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Chapter 5398

The Soul Palace, as described in martial arts practice, is the sacred abode of the Nine Heavens!

Some speculate that the Soul Palace corresponds to the pineal gland in human anatomy. It is said tosecrete various hormones and possesses metaphysical effects on the body. However, with age, itsfunctions gradually decline, becoming nothing more than a vestigial organ.

For those who cultivate martial arts, reopening the Soul Palace signifies unlocking an entirely newrealm—a realm brimming with untapped potential!

Opening the Soul Palace involves utilizing reiki to access the center of the brain. It is also known as theupper dantian. While it is relatively easier to open the lower dantian and cultivate the eight meridians,only masters of exceptional strength can successfully open the Soul Palace.

To martial artists, the Soul Palace represents the pinnacle of the Mastery, the birthplace of spiritualconsciousness.

By unlocking the Soul Palace and following the correct path of cultivation, one not only gains access topotent and mysterious powers but also gains the ability to separate their consciousness from theirphysical form, granting them unprecedented freedom.

Most of these claims, however, exist only in Taoist texts. Among the seven billion people in the world,finding someone who has genuinely opened their Soul Palace through their own efforts would be anear-impossible task.

Even Omas himself had no knowledge of how to open the Soul Palace.

According to the “Apocalyptic Book,” mastering one’s aura is merely an elementary step for martialartists. Only with the opening of the Soul Palace can one be considered a true master.

Yet, within the pages of the “Apocalyptic Book,” there is no guidance on how to unlock the Soul Palace.

Gideon and the others, including Zeba, had attempted to open their Soul Palace but failed.

However, thirty years ago, the British Lord utilized his extraordinary powers to forcibly unlock the SoulPalace for the four marshals.novelbin

While this act did not assist their cultivation, it bestowed upon them an immensely intricate formationwithin their Soul Palace. The Lord spent several years and vast amounts of reiki on each individual,granting them this powerful formation.

Additionally, the Lord imparted a specific mental technique. In times of life-threatening danger, theycould silently activate the formation within their Soul Palace through mental recitation.

According to the British Lord, if the four marshals found themselves on the brink of death, opening theSoul Palace and activating the formation within would enable their souls to transcend mortality.

By leaving behind a remnant soul in the world, their consciousness could persist. Their enemies wouldremain oblivious to this remnant, and even if discovered, they would be powerless to harm it.

Moreover, they need not fear their remnant soul wandering as a lonely spirit, as the British Lord vowedto locate their remnants swiftly and transport them away.

The Lord would find suitable bodies for them, allowing their remnant souls to take possession. In thisway, they could be reborn, their souls inhabiting new vessels.

Essentially, the formation within their Soul Palace represented the Lord’s final gift—a chance for rebirth,a phoenix’s resurrection!

Creating this monumental formation required years of effort and copious reiki from the Lord, and thefour marshals were immensely grateful. With the formation within their Soul Palace, they possessedtwo lives.

However, over the course of thirty years, none of the four marshals had truly activated the formationwithin their Soul Palace.

The absence of life-threatening crises in their lives during this time was the primary reason.

Although Jarvis faced a life-or-death situation in Cyprus, the circumstances were unique.

The three close-range cannons that claimed his life were too swift, too powerful, and the brutality of theattack left him with only seconds from sensing danger to his demise. There was simply not enough timeto activate the formation within the Soul Palace that the Lord had bestowed upon them.

Presently, Gideon found himself in a fortuitous position!

His recollection matched Zeba’s relief, for she believed that Gideon would not meet his demise today.

Simultaneously, Gideon’s heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly, he remembered the Lord’s words from the past—the instructions for opening the formationwithin the Soul Palace. Although this formation could not help them defeat their enemies or preservetheir lives, it provided a safeguard for their souls.

The Lord also promised that as long as their remnant souls lingered in the world, their consciousnesswould endure. Their enemies would remain oblivious to the presence of their remnant souls, helpless inthe face of this revelation.

Moreover, they need not fret about their remnant souls becoming lost or wandering aimlessly. The Lordassured them that he would swiftly locate their remnants and guide them away.

When the time came, the Lord would find suitable vessels for their rebirth. Their remnant souls woulddisplace the original occupants, ushering in a fresh beginning.

In essence, the formation within their Soul Palace served as the Lord’s final lifeline, a chance to riseanew like a phoenix!

This colossal formation had taken the Lord several years and an abundance of reiki. The four marshalsheld immense gratitude in their hearts, for with the formation within their Soul Palace, they possessedtwo lives.

Nonetheless, thirty years had passed, and none of the marshals had truly activated the formation withintheir Soul Palace.

This was primarily due to the absence of life-threatening crises during these three decades.

While Jarvis faced such a dire situation in Cyprus, the circumstances were exceptional.

The three cannons that ended his life were too swift and powerful, leaving him with mere seconds fromsensing danger to meeting his demise. There was insufficient time to activate the formation within theSoul Palace bestowed upon them by the Lord.

However, Gideon found himself in the opportune moment!

With a sorrowful smile, he gazed at Omas and, while silently operating his mind to unlock the SoulPalace, spoke with a wicked grin, “Omas Wade! Even if you annihilate my body, what does it matter? Ina few short years, I shall return to life, and by then, you may already be ripped to shreds by the Lord!But if luck is on your side and you manage to survive the Lord’s clutches, I shall find a new vessel andpersonally kill you!”

Zeba, hidden in the shadows, breathed a sigh of relief. She felt in her heart, “It seems that Gideon willbe spared…”

At that moment, Omas furrowed his brows and questioned, “Why? Do you plan to seek me out forrevenge after your rebirth?”

Gideon chuckled, gritting his teeth as he responded, “Omas Wade, it appears you have yet to grasp thesecrets of longevity. Had you known, you wouldn’t be ignorant of the concept of seizing a new bodyupon rebirth! Hahaha! After today, the Lord will undoubtedly bestow upon me a new divine body. Oncemy cultivation is restored, I shall exact revenge upon you with my own hands, Gideon Alastair!”

Omas sensed a drastic change in the man before him.

One second he feared death, begging for mercy, and the next second he exuded an air of indifference,even anticipation of death. It was as if he no longer feared his impending demise, but rather welcomedit!

And Omas’s intuition did not betray him.

Gideon had indeed come to embrace death!

His physical form now lay in ruins, courtesy of Omas’s relentless assault. Even if he were to survive, hewould be condemned to a life of bedridden suffering.

However, with the opening of his Soul Palace, his remnant soul would be liberated. Soon, he would bereborn within a young and vigorous vessel, restoring his cultivation level within a few decades!

Thus, at this moment, he had truly embraced death!

Meanwhile, the mental technique within his consciousness completed its circuit. The Soul Palaceinstantaneously opened, and the dormant formation, silent for thirty years, roared to life like a miniatureuniverse!

Gideon laughed repeatedly, disregarding the blood spewing from his mouth. His gaze locked ontoJordan, and he laughed with a blend of excitement and ferocity, “The Soul Palace is open! The SoulPalace is open, Omas! Do you remember? Hold on tight, for I, Gideon Alastair, shall exact a thousand-fold, ten thousand-fold revenge upon you in the future!”

Omas remained unaware of the impending danger, but his instincts told him that he needed to actswiftly.

Without hesitation, he shouted, “Thunder!”

In an instant, a thunderbolt as thick as an arm descended from the sky, directly striking the crown ofGideon’s head!

Omas had previously held back with the Thunderbolt Strike, but this time, he had resolved to kill.

Given Gideon’s current condition, this thunderbolt would undoubtedly end his life!

Yet, to Omas’s bewilderment, the astonishingly powerful thunderbolt made no impact on Gideonwhatsoever!

Omas’s frown deepened as he suddenly realized that an unimaginable energy was surging withinGideon’s body!

This power surpassed his comprehension!

In the darkness, Zeba remained oblivious to these abnormalities. She had merely heard Gideon’swords and was relieved that he had opened his Soul Palace.

Though she and Gideon had never been close, she couldn’t shake the feeling of their fates beingintertwined since Jarvis’s demise. Now that Gideon had unlocked the Soul Palace, she could finally

hope for her own escape.

At this moment, Gideon’s expression transformed into a rapid frenzy.

In just a second or two since the opening of his Soul Palace, an unimaginably scorching blaze ignitedwithin his brain!

That fireball grew and intensified like a supernova, expanding at an alarming speed.

The pressure within his Soul Palace grew exponentially.

It felt as if a mountain had been thrust into his brain!

Agonizing pain tormented him, akin to the tortures of the eighteen levels of purgatory!

Jordan, too, sensed the imminent danger. The violent energy pulsating within Gideon’s body wasbeyond his comprehension.

In a matter of seconds, his heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation!

He couldn’t help but exclaim inwardly, “Oh no! What kind of hidden formation lies within his body? Is itcapable of turning him into a living nuclear bomb?!”

With this realization, Omas’s survival instincts kicked in, urging him to flee from the impending danger.

Yet, at that very moment, Gideon writhed in agony, overwhelmed by the surging power within his head.He convulsed and thrashed upon the ground, his screams echoing madly, “My… my head… it’s goingto explode! Lord… you… you’re truly wicked at heart!”

Simultaneously, Zeba detected the anomaly and let out a shocked scream. Springing to her feet, sheattempted to retreat.

As Omas took a step to escape, he caught sight of a woman, hidden mere ten feet away, whom he hadremained oblivious to all this time.

Self-reflection overcame him, questioning how he could have been so careless.

But at that moment, an earth-shattering explosion erupted behind him!


Gideon’s body became akin to an exploding atomic bomb, unleashing a tempestuous shockwave thatrapidly propagated in all directions!

In an instant, Omas experienced an excruciating pain engulfing his entire being, as if his bones wereshattering and his organs pulverized.

The impact of the explosion was akin to being struck by a hundred-ton boulder hurtling from theheavens!

Omas knew his fate was sealed.

In his last moments of consciousness, he lamented, “Parents, I have failed you as a filial son. I hopeyou both, resting in the heavens, will not hold it against me…” And in the next moment, he plunged intoan abyss of eternal darkness, his consciousness obliterated.

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