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Chapter 5022

Charlie continued, “However, from today, the channel between the dead and the ground will remainunobstructed, you do a good job of internal coordination, every day in multiple periods, you can letsome people go to the ground, to feel the real day and night, to feel the real sun, moon and stars.”

Hearing this, Thirty-Nine Zero was thrilled beyond words and said gratefully, “Thank you, sir! Thankyou, Master! I’m satisfied to let the children go out to see the real world and breathe fresh air!”

Charlie laughed, “All of you can go out, just for the time being but you still have to lie down, so theoverall people still have to continue to endure and aggravate for a period of time…”

“But don’t worry, in terms of daily food, clothing, housing and as for transportation, I will have mypeople upgrade the treatment of the dead men as much as possible.

The children if they need to receive a normal education, I can have people coordinate for you to fit theeducation of children of all ages…”

“If you have any needs, you can also mention them to me and I will try to solve them if I can…”

“The children’s education is basically limited to literacy and the sporadic basic knowledge we have, butwe, even if we have the opportunity to go out, we all go on missions and time is short and someone isalways secretly watching, so we don’t have the opportunity to contact with any systematic knowledge,even if we want to get a map of the world to show the children, we are not able to achieve…”

Charlie nodded and said with understanding, “These problems, I will have people solve all of them inthe shortest possible time.”

Charlie asked Thirty-Nine Zero, “By the way, how do you usually solve medical problems?”

Thirty-Nine Zero explained, “We have a medical team of ten people.

The members of this medical team are selected from the young girls to be trained by the Warriors Den,but they mainly learn about maternity, to ensure that the residents pregnant women’s birth and infantcare.”novelbin

Charlie couldn’t help but ask, “If someone has a major illness, how will it generally be handled?”

Thirty-Nine Zero thought about it and spoke, “We don’t seem to have encountered any major illnesses,because our bodies will always be in a relatively healthy state because of the antidote we take everyweek and this antidote will improve our physical quality, allowing us to grow stronger.”

So it suddenly dawned on Charlie.

In the beginning, those dead soldiers of May 47, although they were not real martial artists, but theirphysical quality was no less than martial artists, coupled with modern weapons and well-thought-outtactics, making their real level of actual combat very high even eight-star martial artists were not theiropponents.

It was thought that the reason for their strong physical quality was because of the regular use of thisantidote.

Thirty-Nine Zero then said, “Although the antidote can make our physical quality greatly improved, itseems to have a very significant impact on our per capita life expectancy, long-term use of the antidote,resulting in our average life expectancy, will not exceed sixty years, there are records, the oldest one ofthe dead soldiers, lived to fifty-eight years old, most in the upper and lower fifties basically died withoutillness.”

Charlie nodded, “That kind of medicine is not relying on the power of the medicine to improve yourphysical quality.

It only accelerates the burning of your own vital energy, so that you can explode greater potential, froma sense of a short time, the strength is indeed a great improvement, but in reality, it is overdrawn insubsequent life.”

Charlie asked him, “How old are you this year?”

Thirty-Nine Zero respectfully answered, “I am forty-five years old.”

Saying that he couldn’t help but let out a light sigh and said self-deprecatingly, “I guess I only have tenyears to live, I hope that within these ten years, I can follow you to eradicate the Warriors Den!”

Charlie looked at him and said seriously, “Don’t worry, it won’t take that long to eradicate the WarriorsDen and you won’t live to be only 50 or 60 years old, now that the poison in your body has beensolved, I will make your per capita life expectancy on par with normal people.”

Knowing that Charlie was by no means a liar, Thirty-Nine Zero said with immense gratitude, “Thankyou, Master, for your rejuvenating grace!”

After saying that, he knelt down on one knee to show his devotion.

Charlie saw him kneel on one knee and laughed helplessly.

He had just said that he was not allowed to kneel down and salute, so he changed from kneeling onboth knees to kneeling on one knee.

Charlie shook his head and used one hand to help him up, looked at the time and said, “I think it’salmost dawn, you go and let all the underage children get ready, they can witness the first sunrise intheir lives!”

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