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