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Chapter 5421

“What? The Empty City Strategy?”

Maria and Zeba exchanged puzzled glances upon hearing Viola’s words. They were well aware of thehistorical allusion he was referring to. In the famous novel ‘The Kairice of the Three Kingdoms’, Zhugeused the Empty City Strategy when he faced a siege from Sima’s massive army. Zhuge calmly playedthe zither on top of the city walls, tricking Sima into thinking it was a trap and instilling fear in his heart.

But why was Viola bringing up this strategy when discussing Morgana? Did he plan on climbing a towerand playing an instrument like Zhuge to intimidate her? Maria was the first to voice her concern, “Mr.Wade, the reason the Empty City Strategy worked for Zhuge was because he made Sima fear theunknown. However, if you reveal your identity, regardless of whether Aurous Hill has spies or not,Morgana will surely send her three trusted elders to test your true intentions. She will only fear you ifyou remain a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows. Once you step into the light, she will have nochoice but to confront you head-on… ”

Maria couldn’t help but interject, trying to dissuade Viola from taking unnecessary risks. “Indeed, MyLord, Zeba’s words make sense. At this point, the chances of scaring Morgana away with your trueidentity are almost zero. I advise you not to take any reckless actions…”

Instead of heeding their advice, Viola chuckled at their concern and responded with an enigmaticexpression. “You two, don’t underestimate my intelligence. I’m not foolish enough to willingly exposemyself to Morgana.”

His confident smile only deepened their confusion.

Sensing their curiosity, Maria surmised that Viola must have a well-crafted plan in mind. She couldn’thelp but ask, “Do you have a clever trick up your sleeve, Young Master? Why don’t you enlighten us,so that Zeba and I may learn from your wisdom?”

Viola smiled and replied, “Both of you have far more life experience than me. I wouldn’t dare claim toteach you anything. At best, we can learn and progress together.”

With those words, Viola rose from his seat and declared, “Wait a moment, I have something to showyou.”

The two women suppressed their doubts and watched as Viola retrieved a scroll from a safe. Maria hadalready surmised its contents and couldn’t help but ask, “Could it be the Master’s portrait in yourhands?”

Viola nodded and brought the painting before them, carefully placing it on the coffee table. As theyunfurled the scroll, a lifelike and extraordinary painting came to life on the paper.

Maria gazed at the depiction of an old man with an ethereal aura and exclaimed with reverence, “Sothis is the true visage of Morvel Bazin… Just as my father described, his spirit is extraordinary and heexudes an otherworldly presence!”

Zeba asked in surprise, “Could this be the Master that Morgana often speaks of Morvel Bazin?”

Maria gasped, “Morgana mentioned the Master to Marshal Zeba?”

Zeba blushed and responded calmly, “Miss Clark, please refrain from calling me Marshal. It was a titleMorgana bestowed upon me. Frankly, I never liked it. Besides, I’ve severed my ties with my past andthat title no longer holds any meaning for me… In fact, I wish to have no further association with thosethree individuals.”

Maria smiled and nodded, saying, “Very well, from now on, I shall address you as Miss Salazar.”

Grateful for the change, Zeba bowed her head in appreciation towards Maria and continued, “In thepresence of the four of us, Morgana often spoke of Lord Bazin and her past as his disciple. She shared

these stories to paint a picture for us, to make us understand that the path of cultivation can lead tolongevity, even a thousand years. Her intention was to reinforce our commitment to follow her.”

Maria nodded and sighed, “Without the Millenium Return Pill, Morgana has at most another hundredyears to live. She must be feeling anxious now.”

Zeba agreed with a smile, adding, “Indeed, Miss Clark, you speak the truth. In the past two years,Morgana has shown increasing signs of restlessness. Throughout the decades, she never worriedabout aging, as her appearance remained unchanged. But these past two years, she has becomemore conscious of skincare. Sometimes, I catch the scent of skincare products as she passes by.She’s afraid of aging.”

Maria sneered, “What is destined to happen will happen. What good does it do to fear it?”

Having voiced her thoughts, Maria returned her attention to the painting before her. Suddenly, arealization dawned on her and her eyes widened in excitement. She couldn’t help but ask Mozart,“Young Master… are you suggesting that Master Bazin should employ the Empty City Strategy?”

Mozart, impressed by Maria’s perceptiveness, couldn’t contain his excitement and affirmed, “MissClark, you’ve hit the mark! I intend to have Old Lord Morvel employ the Empty City Strategy on mybehalf!”

Zeba felt her brain struggling to keep up with their conversation and asked anxiously, “Mr. Wade, whatare you and Miss Clark implying? Didn’t Lord Morvel pass away centuries ago? Why would you askhim to use the strategy?”

Gazing at Morvel Bazin’s painting, Viola turned to Zeba and inquired, “Miss Salazar, in your opinion,why would Morgana send her three elders to Aurous Hill?”

After pondering for a moment, Zeba replied, “Gideon self-destructed and his survival is uncertain, TheEvans Family remains unharmed. Morgana is uncertain of the enemy’s identity, unaware of how manyfoes she faces, unsure of their strength and uncertain whether they are alive or dead. These are thereasons she wants to investigate. Moreover, she definitely intends to continue her assault on the EvansFamily.”

Viola nodded, acknowledging Zeba’s astute observation. “Miss Salazar is absolutely right. Those areMorgana’s most pressing concerns at the moment.”

Pointing to the painting of Lord Morvel, Viola posed his next question to Zeba, “Tell me, how manypeople in this world would recognize this person as Lord Morvel?”

Zeba’s eyes widened and she exclaimed, “Apart from us, I fear only… only Morgana!”

Zeba was unaware of the secrets surrounding Mrs. Treadway’s lineage, but she knew that MorvelBazin had passed away many years ago. Only Morgana had firsthand knowledge of him and was stillalive to this day.

Viola didn’t delve further into the matter but followed Zeba’s train of thought. He nodded in agreementand said, “Indeed, besides us, only Morgana recognizes him. If this painting suddenly surfaces inAurous Hill, what do you think would go through her mind?”

Zeba responded with a hint of horror, “She… she would undoubtedly be shocked to her core! In hereyes, she is the only person in this world who has met Lord Morvel and is still alive. If a portrait of LordMorvel suddenly appears in Aurous Hill, she would rush there without hesitation!”

Maria chuckled and reassured Zeba, “Miss Salazar, you worry too much. Even if this painting were tosurface in Aurous Hill, Morgana would never dare to come.”

Puzzled, Zeba asked, “Why not? This is a portrait of her Master. After hundreds of years, his facereemerges in the world. Wouldn’t she be eager to find out who brought forth this painting?”novelbin

Maria smiled and replied, “Of course, she would be curious. But I’m afraid the more she desires tounravel this mystery, the less inclined she would be to venture into Aurous Hill!”

Maria glanced at Viola and expressed her admiration, “Sir, you possess incredible wisdom. This EmptyCity Strategy is truly a brilliant plan. Once this painting emerges in Aurous Hill, it would surely shakeMorgana to her core!”

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