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Chapter 5153

With the disappearance of the vision, the subtle aura in the picture scroll had also disappeared.

But when Charlie looked at the picture again he couldn’t help thinking of the picture of Lord Morvel inhis mind and it felt that Lord Morvel in this painting seemed to be more vivid and obvious on the paper.

He couldn’t help guessing in his heart what the tone of Lord Morvel’s life after leaving that mountainvillage would be.

Although his lifespan had been extended, there seemed to be no important person in his life.

His wife and children passed away long ago and his only son and apprentice had also been buried inthe ground.

Only he who was still like a middle-aged man remained.

With his character obsessed with cultivation and longing for longevity, perhaps after he left themountain village, he would still choose to return to his cave somewhere and continue to practicesilently by himself for years and months, through dynasties and generations.

When life was only left to practice day after day, all his joys, sorrows, pains and happy moments couldonly be reserved for himself and he couldn’t find anyone to share them with.

That feeling, in Charlie’s view, was not seeking longevity but seeking loneliness.

He felt that once a person gave up his emotions and fell into that kind of endless loneliness, no matterhow long life was, it would lose its true meaning.

Charlie couldn’t help but think if with the passage of time, everyone around him was getting old, whatshould he do?

Although the Rejuvenation Pill was good, the effect would be worse the older you get.

With the Rejuvenation Pill, it was no problem for ordinary people to live to be more than a hundredyears old.

But a large number of Rejuvenation Pills would be needed to support the ceiling of living to twohundred years of age.

Even if he was willing to provide them with sufficient Rejuvenation Pills, were they really willing tocontinue to use Rejuvenation Pills to extend their lives at that age?

It was not uncommon for a person to live to a hundred years old, but the whole world had never heardof it.

If he continued to provide Rejuvenating Pills to those close to him so that they could live forever andnot growing old, then they must stay away from everyone who knew them but did not know their detailsat a certain critical time, otherwise, they would definitely arouse countless doubts.

This also meant that everyone had to find a hidden place to hide from the secular world at a certaintime.

At that time, they and the people around them would try their best to escape like the werewolves orvampires in novels to not get the normal people’s attention.novelbin

For such a life, Charlie didn’t even need to ask the people around him, he himself was the first one notto accept it.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help feeling a little depressed.

Although he didn’t need to worry about this matter in the next twenty or thirty years, It was a bigproblem that could not be avoided as long as he lived.

He sighed softly, put away the scroll and stayed up all the way.

Since the capital of Thomasuil Province, Sterling, was not far from Aurous Hill, the plane arrived atAirport in just over two hours. At this time, the sky hadn’t even brightened yet.

Charlie and Isaac got off the plane and Isaac’s subordinates were already waiting there.

Isaac respectfully asked Charlie, “Master, there is still an hour before dawn, Would you like to go to thehotel to rest for a while?”

Charlie thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, “Arrange a car for me and I will go toHeaven Springs, get some rest and go home at noon.”

Charlie didn’t want to take Lord Morvel’s portrait home, because it was hard to explain it to his familyand he was afraid that his father-in-law Jacob, the vice-chairman of the Painting and CalligraphyAssociation would find it.

If his father-in-law saw it he would use it to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf with others.

Thirdly, he was also afraid that his mother-in-law would run out of money one day then she wouldsecretly take out the painting and sell it. Therefore, he planned to put the painting in the HeavenSprings Villa before dawn.

Since the upgraded door locks were all face and fingerprint recognition, only he could open it, so hedidn’t have to worry about being known by his family.

When Isaac heard that he was going to the Heaven Springs villa, he hurriedly said, “Then I’ll take youthere!”

Charlie shook his head and said, “Don’t bother, you’ve been tossing around all the way, go back andrest, I’ll go there by myself.

That’s fine.”

Seeing Charlie’s insistence, Isaac nodded immediately, beckoned his subordinates to give Charlie thekeys to one of the Rolls-Royce and said respectfully, “Master, if you need anything, please contact meat any time.”

“Alright.” Charlie took the car keys and said to him, “Then I’ll go first.”

After parting with Isaac, Charlie drove to the Heaven Springs villa alone and when he arrived at thevilla, he took the painting into the safe on the basement floor of the villa. After doing this, he came tothe indoor hot spring pool of the villa.

Since the Heaven Springs villa had its own exclusive hot springs and it was bought out from the localarea for decades, the geothermal hot spring water was affected by geology.

It flowed continuously for 24 hours, so when the residential area was designed, the hot springs in thehome were designed as 24-hour non-stop flowing water, ensuring that the owner’s home had a pool ofclean hot spring water at any time, which was also the biggest selling point of the community.

Charlie also didn’t plan to go home too early, it’s strange to go back early in the morning, so, heunhurriedly took off his clothes and soaked in the hot spring pool.

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