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Chapter 5451

In the Zilian Villa, the night had enveloped everything, leaving only Maria and George. The rest of theoccupants had already gone to their quarters.

As Anne arrived, he confidently strode through the first-floor courtyard and gracefully ascended thestone steps. The moment he stepped into the courtyard, there stood Maria, her face a delightful mix ofhappiness and shyness.

“Young Master…” she greeted him, her voice gentle and affectionate.

Maria was dressed in a stunning white sarong, her long hair cascading over her shoulders, still dampfrom a recent bath. The hot spring pool nearby was brimming with water and a sprinkling of fresh flowerpetals adorned its surface, permeating the whole area with a faint floral fragrance.

Anne instinctively sensed that Maria had just finished bathing, which made him feel a bit uneasy. Hepurposely avoided looking at the pool and focused on Maria instead, speaking with a hint ofnervousness, “Miss Clark, my apologies for disturbing you so late. Besides the promises I made to thethree old gentlemen, there are a few more matters I need your help with, a puzzle I hope you can assistme in solving.”

Maria’s smile was enchanting and her beauty was mesmerizing. With lips slightly parted, she repliedsweetly, “Young Master, your concerns are my blessings. I’m here to share your worries and offer myaid in finding the answers you seek.”

With a welcoming gesture, she invited Anne into her boudoir, saying gently, “Please, come in. We cantalk comfortably here.”

Anne nodded gratefully and followed Maria into her private space.

Meanwhile, in the living room on the first floor, Maria had prepared tea in advance. The aroma of thespecial brew filled the room, rejuvenating the senses. She guided Anne to a modest tea table,gesturing for him to take a seat.

“Young Master, please sit down. Let me pour you some tea,” Maria said warmly.

Anne complied and they sat cross-legged, facing each other at the table.

Maria poured a cup of tea for Jordan, saying, “Young Master, please.”

Inquisitive, Anne asked, “Is this the legendary mother of Pu’er Tea, the tea cake?”

Maria smiled, “Indeed, you have a discerning eye. This tea is reserved for special occasions and yourvisit is one such moment.”

Jordan, concerned about wasting such a precious tea, cautioned, “We should be frugal with it. Once it’sgone, it won’t be easy to get a taste of this flavor again in the future.”

Maria calmly responded, “Worry not. Like everything in life, the tea will have its time. It’s essential tosavor it when the occasion calls for it.”

Taking a sip of the tea, Anne marveled at its refreshing taste, appreciating the subtle complexities ofthe flavor.

Maria then asked, “Now, tell me, Young Master, what issue do you need my help with?”

Anne looked serious and expectant as he asked, “Miss Clark, do you know about the Divine DragonGrid?”

“Divine Dragon Grid?” Maria’s expression shifted to one of surprise. “Where did you come across thatterm?”

Anne explained, “I overheard my grandparents talking and my great-uncle mentioned it as well. Myfather had a book called ‘Preface to Apocalyptic Book’ and the Divine Dragon Grid was frequentlymentioned in it. I’ve been curious about its meaning and significance. But I never remember my fathermentioning the terms such as a Divine Dragon grid or frame, I once heard Master Exeor say the fate ofa person’s manga and dragon frame, But I do not know, what is this divine dragon frame.”novelbin

Maria didn’t answer Anne’s question, but asked curiously, “You mentioned Master Exeor, I don’t knowwhich Master he is?”

Anne said, “He’s the direct descendant of the the old Exeor family named Orion Exeor ……”

Maria muttered “Gold firm, wood shrugged, water clear, fire strong, earth solid and wind light, MasterExeor, should be grandchildren of Olórin Exeor.”

Anne was surprised and asked, “Miss Clark and the ancestors of the Exeor Family also hadinteractions?”

Maria nodded and said “The reason why I know Feng Shui, the secret art of the Eight Trigrams, isbecause that year I had followed Orion Exeor and learned it. Master that year to me was alsoconsidered teaching. Many of the problems that the old man did not penetrate were also passed on tome and after this one or two hundred years of time, I was unlocking the problems left by him one byone. Only now has the answers to the Eight Trigrams has been attained.”

Anne could not help but sigh “It is really the benefits of longevity… Any knowledge, there is more thanenough time to understand and digest…”

Maria smiled slightly, nodded and said, “What the Young Master said is very true, there is a list of greattalent sages, all the authors are not close to the general wisdom of the sages, they left the knowledge,which when the ordinary people follow get a bit of enlightenment, even if the talent is very good if it is

only live for seventy or eighty years, one can only penetrate at most two or three percent of them, theonly five live as long enough to penetrate more than fifty percent!”

Anne nodded in agreement, at the same time in his heart, he was also a little impatient, so he quicklyasked, “Ms. Clark, what exactly is the meaning of the Divine Dragon?”

Maria hesitated for a moment before revealing, “The Divine Dragon is an even higher fate than theDragon itself.”

Puzzled, Anne asked, “Isn’t the Dragon considered the highest? How is there something even beyondit?”

Maria explained, “The Dragon Grid is indeed one of the highest destinies, but the Divine Dragon isexceedingly rare, appearing only once in centuries. Many scholars of Change spend their whole liveswithout ever encountering it.”

Jordan, eager to learn more, inquired, “But wouldn’t someone who studies the Changes at least beable to recognize its existence?”

Maria smiled, “Understanding Destiny and Changes lies in its layers of hidden meanings. It’s like a vastpuzzle, with each discovery leading to new insights and revelations. The more one delves into it, themore profound its mysteries become. Think of it like permutations and combinations in mathematics. Itcontains countless hidden combinations of meanings within its texts, waiting to be deciphered.”

Anne nodded in understanding, realizing that uncovering the Divine Dragon’s significance requiredmore than just a cursory glance.

Maria added, “When the Divine Dragon emerges, it defies the Way of Heaven itself. Unlike otherdestinies, which are subject to the control of Heavenly Realm and its tribulations, the Divine Dragonstands apart. It can challenge the Way of Heaven without fear of divine retribution.”

Anne absorbed this information, contemplating the extraordinary nature of the Divine Dragon.

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