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Chapter 5426

In the early morning, as the sun began to paint the sky with shades of gold, Jasmine emerged from hisroom, clad in his own attire. He beckoned Don Albert, asking him to accompany Zeba to themagnificent Elys-Champ Hot Springs Villa for a comfortable settlement.

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Maria embarked on a captivating adventure with the portrait of Morvel Bazinin tow. They boarded a sleek helicopter and soared through the sky, heading back to Zilian Villa,Maria’s residence.

Simultaneously, in the bustling city of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, a majestic Boeing 777-200LR took flight. Its destination, Australia.

Despite being hailed as the world’s longest-range aircraft, this magnificent machine had yet to breachthe 18,000-kilometer mark. Hence, the captain’s flight plan dictated a refueling stop in Melbournebefore reaching Aurous Hill.

Inside the airplane, only four passengers occupied the spacious cabin. Among them were Aemon andthe three venerable elders who had recently cleared customs. These elders had retreated from theworld over a century ago, when the Chinese people had just shed their braided hairstyles. They hadmerely heard rumors of the remarkable flying contraptions created by foreigners, yet they had neverexperienced them firsthand.

Now, however, they found themselves seated within the opulent confines of a private plane that rivaleda royal palace, ascending to an altitude of 10,000 meters with utmost ease. This exhilarating sensationleft the three elders in a state of awe that lingered long after takeoff.

Observing the elder’s nervous demeanor from the moment the engines roared to life, Aemon feltcompelled to reassure them. “Worry not, esteemed elders. Rest assured, air travel is currently thesafest mode of transportation in the world, employing the most advanced and mature technologies.”novelbin

Balin, the elder at the forefront, discreetly wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead before speakingwith trepidation. “Aemon, this metallic behemoth soars to unimaginable heights, surpassing even theclouds. It’s not that I, Balin, fear such heights, but rather the prospect of plummeting from such greatheights terrifies me. Even with centuries of cultivation, our lives would surely be forfeit!”

Talix trembled in agreement, echoing his fellow elder’s sentiments. “Aemon, my friend, perhaps youcan implore the pilot to lower our altitude a tad. Thirty or fifty feet should suffice, providing us with agreater sense of security…”

Aemon helplessly explained, “Grandfathers, I implore you to cast away your worries. Part of the reasonair travel is safe lies in its ability to reach great altitudes. The cruising altitude of over 11,000 meters inheight. Why is this significant? Such a height difference allows the aircraft ample time to makeadjustments. In other words, even if the engines were to fail, the plane could glide for tens or hundredsof kilometers using its speed and altitude. If we were to fly at a mere thirty or fifty feet, any malfunctionwould result in a catastrophic crash before adjustments could be made.”

Then, Aemon continued, “Besides, even if an airplane were to fall from a height of ten feet, theconsequences would likely be fatal. You see, this plane carries over 100 tons of fuel alone, weighingapproximately 300,000 catties. Should it plummet from a mere ten feet, no one could survive such acatastrophe…”

Balin’s horror was palpable as he exclaimed, “Damn it… We’re flying inside a colossal reservoir of oil!”

Aemon calmly clarified, “The potency of aviation fuel far surpasses that of kerosene. Its power is trulyawe-inspiring.”

Wiping away his sweat, Varis murmured, “This is too terrifying… Should an explosion occur, our eightlives would not suffice to consume the burning kerosene, weighing hundreds of thousands of catties…”

Aemon smiled reassuringly. “Fear not, Master Varis. The plane is far safer than your imaginationallows. I suggest the three of you close your eyes and engage in meditation. Who knows, you mayeven arrive in Aurous Hill with enlightenment.”

“Over three thousand feet? I could never achieve such a state of transcendence…” Varis admitted, hisfellow elders nodding in agreement.

Flying on an airplane for the first time proved to be a novel experience for them, though theirpredominant emotions were tinged with fear.


Simultaneously, upon landing the helicopter atop the villa’s upper courtyard, Maria turned to Albert, hervoice filled with respect. “Young Master, please accompany the servant’s household inside. They willprepare the necessary materials for you to inscribe the Master’s portrait.”

Curiosity danced in Jasmine’s eyes as he asked, “Should I really be the one to do it?”

“Indeed,” Maria replied with a smile. “Morgana is acquainted with my family’s handwriting. If sherecognizes it, she may suspect that we’re attempting to deceive her.”

Puzzlement flickered across Jasmine’s face. “How could she recognize your handwriting? It’s been acentury since you last saw each other.”

Maria pursed her lips, her voice gentle as she explained, “After the Young Master saved me during ourlast encounter, before my family evacuated Northern Europe, I left her a written message. Thisprecaution ensures your safety when mentioning it.”

Understanding dawned upon Jasmine and he nodded. “Very well, I shall mention it then.”

Entering the study on the ground floor, Maria guided Jasmine to the expansive desk where she begangrinding ink. Jasmine selected a brush, its bristles supple and inviting and proceeded to inscribe MorvelBazin’s life story in the upper right corner of the portrait.

Upon completing the inscription, Jasmine chuckled and confessed, “My handwriting may be a tadunsightly. I apologize for the mockery.”

Turning her head to examine his penmanship, Maria smiled warmly. “Young Master, your writing ismore than satisfactory. One can discern your skill and finesse. Did you study calligraphy during yourchildhood?”

Jasmine nodded modestly. “Indeed. I pursued the art of calligraphy for a few years in my youth.”

Maria, who had been observing the exchange, interjected with a thumbs-up. “Only a few years of studyduring childhood and you’ve achieved such proficiency! You are truly gifted!”

Bashfully, Jasmine waved off the praise. “Miss Clark, please don’t tease me. I am well aware of myown abilities.”

Maria’s smile remained radiant as she inquired, “By the way, how do you intend to unveil this painting?”

Jasmine’s grin widened. “Later, I shall take this painting to my father-in-law.”

Curiosity piqued, Maria posed another question. “Will your father-in-law publicize this painting?”

Jasmine nodded confidently. “Rest assured, he possesses the necessary connections. He willundoubtedly find a way to create a commotion. Moreover, I plan to share it on TikTok, exposingMorgana to a spectacle of unparalleled magnitude. I have faith that she will witness its splendor soonenough.”

Maria voiced her concern. “Young Master, won’t displaying such a sensitive portrait through your father-in-law attract unwanted trouble? Morgana could easily trace it back to you through him.”

Jasmine’s smile remained unwavering. “Once this painting is released, Morgana will grow exceedinglycautious of Aurous Hill. In her mind, she will be thoroughly exposed, while I, the enigmatic figure,remain concealed. Hence, she would never dare send anyone to Aurous Hill again.”

He continued, emphasizing his point. “Furthermore, preconceived notions guide us all. The shrewderand more cunning an individual, the more entrenched these notions become. If this painting reachesthe public eye through my father-in-law’s hands, the millions of residents in Aurous Hill will be the firstto exclude Morgana from suspicion. They will instead focus on my father-in-law.”

Jasmine leaned in and added, “Moreover, I shall concoct a tale for my father-in-law, tailored to hispersonality. His storytelling prowess knows no bounds. When he recounts the story I’ve crafted,Morgana will be left petrified.”

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