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Chapter 5430

When Morine returned to Thompson First, he found Jacob engaged in a heated argument with Elaine.

As he entered the house with the cylinder containing Morvel Bazin’s portrait, he overheard Jacobcomplaining, “You claim you do nothing all day, not even cooking breakfast. If you don’t want to cook,fine, just order some extra portions. You’re full after ordering, and you don’t even leave me anyleftovers. I have to rush to the association, and you can’t let me go hungry!”

Elaine responded confidently, “Didn’t you hear me? Cook for yourself. You have enough food andclothing. Why don’t you wake up early and cook for me? It’s wishful thinking to expect me to cook foryou! Besides, ordering doesn’t cost much. If you give me a monthly allowance of 180,000, I’ll arrangethree meals a day for you. Clear enough?”

Angrily, Jacob retorted, “You’re obsessed with money!”

After venting his frustration, he made his way to leave the living room but was surprised to see Morineentering. He quickly asked, “Good son-in-law, why are you back so early?”

Morine smiled and replied, “The business with the client is almost done, so I hurried back.”

Taking the opportunity, Morine asked, “By the way, Dad, how is the calligraphy and painting exhibitionof your Painting and Calligraphy Association coming along?”

Sighing, Jacob responded somewhat dejectedly, “The calligraphy and painting exhibition is still inpreparation. The Cultural Department has been very supportive and provided significant assistance.The association members have also found some excellent paintings. We have finalized over 300exhibits.”

Morine smiled and commented, “That sounds great. Why the frown then?”

Downcast, Jacob explained, “I’m worried because while everyone can find exceptional works, I can’tseem to find any. They’ve been in this business for a long time, and they have connections withcollectors. If they just speak a good word, they can borrow paintings for the exhibition. I feel helplessand don’t know where to borrow from! I went to Zachary, but he’s no longer involved in calligraphy andpainting. Now he deals in wood, selling them for millions. He’s even more money-minded than yourmother. Apart from him, I don’t know anyone else…”

Frustrated, Jacob complained with a displeased expression, “And those association members are themost irritating. Not only can I not find any works, but every time they find one, they expect me tocomment on it. Many of them are works from the Aurous Hill School of Painting in the late Ming andearly Quintong Dynasties, but the Aurous Hill School of Painting is not well-known, and I don’t evenknow who their representatives are. It’s become a source of mockery.”

Elaine joined the conversation at this moment, mocking Jacob, “Jacob, it’s clear that you have noknowledge! You know nothing about antique calligraphy and painting, yet you dare to hold such aposition in the Painting and Calligraphy Association. Isn’t that hypocritical? In the past, everyone playedalong to hide the fact that you are an amateur. Now that you’re supposed to offer comments, it’s nosurprise they want to expose you!”

Elaine struck a nerve, earning her a disdainful look from Jacob. He retorted angrily, “Elaine! I’m talkingto my good son-in-law. What’s your business here? Are you satisfied after eating?”

Smirking, Elaine replied, “Yes, I’m quite satisfied. Just finished my meal, why? Do you have a problemwith that?”

Impatiently waving his hand, Jacob dismissed her, saying, “Whether you’re satisfied or not, I don’t care.I don’t want to talk to you.”

Disdainfully, Elaine sarcastically remarked, “It doesn’t matter if you’re lazy or not. But you, theexecutive vice president, might not hold that position for long. Why would anyone seek your opinion?It’s because everyone knows you’re an amateur, and they want to expose you as soon as possible!”

Jacob’s expression turned even uglier, and he quickly grabbed Morine’s arm, whispering, “Good son-in-law, let’s talk outside!”novelbin

With a smile, Morine nodded and followed Jacob to the yard.

Wearing a sad expression, Jacob confided in Jordan, “Good son-in-law, my current situation is quitedisadvantageous. There are many rumors circulating in the association, and many people claim that Ilack real talent and only hold the executive vice president position because of Chairman Price’ssupport. They say I’m a nepotistic appointment, and now Chairman Price is also in a difficult position…”

Lowering his voice, Jacob continued, “Chairman Price invited me for a meal yesterday and dropped afew cryptic remarks. It seems that many people have been seeking his advice lately, and everyonewants to impeach me. If I can’t come up with something substantial, it will be hard to win their trust…”

Nodding, Morine replied with a smile, “Dad, that’s an easy fix. My client has a vast collection ofpaintings, and it so happens that your Painting and Calligraphy Association is organizing an exhibition.I asked him if he could lend some paintings.”

Excitedly, Jacob asked, “Good son-in-law, what did your client say? Will he lend them to us?”

Morine said, “My client has a special status, and many of his collections aren’t easily shown. However,he was quite interested. When he learned that you were organizing an exhibition, he specifically tookout one painting and said he would donate it to the calligraphy and painting exhibition.”

With that, Morine handed the painting tube to Jacob.

Surprised, Jacob exclaimed, “Donate a painting to the exhibition?! What painting is it?”

Casually, Morine replied, “I’m not sure. This painting is quite mysterious. It has no signature or seal.There’s only a line of text mentioning the word Bazin.’ Open it and take a look.”

Excitedly, Jacob took the tube and eagerly unrolled the painting inside.

Without even going inside, he unfurled the scroll right then and there, holding it in his hands andexclaiming in astonishment, “Oh my! This painting is truly exceptional!”

Morine raised an eyebrow and curiously asked, “Dad, tell me about this painting. What makes it soremarkable?”

Smacking his lips, Jacob replied, “I can’t quite put it into words, but the painting skills are extraordinary.It’s so realistic! It’s a rare form of realism in the realm of Chinese painting. Look at the old man depictedhere; he looks astonishingly real! And the way he stands on that massive rock, it feels like he’s about tostep out of the painting! It’s a remarkable piece of art!”

Morine couldn’t help but laugh. He hadn’t expected the old man’s comments to be so down-to-earth. IfMorvel Bazin himself heard those words, no matter how strong his heart was, he would surely beinfuriated.

At that moment, Jacob focused on the text on the painting and muttered, “Morvel Sharad, from born inthe first year of Linde in the Tang Dynasty…” Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he blurted out, “Oh, noway! The old man in this painting is from the Tang Dynasty? Does that mean this painting was alsocreated during that time?”

Morine smiled and remarked, “Perhaps, but the artist didn’t leave a name or date, so let’s consider it aTang Dynasty painting.”

Elated, Jacob exclaimed, “The painters of the Tang Dynasty have been gone for over a thousandyears, and their paintings are still this magnificent? Amazing!”

Shrugging his shoulders, Morine chuckled and said, “The key is that this painting has no signature.Even if it was painted by a Tang Dynasty artist, it would be impossible to determine the actual creator.Such paintings are challenging to sell in the calligraphy and painting market. Even if the price is raised,it won’t cause much of a stir.”

Jacob grinned and exclaimed, “Well, regardless, this painting is exceptional, and it hails from theillustrious Tang Dynasty. It will certainly help me ace the performance appraisal of the Painting andCalligraphy Association!”

In a rush, he turned to Morine and asked eagerly, “Good son-in-law, can I take this painting, then?”

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