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Chapter 5396

If fate granted Gideon a slim chance of escape, he would exploit the signal disruption as a pretext tosearch for the signal on his own. Even if the British Lord reprimanded him, the worst that could happenwas a punishment for leaving his post without permission, which was relatively harmless!

Yet, as the lightning struck him like a thunderbolt, Gideon couldn’t help but be jolted by shock and fear.He had done everything in his power to conceal himself, but in the end, the lightning found him.

This clearly showed the astonishing precision of Molie’s control over lightning!

In addition, it was clear to Gideon that his sole long-distance spell involved using the wooden sword’sblade, while Molie possessed a spell that not only conjured an unseen blade resembling that of thewooden sword but also produced a blade that descended straight from the skies.

His lightning rendered Gideon’s wooden sword useless, and his own lightning had nowhere to hide. Ifthis continued, he would undoubtedly be consumed by Jamie. The only option was to engage him inclose combat!

With this realization, Gideon clenched his teeth and bellowed in a cold voice, “Boy! Today, either youperish or I do!”

Having spoken his piece, he infused his legs with reiki and swiftly employed the transformative shadowtechnique taught to him by the British Lord. With a peculiar burst of speed, he propelled himself towardMolie like a spatial leap!

The greatest advantage of this technique lay in its unpredictable trajectory, making it difficult for theopponent to discern a pattern. Not only did it make it challenging for the adversary to harm him, but italso afforded an opportunity to close the distance between them.

Despite being at a disadvantage in terms of magical weaponry, Gideon firmly believed that with aphysical body honed over centuries and decades of refined reiki, once he closed in on Alder, that bratwould be utterly incapable of opposing him!

However, just as he launched his attack on Molie with blistering speed, the young boy suddenly yelled,“Thunder strikes again!”

Then, with a thunderous boom, Gideon, who had just leaped a foot away, was struck by yet anotherblast of thunder!

The enormous power changed Gideon’s messy white hair into a puff of dust, while his ragged Taoistgarments vanished, leaving him wearing only a ripped pair of red boxers.

Molie gazed upon him, a sneer of contempt curling his lips. “You’re such a lecherous old man, over acentury old and still sporting those bloody red underpants. How shameless can you be?”

Though lightning had brought Gideon to the brink of death, he mustered the strength to hystericallyretort, “You… you bastard! P-Poor… poor… This is my humble birth year!”

“Birth year?” Molie’s brows furrowed in momentary confusion, then he smiled and remarked, “You’re soancient, and you still believe in that?”

Gideon gritted his teeth and replied, “Whether I believe it or not is none of your concern!”

As he spoke, Gideon’s mind raced.

He hadn’t anticipated that even with the transformative shadow technique, he would still be unable toelude Molie’s thunder! The experience of being struck by lightning was excruciatingly painful.

The injuries and pain took a backseat to the main issue at hand, the overwhelming electric chargecoursing through the storm, causing his muscles to spasm involuntarily and his coordination to briefly


At that moment, Gideon comprehended that he was no match for Jamie.

At least not tonight!

Not only did he lag far behind Molie in terms of magical weaponry, but more critically, his experimentwith the Thunder Strike Wood two days prior had depleted a third of his aura in one fell swoop. Magicaltechniques devoured reiki at an accelerated rate, and after enduring two lightning strikes, his chancesof victory were non-existent!

With this realization, he made up his mind to escape as swiftly as possible!

In his estimation, Molie had already exposed his identity, as well as his magical weaponry and strength.Yet, with his disadvantage in magical weaponry and inability to engage in close combat, victory tonightwas out of reach. After reporting to the British Lord, all that was left was to await the British Lord’spersonal arrival and witness the end of Molie’s life!

So, following a series of violent convulsions, Gideon suddenly sprang upright with a swift somersault,landing on his feet. He immediately unleashed two sword strikes toward Molie and took off in retreat!

His plan was to seize the opportunity of Molie’s distraction and flee.

Little did he know that although Molie hadn’t drawn near, he was attentively observing every move.Witnessing Gideon’s sword strikes, quick turn, and subsequent flight, Molie wasted no time in pursuinghim!

The sword edges loomed perilously close, but Molie had no intention of employing the soul-piercingblade to counter them. He let out a resounding shout and channeled reiki around his body.

The reiki encased him, spiraling rapidly and conjuring a fierce gust of wind!

Molie swept through the surroundings, stirring up a maelstrom of sand, rocks, branches, and leaves.Just as the two sword edges were poised to cleave into him, he clenched his fists and thrust themtoward the air on both sides!

In an instant, two deafening explosions resounded as the sword edges disintegrated into dust beneaththe force of Molie’s fists!

Meanwhile, Gideon, who was left with nothing but a pair of red underpants, had managed to put somedistance between himself and Jamie. Initially, he had fled frantically, his focus solely on escape.However, upon hearing those two explosions, an unexpected glimmer of hope flickered within him!

These explosions were clearly distinct from the clash between the sword edges and the soul-piercingblade moments ago. They resembled the sound produced when the sword edges struck a target’sbody!

“Could it be… Could it be that Molie didn’t dodge my surprise attack?”

Overwhelmed with joy, Gideon entertained this notion. Subconsciously, he glanced back to ascertainwhether Molie had been wounded by the two swords. If that were the case, Gideon might have anopportunity to seize the momentum and pursue Molie to claim his victory!

Yet, the moment he turned his head, he made a startling discovery—Molie’s sharp, merciless face wasa mere two strides away!

Molie had caught up!

At that instant, terror seized Gideon’s heart, sending him into a panic. He instinctively turned to escapewith every ounce of strength he could muster. But from behind, he heard Molie shout once more,“Thunder is coming!”

In the next second, Gideon felt another bolt of lightning viciously strike the crown of his head!

His legs gave way, causing his body to lose balance in an instant. After staggering a few steps, hetoppled helplessly to the ground.

The thunder obliterated his red underpants, reducing them to powder. His hair disintegrated into ash,and his skin bore charred, extensive burn marks!

Gideon dashed backwards about ten feet and somersaulted several times, until he came to a stop. Heended up less than ten feet from Zeba, hidden in the shadows.

Upon witnessing Gideon’s disheveled state, Zeba instinctively shut her eyes, unable to bear the sightany longer.

Gideon, now seated on the grass with his naked rear, suddenly felt a surge of bitterness in his throat.He spat out a mouthful of blood with a resounding wretch.

Though his injuries were not immediately fatal, his body teetered on the brink of collapse, akin to aweightlifter drained of all strength. In his current state, he would be unable to muster any significantpower for some time.

How could Gideon retain his former vigor now?

His limbs convulsed incessantly due to the electric current coursing through his body. Exposed anddebilitated, he resembled a despicable old pervert.

Moreover, his trembling hands released their grip on the wooden sword, which tumbled to the ground.

Observing Gideon’s pitiful appearance, Molie couldn’t help but contemplate, “Maria Clark claimed I wasin grave danger, yet this old dog is no match for me, could she have made a mistake?”novelbin

With that thought, he dismissed divination from his mind. Instead, he approached Gideon, gazing downupon him, and uttered coldly, “When you murdered my parents twenty years ago, did you everanticipate this day?”

Gideon stared at him, his expression vacant.

Molie stood before him, his unyielding countenance unchanged. He couldn’t discern any flicker ofemotion, only an overwhelming sense of dread and despair seeping into his heart.

For the first time in his century-long cultivation, Gideon faced the specter of death.

At that moment, an intuition gripped him tightly—he realized his century of practice might very well endat Molie’s hands.

Had the sins he committed twenty years ago, slaying Molie’s father, finally caught up to him,culminating in his own demise?!

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