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Chapter 5089

Professor Riley impressed the audience with his fluency in Chinese, English, and Korean during hisspeech on stage.

His ability to effortlessly switch between languages and his charming personality left many Koreanwomen in awe.

During the cultural exchange period, several Korean ladies confessed their feelings to Professor Riley.They were often glamorous young women, which made Jacob feel envious.

Jacob had always struggled with feelings of inferiority in front of Professor Riley, due to a lack ofconfidence.novelbin

He took comfort in the fact that Professor Riley liked Matilda, but Matilda did not like him instead.

Although he might not be as accomplished as Professor Riley in every way, Jacob felt proud that hehad at least won Matilda’s affections.

However, Jacob never expected that, as the cultural exchange was coming to an end, the memberswould hold a dance party.

To his surprise, Professor Riley not only sang an English love song on stage, but also confessed hislove to Matilda in public.

He even invited her to join him on stage for a dance if she accepted his feelings.

Jacob couldn’t help feeling jealous and envious of Professor Riley’s talents and charms, but at thesame time he was inspired by the professor’s actions.

To Jacob’s shock, Matilda stood up in front of the cheering crowd and walked onto the stage.

The two then performed a twist dance that was very popular in the United States in the last century.

Everyone at the event was impressed by the perfect match between Matilda and Professor Riley, butJacob felt completely defeated and his life plummeted. From that day on, Jacob became completelydecadent.

Back in Aurous Hill, he shut himself up at home for over a week, smoking and drinking to numb thepain.

This cycle continued until today.

However, Jacob was blinded by pain and unable to objectively see the gap between himself andProfessor Riley.

He had been constantly aggrieved, hating Professor Riley for taking away the love of his life and hatingMatilda for choosing him.

But now, upon hearing Charlie’s heart-pounding words, Jacob finally came to his senses and realizedthe gap between himself and Professor Riley.

Thinking about his opponent, who completely outshined him, Jacob felt sad and began to cry like achild.

Charlie was about to comfort him, but Claire rushed out of the elevator, looking anxious.

“Husband, something happened!” she said.

“Mom called the police and got into an argument with them!”

“Arguing with the police?” Charlie asked, surprised.

“Why did Mom get into an argument with the police?”

“I don’t know,” Claire said, panicking.

“Mom said she needed to use the bathroom, so I helped her in.

Then she didn’t come out.

I heard her talking on the phone inside, and her tone became more and more agitated.

Finally, she started arguing with someone and said that they weren’t worthy of being a police officer…”

“I’ll go and see what’s going on,” Charlie said, hurrying to the bathroom.

After speaking, Charlie turned to Jacob and said seriously, “Dad, if you feel uncomfortable with what Ijust said, I can tell you again later.”

Jacob muttered, looking very depressed.

“Forget it… Don’t rub salt in my wounds so arrogantly… No… What you’re rubbing in here is not salt,but sulfuric acid!”

Charlie shook his head helplessly.

“Then you can figure it out for yourself.

I’m going to go check on things upstairs.”

After speaking, Charlie and Claire went to the third floor together and took the elevator there.

As they were about to enter Elaine’s bedroom, they heard Elaine yelling loudly in the bathroom.

“Aren’t you the police? Why can’t you handle this? I’ve already given you clear evidence, why don’t youarrest anyone?”

Charlie could hear the person on the other end of the phone saying, “Ma’am, this isn’t enough evidenceto charge someone with fraud.

We can’t file a case to arrest someone just because someone made up a story on the internet.

It’s a moral issue, not a legal one.”

Elaine was furious.

“She cheated people out of their money! If she didn’t cheat people out of their money, how could sheafford to buy a Mercedes-Benz G-Class? My son-in-law told me that the car she was driving cost atleast two million.

That should be considered a huge fraud case, right? You should arrest her and give her a lifesentence!”

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