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Chapter 5423

In the depths of an uninhabited South American island, a breathtaking sight unfolded, the land, once atropical paradise, was now enveloped in a pristine blanket of ice and snow. Morgana Mirren, aformidable leader, guided Aemon through the vast underground structure hidden beneath the island’ssurface.

Together, they ventured deeper into the labyrinthine building, until they reached the heart of it all.There, nestled among the rocks, lay a chamber sealed off from the outside world, with a singleventilation pipe acting as the sole connection to the Three Elders of the Warriors Den who soughtrefuge within.

It was fascinating to realize that, unbeknownst to them, these three elders had journeyed acrosscontinents, tracing the footsteps of the Warriors Den Society.

From the ancient lands of China, through the sprawling expanses of Australia, they had finally arrivedin South America. Throughout this odyssey, they had severed all ties with the outside world, theirbodies cocooned in a shroud of aura, reducing their metabolism to a near standstill.

Time slipped away from them, their isolation rendering them oblivious to the passage of years. Thepurity of their beings grew, fueled by relentless attacks on the Soul Palace as they aimed to unlock itssecrets.

As Morgana entered the chamber, she beheld three emaciated figures resembling skeletal mummies.Yet, she sensed an immense and untapped power concealed within their withered frames.

They stood on the cusp of a breakthrough, mere steps away from entering the realm of the SoulPalace. One among them had made astonishing progress, with no more than a decade of cultivationremaining before reaching this coveted realm.

Regret laced Morgana’s voice as she spoke, “If only you could endure another ten or twenty years, mydear Elders. At that point, not only would you have shattered the barriers of the Soul Palace, but theentire world would bear witness to the Warriors Den’s dominance. Alas, I must awaken youprematurely, that you may aid me in eradicating a formidable hidden enemy lurking in the shadows.”

With a gathering of reiki at her fingertips, Morgana directed her intentions towards the three Elders,silently manipulating the energy that surged forth.

Swiftly, the currents of reiki inundated their frail and waxen bodies, breathing life into them like theRejuvenation of a withered tree in the vernal embrace of spring.

After the passing of an incense stick’s worth of time, the eldest of the trio, appearing to be in his fifties,stirred awake. He glanced at himself before fixing his gaze upon Morgana, disappointment fleetingacross his features. However, that fleeting pang of dissatisfaction dissipated in an instant, replaced byan unhesitating rise to his feet.

Bowing reverently, he exclaimed, “Your servant, Balin, pays homage to you Lady Morgana!”

The remaining two Elders also opened their eyes, disappointment flitting through their gazes as well.After a moment’s pause, witnessing Balin’s obeisance, they too knelt.

“Your servant, Talix, pays homage to you!”novelbin

“Your servant, Varis, pays homage to you!”

Observing the flicker of disappointment in their awakening eyes, Morgana couldn’t help but remark,“You have all endured a great tribulation during your seclusion of a hundred years.”

“A hundred years?” The three Elders exchanged incredulous glances, stunned by the realization thatthey had withdrawn from the world for such a vast span of time.

Moreover, they had not anticipated that their century-long retreat would still leave them short ofbreaching the formidable barriers guarding the Soul Palace.

Most unexpectedly of all, their imminent breakthrough was disrupted by the master of the Warrior’s Denuntimely awakening.

Though disheartened, the Elders dared not reveal their internal struggles in Morgana’s presence. Afterall, they were descendants of the Mirren family, descendants whom Morgana herself had inducted intothe path of martial arts.

While it was unfortunate that their retreat had not culminated in the shattering of the Soul Palace, theirwait for another decade or two was but a fleeting span in the grand tapestry of time.

Thus, Balin respectfully spoke, “My Lady, you have awakened the three of us from our retreat. Wepresume that you have entrusted us with a momentous task. It is an honor for us to bear your burdens.We pledge our lives to your service!”

The other two Elders echoed in unison, “We pledge our lives to you, Lady Morgana!”

Morgana found solace in their unwavering loyalty, deeming it a satisfactory response. She hadimparted the teachings of the Soul Palace to them, albeit with certain omissions. Even though theirseclusion had spanned a century, their final breakthrough would have been impossible withoutMorgana’s recent interventions.

Without her guidance, they would remain forever halted, despite standing on the precipice of the SoulPalace. Yet, at this moment, the Elders remained blissfully unaware of their dependence on Morgana.

Thus, in Morgana’s eyes, it was crucial that their allegiance to her orders eclipsed their devotion tocultivation. She couldn’t afford to unleash three unbridled forces once they transcended the barriers ofthe Soul Palace.

Addressing the Elders, Morgana spoke, “We are about to face formidable adversaries within theWarriors Den. Since your retreat, Three of the Four Marshals I trained have perished and we have yetto ascertain the identities of our enemies.”

“Three!” The Elders exchanged grave glances, comprehending the imminent challenges that awaitedthem within the Warriors Den. While they had expected obstacles in dismantling the Warriors Den, theextent of the forthcoming trials surpassed their earlier estimates.

Without hesitation, Balin declared, “My Lord, the three of us willingly shoulder your burdens.”

Morgana nodded approvingly and stated, “Time is of the essence. Follow Aemon’s lead and makepreparations. Within an hour, a plane will transport you to Aurous Hill.”

She turned her attention to Aemon, gesturing towards the Elders and introduced, “Allow me to presentAemon, the eldest son of Alaric.”

The Elders, taken aback by the revelation, were consumed by astonishment. Alaric Mirren stood astheir eldest nephew and the premier descendant of the Mirren family’s generation.

Through the ages, Morgana herself had personally nurtured the offspring of the Mirren lineage. It wasinconceivable to them that the nephew’s son had already reached the twilight of his life.

Aemon, recognizing their surprise, paid his respects with utmost reverence. “Aemon, grandson of theMirren family, humbly greets the three elders.”

Aware of their seclusion for a century, disconnected from the world’s current state, the Eldersrecognized the importance of forging a bond with Aemon. Inevitably, they would require his assistancein the future, a realization that tempered their manners and encouraged a more amiable and respectfulapproach.

After exchanging pleasantries, Morgana interjected, “We are all one family. We can reminisce later. Fornow, the three of you must make your preparations under Aemon’s guidance. The journey will consumeat least twenty hours, during which Aemon will enlighten you regarding the world’s current state.”

Morgana turned to Aemon and inquired, “Aemon, can the Elders travel directly to Aurous Hill viaplane?”

Aemon replied promptly, “My Lord, I have meticulously altered the Elder’s identity records every twentyyears. I possess the latest version of their passports. Rest assured, they shall encounter no hindrancewhen entering the country.”

“Very well!” Morgana’s countenance darkened as she issued a chilling command. “Hasten yourdeparture! Once you reach Aurous Hill, eliminate not only the Evans family but also any suspectedadversaries! Leave no future threats alive!”

In unison, the four responded, “We obey your commands, My Lord!”

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