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Chapter 5324

At exactly 9:00 p.m.

in New York, the Boeing 748 modified private jet took off from Kennedy Airport and headed towardsAurous Hills, a distance of 10,000 kilometers.

The Evans family, aboard the luxurious jet, eagerly anticipated the adventures that awaited them.

After twelve long hours of flight, the private plane finally landed at Aurous Hills International Airport, justas the clock struck nine in the morning.

The staff who had arrived ahead of time made arrangements for a convoy to transport the family,including the old couple, Desmond, Jack Lee, and others, to their destination at Willow Estates.

As they arrived at Willow Estates, the peace and serenity of the surroundings were overwhelming.

The estate was quiet and comfortable, offering a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.

The butler of the Evans family, with impeccable manners and a warm smile, escorted the four travelersto the central villa.

Exhausted after more than ten hours of flying, the group was grateful for their rooms and retreated torest.

Each single villa at Willow Estates was massive, spanning three floors above ground and one below,with a usable area of at least 800 to 900 square meters.

The rooms were designed to offer utmost privacy, each boasting an independent bathroom suite.

The old couple were given the grandest room on the third floor, complete with all the luxuries one couldimagine.

Desmond was assigned the room next door, while Jack Lee temporarily resided across the hall fromDesmond.

Back in his room, Jack Lee was far from ready to rest.

Instead, he sent a message to Charlie, informing him of their safe arrival at Willow Estates.


At that moment, Charlie lay beside Claire, who had already drifted off to sleep.

He eagerly waited for Jack Lee’s report, consumed with emotion at the mere thought of hisgrandparents’ arrival.

However, it wasn’t just their presence that stirred Charlie’s emotions.

The arrival of his grandparents brought back a flood of memories from his past, specifically the day hisparents were killed.

As soon as his grandparents’ plane took off, Charlie’s mind became flooded with memories of thatfateful day…

It was mid-to-late June, and the summer vacation was about to begin.

The weather in Aurous Hills was unbearably hot, with dark clouds looming in the sky for hours on end.

As the day dragged on, a young Charlie’s spirits were dampened even further when the sound ofthunder roared in the distance.

It wasn’t until later that afternoon, when the sky opened up and heavy rain poured down.

The rain poured down with such intensity that it only took ten minutes for the entire school playgroundto be submerged in water.

Charlie vividly remembered that day, the thunder, the rain, and the terrified children shivering in hisclassroom.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and a drenched butler named Stephen rushed in, ignoring the teacher’sprotests.

Without hesitation, he picked up Charlie from his seat and ran out of the room.

Outside, Charlie was amazed to see more than a dozen men in black clothing, each holding a boy wholooked eerily similar to him in age, build, and attire.

The rain drenched them all, making them look like a troop of soaked rats.

After Butler Stephen issued a command, the men quickly gathered together, each holding one of theboys.

They scattered in all directions, and Butler Stephen held Charlie close as they ran through the rain.

Eventually, Charlie was taken to an orphanage where he would grow up.

Before leaving, Butler Stephen revealed to Charlie the terrible news that his parents had been killed.

He warned Charlie to keep his true identity a secret for the rest of his life.

In the aftermath of his parents’ death, Charlie was too young and ignorant to fully comprehend themagnitude of his loss.

To make matters worse, Butler Stephen disappeared from the orphanage shortly thereafter, leavingCharlie alone to navigate the challenges of growing up as an orphan for the next ten years.

During those first few years, Charlie was nearly isolated from the outside world.

He received primary education in the orphanage but was never allowed to leave its walls.

There were no field trips, no holidays, no visits, and no performances to break up the monotony of dailylife.

Instead, the children were expected to help with the household chores and maintain the vegetablefields on the premises.

Despite the hardships, Charlie was grateful for the opportunity to receive an education and haveenough to eat.

He had always assumed that the orphanage was simply short on funds, but it wasn’t until hereconnected with Stefanie and spoke to Butler Stephen that he learned the truth, his isolation was partof a plan to protect him from harm.

As difficult as those years of isolation were, they ultimately served their purpose by allowing Charlie toevade those who might have been searching for him.

Despite years of searching, no one had been able to locate Charlie’s whereabouts.

His relatives, parents’ friends, and even those who sought to harm him had all given up on finding him.

Little did they know that Charlie had been hiding in plain sight in Aurous Hills all along.

Now, twenty years later, his grandparents and uncle had returned to the city.

Through the descriptions of Jack Lee and Stefanie, Charlie learned that his grandparents had neverstopped searching for him all these years.

He felt a deep desire to reunite with them and put their worries to rest, but he knew that the WarriorsDen still posed a threat.

He couldn’t risk revealing his true identity and putting his loved ones in danger.

It wouldn’t be easy to keep his true identity hidden, but Charlie remained determined to do so.

As his grandparents settled into their new home, Charlie knew that he would have to remain vigilant toavoid being discovered.

He hoped that his family wouldn’t stumble upon any clues that might reveal his true identity.


While Charlie spent the night wide awake, his grandparents, uncle, and Jack Lee slept soundly in theirbeds at Willow Estates.

For years, Samuel Evans had suffered from chronic sleep disorders, leaving him with no more than fivehours of rest each day.

Despite his best efforts, he would often toss and turn until the wee hours of the morning, only to wakeup a few hours later and repeat the cycle.

But something miraculous happened the night he arrived in Aurous Hills!

After taking a relaxing shower, Samuel slept soundly through the night without waking up once.

For the first time in over a decade, he experienced the blissful feeling of deep sleep.

His wife, lying beside him, also noticed a marked improvement in her sleep quality.

It seemed that their arrival in Aurous Hills had somehow cured their sleep disorders.

Samuel’s improved sleep not only gave him the physical rest he needed but also helped ease thesymptoms of his Alzheimer’s disease, which had taken a toll on his mental state in recent years.

For the first time in a long time, Samuel and his wife were able to wake up feeling refreshed andrejuvenated.

Although Lady Evans didn’t suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, her age made it difficult for her to get agood night’s sleep.

However, like her husband, she slept soundly through the night, waking up feeling an overwhelmingsense of relaxation.

Curious about how her husband fared, she asked, “Samuel, how did you sleep last night?”

To her surprise, Samuel seemed almost incredulous as he replied, “It feels like it’s been years sinceI’ve slept this well…”

He paused for a moment before continuing, “Maybe it’s because of the travel exhaustion and being tootired, but I think it’s also the environment here.

The scenery on the way to Willow Estates was breathtaking.

With mountains and a lake, the Feng Shui must be excellent.

Such an environment must have a relaxing effect on people.”

The Lady nodded in agreement, also feeling the soothing effect of the serene surroundings.novelbin

Suddenly, her expression changed to one of horror as she turned to Samuel Evans and blurted out,“Samuel, do you remember what happened yesterday?!”

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