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Chapter 4977

“Acquisition of a company?” Abren was taken aback by Charlie’s words and said, “Mr. Wade, if youwant to acquire a communication company with sufficient foundation, the cost is at least one billion USdollars, the investment will be too high, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve profitability…”novelbin

Charlie shook his head and said, “Profit is not the most important thing.

How to solve our urgent needs now? That’s the most important thing.”

Then, Charlie said again, “Our biggest pain point right now is time urgency, not to mention a year or amonth, even a day or an hour, we must try our best to fight for it, time is far more important thanmoney.”

Charlie paused for a moment, and continued, “If you want to develop faster than ordinary people, youmust change the thinking mode that only solves the immediate needs.

If there is no one, or you cannot recruit people, if you still stay in terms of how to solve the problem ofrecruiting people…”

“It is basically difficult to achieve great things; the prerequisite for doing great things is that the structuremust be large enough.

When those big companies face the same problem, they will not think about how to build a new team,and then to develop a product, the first solution they will think of is to directly buy suitable products onthe market.”

Then, Charlie added, “Elon Musk will not waste precious time to build a Twitter, it is most economicalfor him to directly buy Twitter.

In fact, it is the same for us.

If we need to recruit employees one by one, there are too many variables in it.

Even if you expect to solve the problem in two years, once there is a change in personnel, this time willbecome indefinitely.

First of all, the recruitment cycle will definitely be longer than expected…”

“The original plan is to recruit enough manpower in three months.

It may actually take at least half a year or even longer.

Secondly, the stability of personnel is insufficient.

The team recruited in a few months will take at least a few months to cultivate, But once thenewcomers who have been trained with painstaking efforts suddenly want to leave, the time of thesemonths may be wasted…”

“Even recruiting and training.

Half a year of hard work wasted, and we have no other choice but to start the process all over again.

Also, the stability of employees is not enough.

The premise of stability is that they have enough.

And even if we have the ability to deal with their work, we need to invest in unknown trial and errorcosts…”

“If we choose the wrong person, everything will have to be started all over again.

In this way, even in three years, we may not be able to achieve what we want.

Besides, it is always important to do things in one go.

If you stumble and stumble at the beginning, the loss of energy and confidence will be beyondimagination.

It will be difficult to become bigger and stronger.”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at Abren and said earnestly, “Brother, although you are high-spiritednow, if you really encounter various difficulties in the early personnel stage, after one or two years, youyourself will not have the strength you have now.”

Abren After pondering for a moment nodded lightly and sighed, “You are right, the energy andconfidence are getting less and less, until the end of the consumption and the whole person isslumped…”

“In the past, I resigned from my first job.

I still don’t think it’s a big deal, after all, I have real talents and learning, and it’s definitely not difficult tofind a job but I didn’t expect that I bumped into the wall again and again, and in the end, all my fightingspirit was wiped out…”

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