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Chapter 5440

“Do we lack the destined connection?”

Upon hearing these four words, Morgana furrowed her brow and blurted out, “Master, why do we lackthe destined connection?”

Morvel Bazin responded indifferently, “Your time spent cultivating is too short and there are manyaspects of understanding that practitioners can only grasp through analogy. But once you comprehendthe symbolism within the Book of Changes, you will understand that humans possess numerous fatesand fate holds the key to everything.”novelbin

Surprised, Morgana asked, “Master, what exactly is fate?”

Morvel Bazin explained, “Fate is the very foundation of humanity. Specific fates are represented byheavenly stems and earthly branches, or by birds and animals. The emperors of the Manchu and QingDynasties, at best, had a strong orientation toward the Ming style. However, if they aimed to defy theheavens, they would need the power of the tiger or python style, or even ascend to the rank of thedragon. The higher the fate, the smoother the path to cultivating the Tao, and the greater the chance ofdefying one’s own destiny.”

Morvel Bazin sighed as he continued, “My own fate is that of the Chilin and although the Chilin ismighty, it is insufficient to truly change my destiny.”

Curiously, Morgana asked, “Then what kind of fate is sufficient?”

Morvel Bazin sighed once more, “If one aspires to change their fate, the dragon fate is merely abeginner’s level. But even so, the dragon’s fate alone is only qualified to defy their own life, while thosewho can truly change their destiny are the very best among the dragons.”

After a slight pause, Morvel Bazin continued, “If one possesses the fate of ascending to the dragonrank, their chances of success would be significantly higher.”

Anxiously, Morgana inquired, “Master, what are the fates of my brother and me?”

Morvel Bazin replied indifferently, “You and Lucius both have the fate of tigers, which is the lowestamong Tao practitioners. Although it won’t be difficult for the two of you to enter the Tao, progressingfurther will be like chasing a dream. The elixir is the opportunity I’m granting you.”

With a dejected expression, Morgana asked, “Master, is it because my brother and I are unworthy thatyou refuse to offer us more assistance? The rebel dogs have nearly unified the Central Plains and weare already weak. Without stronger skills and magic tools, it will be difficult to accomplish the greatcause of resisting them…”

Morvel Bazin smiled and replied, “Morgana, my lifelong knowledge and treasures have already beenallocated. Only those with a fate greater than mine can unlock them and whoever obtains them willbecome my true successor.”

A glimmer of gloom flashed across Morgana’s face. She hadn’t anticipated that her master, who wasnearing death, would utter such cruel words. According to him, she wasn’t qualified to inherit his skillsand magic artifacts at all. The elixir he gave her was already a generous gesture. Deeply disappointed,Morgana concealed her hatred in her heart, not daring to reveal it before Morvel Bazin.

At that moment, Morvel Bazin retrieved a ring and handed it to Lucius. He spoke, “Lucius, you possessa righteous and noble spirit, yet kindness still resides deep within your core. It may bring you sufferingin the future. This ring holds great value to me as a teacher, but I no longer need it. So, I bestow it uponyou. If you can unravel its mysteries before your time expires, you will gain an additional five hundredyears of life, just like me. As a teacher, I hope you will recover our country and land for our people, just

as the great General Sima and General Hussars once did. Drive the Huns back to the Northern Desert,conquer the vast ocean on horseback, and seal wolves within the borders of China!”

These words pierced Morgana’s heart with even greater sorrow. She understood that the hiddenmeaning behind her master’s words was that she lacked righteousness and fell short compared to herbrother. It only served to deepen her unhappiness.

Lucius hesitated to accept the ring and quickly refused, “Master, you have already done too much foryour disciple. I cannot accept this ring…”

With a light smile, Morvel Bazin tossed the ring toward Lucius. In an instant, the ring vanished into thinair and reappeared on Lucius Clark’s finger.

Before Lucius could comprehend what had happened, Morvel Bazin explained, “Lucius, the ring hasrecognized you as its Master. Keep it safe, for in times of need, it may save your very fate.”

At that moment, two cranes, raised by Morvel Bazin, strolled in. They positioned themselves on eitherside of him, gently nuzzling against his body while whimpering.

Morvel Bazin caressed the cranes with his hands, then rose to his feet. He declared, “The end of mytime as a teacher has arrived. Let us depart from here and never return.”

Lucius burst into tears, his voice choked with sobs as he pleaded, “Master, let me bid you farewell onelast time!”

Morvel Bazin waved his hand dismissively, “I have practiced within these grounds for hundreds ofyears. This cave is not just my abode, it is also my final resting place.”

He glanced at the two cranes and continued calmly, “Having them with me is enough.”

With a flick of his right hand and a wave of his sleeve, Morgana and Lucius’s vision turned dark. In thenext moment, they found themselves instantly transported back to the cave where they had meditatedand practiced before.

Lucius shouted, “Master!”

He dashed out of the cave, only to find that Morvel Bazin’s dwelling had vanished without a trace, as ifit had never existed.

Stunned, Lucius Clark failed to comprehend what had transpired.

In the valley, mournful crane cries echoed, growing more distant as they traveled westward.

Aware that his Master had departed, Lucius fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. Chokedwith emotion, he uttered, “Master… I am grateful for your teachings!”

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