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Chapter 5362

As Renard’s enthusiasm to express his sincerity reached Gideon’s ears, a satisfied smile played uponhis lips. Everything was unfolding precisely as he had calculated and the pieces were falling into placejust as he had envisioned.

Deep down, Gideon knew he had never been a virtuous person. Aside from his fervent devotion to theLord, he couldn’t even uphold the basic moral principles of honesty and integrity in his dealings withothers. When he first arrived in the bustling city of Eastcliff, he had contemplated leveraging theconnections and resources of Evercloud Temple to aid him in his search for Maria.

Yet, upon careful consideration, he realized that revealing his true identity solely to exploit the temple’sinfluence would not be a wise move. Setting aside whether Evercloud Temple could truly assist him inuncovering Maria’s whereabouts, the presence of a Taoist priest who had dedicated decades of his lifeto practicing the ancient teachings was an unnecessary complication he wished to avoid.

Thus, he had refrained from venturing into Evercloud Temple, despite the growing urgency of hiscurrent situation. On one hand, the Lord had ordered the entire Warriors Den to lay low for a while andGideon sensed that his time to find Maria was slipping away. Furthermore, while the Four Marshalsheld esteemed positions within the Den, Gideon himself was not entirely free to act as he pleased. Hisextended freedom during this period was solely due to the Lord’s unyielding desire to capture Maria,but now the circumstances had abruptly changed with the mysterious death of one of the Marshals. Itwas entirely possible that one day the Lord would issue a command, forcing Gideon to return.

Complicating matters further, the Lord was still keen on discovering the whereabouts of Bruce’s son.Gideon could no longer afford to delay this matter and would soon embark on a journey to Aurous Hill.Therefore, his only option for locating Maria swiftly was to immerse himself within the confines of thetemple. Of course, such a course of action would inevitably expose the fact that he had lived for over acentury and a half. However, if he could find Maria and emerge triumphant, he would consider it avictory and vow to never set foot in China again.

Unaware of Gideon’s intricate plans, Renard was only aware of his old acquaintance’s long life and hiswillingness to impart the secret of longevity upon him. All Renard needed to do was accept anomination certificate and there was no reason for him to refuse such an opportunity.

Without hesitation, Gideon seized the moment and swiftly turned to Renard, “Renard, you must workdiligently in the coming days, mobilizing all the contacts at your disposal. Help me investigate the leadsI need. I will be heading south. If you come across any clues or receive any messages, do not hesitateto contact me!”

Renard knelt respectfully on the ground and replied, “Master, rest assured, I will exert all my efforts.”

With a nod of approval, Gideon handed him Maria’s photograph and instructed him, “Find this person inthe photo. Remember, the photo must never be leaked or spread online. Only you should possess it.Let your people use it to identify her in person. Do you understand?”

Gideon understood the potential ramifications if Maria’s photo were to circulate on the internet. Despitehis advanced age, he had a remarkable grasp of the digital world and was well aware that oncesomething was uploaded to the internet, it was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to stop its spread.Thus, he entrusted the photo solely to Renard, with the strict condition that it be never posted online.

Renard accepted the responsibility without hesitation. “Master, fear not, I will ensure its secrecy.”

Curious to gather any general leads about the girl, Renard inquired, “Master, do you have any hints asto her possible whereabouts?”

Gideon shook his head and replied, “I am uncertain of her location. However, I speculate she might bein China. It would be best if you gather a group of disciples and conduct a thorough search throughoutthe entire country.”

Renard nodded, determination gleaming in his eyes. “Consider it done. I will make the necessaryarrangements.”

“Very well,” Gideon acknowledged with a slight nod. “I entrust this task to you. Should you acquire anyleads, remember to notify me promptly.”

“Roger that, Master!” Renard eagerly agreed before asking, “By the way, Master, the people waitingoutside are all my disciples. If I am granted the opportunity to seek longevity in the future, may I bringthem along? They have all devoted their loyalty to Evercloud Temple for many years. If each one ofthem has a chance to pursue longevity, the foundation of Evercloud Temple will be eternal!”

A smile curved upon Gideon’s lips as he nodded approvingly. “They are all disciples of our esteemedEvercloud Temple. Now that I have achieved enlightenment, it is only natural to elevate the entiretemple to new heights.”

He then shifted his focus and cautioned, “However, this matter must remain confidential for the timebeing. The world must not learn of such audacious attempts to defy fate, as it would undoubtedly causean uproar and bring unnecessary troubles to Evercloud Temple. After I depart, you must gather themand relay my words precisely, ensuring they keep this knowledge under strict lock and key.”

“Master, fear not,” Renard reassured “I will impress upon them the importance of absolute secrecy.”

Gideon expressed his satisfaction. “Very good. I eagerly await your positive updates.”

Renard hastened to ask, “Master, I am curious about your current place of residence. If you don’t mind,may I arrange accommodations for you?”

Gideon shook his head, dismissing the idea. “It is unnecessary, my friend.”

Glancing at the time, he added, “Very well, I won’t take up any more of your time today. I havenumerous tasks to attend to, so please make the arrangements swiftly. I shall leave my contact detailswith you and we can communicate whenever necessary.”

“Of course!” Renard responded respectfully. “I shall not detain you any further, Master.”novelbin

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