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Chapter 5187

The police officer heard what Elaine mentioned and nodded in agreement and questioned her, “Andwho might you be? Do you happen to know Hannah?”

Elaine beamed with enthusiasm, “Yes, of course! I’m the one who exposed her online!”

The police officer’s eyes widened in surprise, “Wait a minute, you’re that champion Elaine, the Anti-Scammer?”

He raised his thumb in admiration and continued, “Wow, Elaine, thanks to you, we caught Hannahbefore she could scam any more people.

You’ve done our city of Aurous Hill a great service and we’re grateful to you on behalf of all itsresidents.”

Elaine felt a surge of pride at the police officer’s words, “Oh, you’re making me blush.

I just did what anyone in my position should have done!”

The officer wasted no time but started issuing orders to his team, “Alright, let’s get Hannah into the carand then head over to the villa next door.

We need to bring in those people from the video to aid in the investigation.”

Without hesitation, several officers sprang into action, helping Hannah up and ushering her into thepolice car.

Hannah’s fear was palpable, she was shaking uncontrollably as she spoke, “Officer… What will happento me now? Please don’t send me to jail…”

The policeman’s expression turned icy as he replied, “Whether you end up in jail depends on whetheror not you’ve broken the law.

If you have, we won’t hesitate to take legal action and refer your case to the prosecution.”novelbin

Hannah couldn’t contain her fear any longer, tears streamed down her face.

Though she had never experienced prison firsthand, the horror stories she’d heard were enough tosend chills down her spine.

Hannah being bundled into the police car, Elaine felt an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.

She raised her voice, addressing Hannah, “Remember, you have a chance to make things right.

Don’t let your followers down, they’re counting on you to do better.

You can make a positive impact.”

Hannah’s annoyance boiled over and she leaned out of the car and hurled curses at Elaine, “You’llregret this, Elaine! Just you wait, I’ll kill you for this!”

The police officer was quick to issue a stern warning, “Hannah, watch your mouth! Threateningsomeone’s safety, even just with words, is a serious offense that can land you in hot water forprovocation and harassment!”

Hannah’s bravado crumbled and she glared bitterly at Elaine before lowering her head in defeat.

A few moments later, several police officers arrived at the neighboring villa, ready to continue theirinvestigation.

Lady Wilson was sound asleep at this hour, but Christopher and Harold were still awake, straining tomake sense of the commotion outside.

Trapped in bed by their paralysis, they could only talk amongst themselves.

Christopher nudged Harold, voicing his suspicions, “Harold, do you hear that noise outside? It soundslike your mother might be involved.”

Harold shuffled uncomfortably, responding with a hint of guilt in his voice, “Dad, grandma didn’t leavethe window open for us, so I can barely make out what’s happening out there.

But I did hear laughter just now and I could swear it sounded like that devious Elaine.”

Christopher was taken aback by Harold’s mention of Elaine and asked, “Elaine? You mean to say yourmother and she are quarreling?”

Harold shook his head, dismissing the possibility, “Impossible.

Mom left hours ago, she’s probably already at the hotel.

There’s no way she’d still be fighting with Elaine at this hour.”

Christopher agreed, but couldn’t help but express his resentment towards his wife, “Besides, yourmother’s been gone a long time.

She’s probably lounging around, enjoying herself.”

The thought of his wife’s behavior made Christopher’s blood boil, “It’s infuriating to think about howshe’s so brazen.

She makes a little money and suddenly she’s strutting around the house like she owns the place,treating us like dogs.”

Harold felt just as powerless as his father and he let out a deep sigh, “Dad… you know how things areright now.

Mom’s making good money off her live streaming gig.

We should be grateful for that.

As for her temper, well, we’ve hurt her a lot in the past.

You, grandma and I, none of us have treated her like we should have.”

Christopher bristled at his son’s words, “Don’t you dare try to shift the blame! You know exactly whatyour mother did.

Not only did she cheat on me and get pregnant, but she also gave me an entire slew of diseases.

No man could tolerate that kind of betrayal!”

Christopher’s resentment boiled over as he spoke, “And to top it all off, the whole affair played out inthe hospital, with everyone talking about it.

It was a total embarrassment for me!”

Christopher seethed with anger, “And that, Elaine hung dozens of green hats on her balcony,intentionally mocking me.

How could I show my face after that? I’m utterly humiliated!”

Harold let out a long, heavy sigh before beginning to speak, “Dad, if we’re going to talk about this, weneed to be fair.

It’s not entirely Mom’s fault that things turned out the way they did.”

Harold’s tone was calm as he spoke, “If you and Mom hadn’t teamed up to deceive Elaine, Charlienever would have been able to send Mom to work in the coal mines.

The two of you should have been the ones who sent her there.”

Harold’s words carried a hint of reproach as he continued, “Instead, you hid behind Mom and let herface Charlie on her own.

Didn’t Mom suffer enough for you? She’s done so much for you, but you still treat her with disdain.

Can you really blame her for being upset?”

Harold’s mood shifted to one of melancholy as he spoke his final words, “I wish I had realized thissooner.

I never want to be like you, treating Mom with such coldness.”

Christopher’s anger flared up as he scolded Harold, “Harold, I know what’s going on.

You see how much money your mother’s making and you want a piece of the pie!”

Harold protested, his tone defensive, “That’s not true, Dad!”

Christopher scoffed dismissively, “Don’t try to deny it.

I know you all too well.

You’re always like this! It doesn’t matter who’s offering you money, even Elaine could call you her son ifshe dangled a big enough check in front of you!”

Harold was incensed by his father’s words, “Dad, that’s insulting! I’m speaking objectively here andMom isn’t entirely to blame for what’s happened.

You need to reflect on your own role in all of this!”

Christopher was livid and he lashed out at his son with a venomous curse, “You ungrateful littlebastard! You’re nothing but a greedy opportunist!”

Harold quickly interjected, trying to reason with his father, “Dad, it’s all a matter of perspective.

If you just try looking at it from a different angle, you might see things the same way I do.”

Christopher sneered, his tone full of contempt, “You’re just like your uncle.

I know exactly what kind of bastard you are!”

Harold was taken aback by his father’s words, feeling a mixture of frustration and anger, “Dad, why areyou so stubborn? You can yell at me all you want, but if you don’t change your ways, you won’t even beable to spend the money Mom’s making.”

Harold delivered his words with a steely determination, “And don’t forget, Mom said today that yourcharacter is supposed to get pancreatic cancer.

That’s a fast-acting cancer that can take someone out in just a month or two.

So if you don’t shape up and start meeting Mom’s expectations soon, you’re going to be in for a worldof hurt!”

As Christopher listened to Harold’s words, he felt a growing sense of unease.

Hannah’s outburst had left him feeling hurt and angry, but now, as he contemplated the prospect oflosing access to her seemingly endless wealth, he began to feel a growing sense of desperation.

If Hannah no longer needed him, what would he do?

How would he survive?

It was a sobering thought and one that he knew he couldn’t ignore.

With a newfound resolve, Christopher made up his mind.

“It looks like I’m going to have to start getting along better with Hannah from now on,” he thought tohimself.

As soon as the words sprung from his mind, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Christopher’s heart skipped a beat as he wondered who could possibly be coming to visit at such a latehour.

A voice from outside the door called out, “Is this the home of Christopher Wilson and Harold Wilson?”

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