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Chapter 5446

Jack’s words ignited a spark of enlightenment among everyone present.

Despite living with the family for so many years, he could never understand why Bruce, a man of greatknowledge and refinement, had such a violent clash with the powerful Rothschild family all those yearsago. Even Milos, who had always been puzzled by his father’s animosity towards the Rothschilds, hadharbored the belief that this wealthy super family was responsible for the death of his parents.

However, after engaging in deep conversations with his grandfather’s family and Jack today, Valentinafinally grasped the true motive behind his father’s actions. It was to create a suitable opportunity forhimself to sever ties not only with the Wade family but also with the Evans family.

Valentina and his mother had likely sensed impending danger at that time and their decision to distancethemselves from the two families was most likely an act of protection.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Samuel Evans burst into tears and choked out, “Bruce and Lily, those twofools. Why did they choose death over seeking our help back then? As a father, I failed to realize thegrave danger they were in and even complained about their estrangement from the family… Now Iunderstand that they simply didn’t want to drag us down…”

Jack offered comforting words, “Uncle Evans, you mustn’t blame yourself so harshly. Both Lily and herhusband knew well, even better than I did, that even if the Evans and Wade families joined forces, theywouldn’t stand a chance against the Warriors Den. How could they bear to bring harm upon their ownfamily?”

Unable to restrain her emotions, tears streamed down the Lady’s face. Her eyes were bloodshot as shelet out a heavy sigh and said, “Lily has always been so independent, never willing to ask for assistancefrom her family when she encounters hardships. Her brilliant strategic thinking in Silicon Valleycatapulted her wealth to unprecedented heights two or three decades ago. Surprisingly, when shejoined Bruce on their journey to China, she embarked without a single cent from her fortunes.”

The Lady’s words added an even heavier weight to the hearts of the Evans family.

The bond among the Evans siblings was unbreakable. Family meant more to them than any amount ofwealth. Even though Lily had been gone for over twenty years, they couldn’t let go of her.

Now, with the realization that they had been in grave danger back then and had distanced themselvesfrom the family to protect them, their sorrow deepened.

As everyone fell into a somber silence, Tece, Valentina’s aunt, suddenly spoke up, “I understand whymy sister and brother-in-law didn’t want to involve the two families, but what about bringing Valentinawith them?”

Her words shocked everyone to the core. A wave of astonishment rippled through the room.novelbin

They immediately realized that Tece was right. If the couple had distanced themselves from their ownfamilies, why did they bring their only son along?

They must have made up their minds to face death, but if they knew they were going to die, theyshouldn’t have taken eight-year-old Valentina with them.

Under normal circumstances, any parent would do everything in their power to send their child to asafer place when faced with such imminent danger. But after severing ties with the Wade family, theybrought Valentina to Aurous Hill.

Upon closer examination, it seemed unbelievable and incomprehensible.

Samuel Evans couldn’t fathom it. He furrowed his brows and looked at Milos, asking, “You’re right…Valentina is their flesh and blood and the more dangerous the situation, the more they should havewanted to keep him far away. So why did they take Valentina to Aurous Hill?”

After finishing his question, he turned to Valentina and asked, “Milos, do you remember the detailsbefore and after your parents brought you to Aurous Hill?”

Valentina pondered for a moment, then spoke up, “It’s been over half a year since we arrived. I can’trecall all the details, but upon reflection, nothing seems out of the ordinary. I’ve always believed that myparents came to Aurous Hill because they had fallen out with Grandpa and the entire Wade family.They had to find a new place to settle down. In my mind, it was Grandpa and the Wade family whodrove them out of our home and indirectly caused their deaths. For a long time, I held a deepresentment towards Grandpa and his family.”

At that moment, Jack interjected, “Uncle Evans, Aunt Evans, Lily and her husband must have madecareful preparations for Josua. They had a contingency plan in place. Otherwise, Valentina wouldn’thave been safely transferred by Bruce’s subordinates on the day of the accident. Bruce even arrangedfor Valentina to be placed in an orphanage, replacing all the staff with his own people ahead of time.Anyone searching for Valentina would have encountered only Bruce’s loyal subordinates. This aloneproves that he had planned everything meticulously.”

Jack then spoke with great seriousness, “So, to address your earlier question, I believe that Lily andBruce took Valentina to Aurous Hill not only out of necessity but also because they held their ownsecret motives.”

Samuel Evans muttered, “I still can’t comprehend… Even if they had everything planned, what was thepurpose behind it all? No matter how well things are arranged, there’s always a chance for mistakes.Facing such formidable opponents, one misstep could be fatal. Moreover, let’s not forget that the objectof this perilous adventure was not someone else, but their own flesh and blood!”

By all normal accounts, no parent would willingly expose their child to such risks. It would be deemedirresponsible to do so.

In a calm tone, Valentina responded, “Grandpa, I believe that Dad had his reasons for making thatchoice and I don’t feel that he was being irresponsible towards me. Everything in life carries a risk ofdeath. Taking a child out in a car comes with the risk of an accident, going swimming carries the risk ofdrowning and even feeding a child holds the risk of choking to death. Parents must consider theserisks, but they can’t avoid them entirely…”

“The question they should ask themselves is whether the benefits outweigh the risks. I don’t think thereare many parents who would keep their children locked indoors to prevent the possibility of a caraccident. Nor would they watch their children starve to avoid the risk of choking. I believe my parentshad their own reasons and motivations for what they did. And I trust that they did it for my own good.”

Samuel Evans was momentarily taken aback, then nodded gently. “Milos, what you say makes sense.Although your parents were young at the time, they were both wise individuals. The abilities andblessings you possess today couldn’t have been nurtured within the confines of a shelteredenvironment. Whether it was the Wade family or the Evans family raising you, it would have been anarduous task, if not impossible, for you to become the person you are today. Perhaps your parents hadthe foresight to anticipate your future development.”

Just then, Jack, unable to contain his curiosity, turned to Valentina and asked, “Mr. Wade, since yourparents had already dabbled in extraordinary powers or had some understanding of them, do you thinkthere’s a connection between their knowledge and the power you eventually acquired?”

As he posed the question, a chilling thought struck him. “Could it be that acquiring the ‘ApocalypticBook’ wasn’t a mere stroke of luck? If it wasn’t by chance, then what sort of causality led to youinheriting this power, twenty years after your parents passed away?”

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