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Chapter 5357

As Zachary reminisced, his thoughts swirled within “Back when I got swindled on Antique Street, noneof you looked down on me. Who was the one constantly shouting and gossiping about Zachary? Butnow, with Don Albert, you suddenly call me Brother.”

Amused by these memories, Zachary smirked and addressed the crowd, “To be honest, I’m no longerassociated with Don Albert.”

“What?” They had just cheerfully called him brother.

One man quickly inquired, “Zachary, you were doing well with Don Albert. Why the sudden change ofheart?”

“That’s right,” chimed another man. “I’m talking about Zachary. Isn’t it better for you to enjoy spicy foodand drinks with Don Albert instead of dealing with these things in Antique Street?”

A woman selling counterfeit copper coins grinned and asked, “Zachary, did you mess up and get kickedout by Don Albert?”

Zachary waved his hand nonchalantly. “Don’t mention those things. I’m planning to come back and setup my stall again.” Then, he gazed at the man who had greeted him earlier and said, “Ladden Harrow,when I left, I let you use my old stall for free. Look, I’ve returned now and you’re still occupying my spot.Give it back to me.”

Ladden Harrow hastily waved his hand and replied, “Hey, don’t say that, Zachary. When you left, youmade a promise not to return to Antique Street. So, that stall was relinquished forever. I took it over.You’re a person of great influence. You can’t go back on your word.”

Zachary smiled and said, “Ladden, you think I’m a coward, don’t you? Well, let me tell you, I got myfreedom from Don Albert. Leaving wasn’t his decision, it was mine, Zachary’s.”

“Blow it out your mouth and be gone,” Ladden retorted with a sneer. “We’ve known each other for somany years, don’t I know you? Do you think I don’t know how thrilled you were when you left the stall tofollow Don Albert? Now you claim to have left him voluntarily. Why should I believe you?”novelbin

Zachary grinned. “I’ll tell you the truth, Mr. Harrow. I used to have a close friend who specialized increating exquisite antiques. Now, he has become a renowned businessman in Hong Kong. He wantsme to collaborate with him in creating antiques, targeting those wealthy Hong Kong bosses worthbillions. Perhaps we could earn millions from a single order. Isn’t that better?”

The listeners widened their eyes in disbelief.

Ladden exchanged glances with the others, stepped forward and offered an apologetic smile. “BrotherZachary, I dare say you’ve discovered a new avenue for making money. We can’t underestimate theopportunity to work with Don Albert!”

“Hey!” Zachary raised his hand solemnly, pointing his palm at the crowd. “It’s not that I, Zachary,underestimate Don Albert. The ancients said that good birds choose good trees. I can only say thatDon Albert’s towering tree doesn’t suit my growth. After all, I’ve been in the antique business for somany years, and it’s the craft I excel at the most.”

Another man stepped forward, gently tugging at Zachary’s arm. “Brother Zachary, since you’ve foundsuch a lucrative path, can’t you take me along? Look at your brother here, I’ve been hanging aroundAntique Street for years, but I haven’t landed a big catch. I can barely make ends meet throughout theyear. If you have a good income source, can you lend a hand, please?”

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, extracted one and courteously extended it toZachary “Come on, Brother Zachary, have a smoke!”

Zachary accepted the cigarette, placed it between his lips and smiled. “Tommy, if you genuinely want tomake money with me, it won’t be easy. Consider it carefully. But I don’t know if you’re reliable or if you’ll

be committed…”

Tommy hastily retrieved his lighter and while lighting Zachary’s cigarette, spoke respectfully, “Zachary,Brother, as long as you’re willing to take me with you, I’ll work hard without complaints!”

Ladden on the side quickly added, “Brother Zachary, take me along too! I might not have anyoutstanding qualities, but I’m obedient! As long as I’m by your side, I’ll follow your lead and fightwherever you point!”

Others also expressed their sincerity towards Zachary at that moment. Their conviction was evident,Zachary had undoubtedly discovered a lucrative income source, directly linked to antiques. Not onlywas Zachary skilled in this field, but everyone was also familiar with it. They all desired a taste ofZachary’s success.

At this juncture, Zachary spoke indifferently, “Everyone, I’ve just returned, and my new business hasn’tsettled completely. I don’t need so many people initially. So, for now, let Ladden and Tommy join me.Don’t worry if others don’t get their turn. Once things stabilize, everyone will have a share!”

Disappointment flickered in the other’s eyes, but Ladden Harrow and Tommy Swarley were brimmingwith excitement.

Excitedly, the two friends pulled Zachary away to a secluded area where they could speak privately.Ladden spoke obsequiously, “Brother Zachary, you can use your booth anytime you want. If it’s notenough, you can even use mine.”

Zachary took a drag from his cigarette and inquired, “Tell me the truth, how much money do you twomake in a month now?”

Ladden raised his hand and said, “Brother Zachary, let me go first. You know my situation. I’m not assmooth-tongued as you, and I’m not as skilled in the art of deception. In a good month, I can only earn10,000 to 20,000. Sometimes, I barely make enough to cover the booth fee…”

Tommy chimed in as well, echoing Brother Zachary’s sentiments. “Indeed, Brother Zachary, mysituation isn’t much better. We’re already at the end of August, and this month I’ve barely managed tomake a net profit of $3,000. The competition on Antique Street is fierce, and those scammers areselling everything. I used to sell counterfeit five-emperor coins, and I could easily get ten or twentydollars for each. But now, those new fools are selling them for just a dollar. Can you believe it? Thecost price for a single string is 80 cents, and yet they sell it for a dollar. I’m at my wit’s end with thisrelentless onslaught of challenges I’m facing!”

Zachary smiled and turned to the two of them “Well, let’s not say that Zachary doesn’t take care of you.In the next couple of days, my connections will bring several influential Hong Kong businessmen here.You two won’t need to set up a stall. One of you will go to the airport and the other will head to the high-speed rail station. Hold up a sign for me to pick them up!”

“Pick them up?” Ladden and Tommy exchanged glances and the latter asked, “Brother Zachary, isn’tpicking people up an unskilled job? How much will we get paid for it?”

Zachary smiled mysteriously and replied, “Let me tell you, the people you’ll be picking up are wealthyclients who spend a fortune. Sometimes, they’re unable to show up in person, so they sendrepresentatives. When they see you upon arrival, they’ll come forward willingly. Don’t underestimatethis job, it has its perks. I’ll pay each of you 3,000per day!”

“3,000 per person a day?” The two were momentarily speechless but couldn’t contain their excitement.Three thousand a day, this income far surpassed what they earned from their stalls.

Zachary continued, “However, I can’t guarantee when the big clients will arrive, so you’ll have to be atthe airport and high-speed rail station every day, keeping watch. You’ll have to go early in the morningand only return home after the flights and trains have ceased for the day. During this time, you mustn’tmiss a single arrival. If any of you successfully receives a client, I’ll reward an extra 10,000. But if anyof you miss a client, I won’t forgive you. Understand?”

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